blob: 6cb34a9ddacbeb868f100868dc274df586e5b12f [file] [log] [blame]
import collections
from fontTools import ttLib
from lxml import etree
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from typing import Tuple
from android_connection.apply_to_android import (
def _is_collection(font_el) -> bool:
return font_file(font_el).lower().endswith(".ttc")
def _open_font(font_el) -> ttLib.TTFont:
path = font_path(font_el)
if not path.is_file():
raise IOError(f"No such file: {path}")
if _is_collection(font_el):
return ttLib.TTFont(str(path), fontNumber=int(font_el.attrib["index"]))
return ttLib.TTFont(str(path))
def _open_font_path(path, fontNumber) -> ttLib.TTFont:
if not path.is_file():
raise IOError(f"No such file: {path}")
if str(path).lower().endswith(".ttc"):
return ttLib.TTFont(str(path), fontNumber=int(fontNumber))
return ttLib.TTFont(str(path))
def _axis(font, tag):
if "fvar" not in font:
return None
axes = tuple(a for a in font["fvar"].axes if a.axisTag == tag)
if not axes:
return None
assert len(axes) < 2, f"only 0 or 1 fvar entries supported; {tag} has more"
return axes[0]
def _weight(font: ttLib.TTFont) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
maybe_wght = _axis(font, "wght")
if maybe_wght:
return (maybe_wght.minValue, maybe_wght.defaultValue, maybe_wght.maxValue)
os2_weight = font["OS/2"].usWeightClass
return (os2_weight, os2_weight, os2_weight)
def test_fonts_have_path():
root = etree.parse(str(noto_4_android_path()))
bad = []
for font in root.iter("font"):
name = font_file(font)
if name in _KNOWN_PATHLESS:
assert "path" not in font.attrib, f"{name} not expected to have path. Correct _KNOWN_PATHLESS if you just added path"
if not font.attrib.get("path", ""):
assert not bad, "Missing path attribute: " + ", ".join(bad)
def test_ttcs_have_index():
root = etree.parse(str(noto_4_android_path()))
bad = []
for font in root.iter("font"):
if not _is_collection(font):
if "index" not in font.attrib:
assert not bad, "Missing index attribute: " + ", ".join(bad)
def test_font_paths_are_valid():
root = etree.parse(str(noto_4_android_path()))
bad = []
for font in root.xpath("//font[@path]"):
path = font_path(font)
if not path.is_file():
assert not bad, "No such file: " + ", ".join(bad)
def test_font_weights():
# TODO: remove expected errors once fixed
expected_errors = {
"NotoNastaliqUrdu-Bold.ttf weight 700 outside font capability 400..400",
"NotoSerifMyanmar-Bold.ttf weight 700 outside font capability 400..400"
root = etree.parse(str(noto_4_android_path()))
errors = []
for font_el in root.xpath("//font[@path]"):
xml_weight = int(font_el.attrib["weight"])
path = font_path(font_el)
font = _open_font(font_el)
min_wght, default_wght, max_weight = _weight(font)
if xml_weight < min_wght or xml_weight > max_weight:
error_str = f"{font_file(font_el)} weight {xml_weight} outside font capability {min_wght}..{max_weight}"
if error_str not in expected_errors:
assert not errors, ", ".join(errors)
def test_font_full_weight_coverage():
root = etree.parse(str(noto_4_android_path()))
errors = []
for family in root.iter("family"):
font_to_xml_weights = collections.defaultdict(set)
for font in family.xpath("//font[@path]"):
path = font_path(font)
ttc_idx = font.attrib.get("index", -1)
font_to_xml_weights[(path, ttc_idx)].add(int(font.attrib["weight"]))
# now you have a map of font path => set of weights in xml
for (path, ttc_idx), xml_weights in font_to_xml_weights.items():
# open the font, compute the 100 weights between it's min/max weight
# if xml_weights != computed weights add this to the error list
font = _open_font_path(path, ttc_idx)
min_wght, default_wght, max_weight = _weight(font)
if min(xml_weights) > min_wght or max(xml_weights) < max_weight:
errors.append(f"{path} weight range {min(xml_weights)}..{max(xml_weights)} could be expanded to {min_wght}..{max_weight}")
assert not errors, ", ".join(errors)
def test_font_psnames():