blob: a6041082f0c26d084e1831ac4507d39d09435ee4 [file] [log] [blame]
from lxml import etree
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
def _repo_root() -> Path:
root = (Path(__file__).parent / "..").absolute()
if not (root / "LICENSE").is_file():
raise IOError(f"{root} does not contain LICENSE")
return root
def _noto_4_android_file() -> Path:
xml_file = _repo_root() / "android-connection" / "noto-fonts-4-android.xml"
if not xml_file.is_file():
raise IOError(f"No file {xml_file}")
return xml_file
def _font_file(font_el) -> str:
return ("".join(font_el.itertext())).strip()
def test_fonts_have_path():
root = etree.parse(str(_noto_4_android_file()))
bad = []
for font in root.iter("font"):
font_file = _font_file(font)
if font_file in _KNOWN_PATHLESS:
assert "path" not in font.attrib, f"{font_file} not expected to have path. Correct _KNOWN_PATHLESS if you just added path"
if not font.attrib.get("path", ""):
assert not bad, "Missing path attribute: " + ", ".join(bad)
def test_font_paths_are_valid():
root = etree.parse(str(_noto_4_android_file()))
bad = []
for font in root.xpath("//font[@path]"):
path = font.attrib["path"]
file = _font_file(font)
if not (_repo_root() / path / file).is_file():
bad.append("/".join((path, file)))
assert not bad, "No such file: " + ", ".join(bad)