blob: 256be8caee49d05cecafae6a100fe09151a0642a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
type uploadOpts struct {
client *storage.Client
params randomizedParams
bucket string
object string
useDefaultChunkSize bool
objectPath string
timeout time.Duration
func uploadBenchmark(ctx context.Context, uopts uploadOpts) (elapsedTime time.Duration, rerr error) {
var span trace.Span
ctx, span = otel.GetTracerProvider().Tracer(tracerName).Start(ctx, "upload")
attribute.KeyValue{Key: "bucket", Value: attribute.StringValue(uopts.bucket)},
attribute.KeyValue{Key: "chunk_size", Value: attribute.Int64Value(uopts.params.chunkSize)},
defer span.End()
// Set timer
start := time.Now()
// Multiple defer statements execute in LIFO order, so this will be the last
// thing executed. We use named return parameters so that we can set it directly
// and defer the statement so that the time includes typical cleanup steps and
// gets set regardless of errors.
defer func() { elapsedTime = time.Since(start) }()
// Set additional timeout
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, uopts.timeout)
defer cancel()
// Open file
f, err := os.Open(uopts.objectPath)
if err != nil {
return elapsedTime, fmt.Errorf("os.Open: %w", err)
defer f.Close()
// Get writer to object
o := uopts.client.Bucket(uopts.bucket).Object(uopts.object)
objectWriter := o.If(storage.Conditions{DoesNotExist: true}).NewWriter(ctx)
if !uopts.useDefaultChunkSize {
objectWriter.ChunkSize = int(uopts.params.chunkSize)
mw, md5Hash, crc32cHash := generateUploadWriter(objectWriter, uopts.params.md5Enabled, uopts.params.crc32cEnabled)
// Upload file
if _, err = io.Copy(mw, f); err != nil {
var e *googleapi.Error
// Consider a 412 (StatusPreconditionFailed) a success, given the precondition
// we used
if ok := errors.As(err, &e); !ok || (ok && e.Code != http.StatusPreconditionFailed) {
return elapsedTime, fmt.Errorf("io.Copy: %w", err)
err = objectWriter.Close()
if err != nil {
// Consider a 412 (StatusPreconditionFailed) a success, given the precondition
// we used
var e *googleapi.Error
if ok := errors.As(err, &e); !ok || (ok && e.Code != http.StatusPreconditionFailed) {
return elapsedTime, fmt.Errorf("io.Copy: %w", err)
// Verify checksum
if uopts.params.crc32cEnabled || uopts.params.md5Enabled {
attrs, aerr := o.Attrs(ctx)
if aerr != nil {
return elapsedTime, fmt.Errorf("get attrs on object %s/%s : %w", o.BucketName(), o.ObjectName(), aerr)
rerr = verifyHash(md5Hash, crc32cHash, attrs.MD5, attrs.CRC32C)
// generateUploadWriter selects the appropriate writer for an upload benchmark.
// If one of hashMD5 or hashCRC is true, it returns a MultiWriter that writes to
// the provided writer, as well as to the respective hash (also returned).
// If neither is true, generateUploadWriter returns the provided writer and nil hashes.
func generateUploadWriter(w io.Writer, hashMD5, hashCRC bool) (mw io.Writer, md5Hash hash.Hash, crc32cHash hash.Hash32) {
if hashMD5 {
md5Hash = md5.New()
mw = io.MultiWriter(w, md5Hash)
if hashCRC {
crc32cHash = crc32.New(crc32.MakeTable(crc32.Castagnoli))
mw = io.MultiWriter(w, crc32cHash)
return w, nil, nil
// verify checks the hashs against the given md5 and crc32c checksums. If a hash
// is nil, the check is skipped.
func verifyHash(md5Hash hash.Hash, crc32cHash hash.Hash32, expectedMD5Hash []byte, expectedCRCChecksum uint32) (err error) {
if md5Hash != nil {
if got := md5Hash.Sum(nil); !bytes.Equal(got, expectedMD5Hash) {
return fmt.Errorf("md5 checksum does not match; \n\tgot: \t\t%d, \n\texpected: \t%d", got, expectedMD5Hash)
if crc32cHash != nil {
if got := crc32cHash.Sum32(); got != expectedCRCChecksum {
return fmt.Errorf("crc checksum does not match; got: %d, expected: %d", got, expectedCRCChecksum)
return nil