blob: d3549b235bb8b2810f2fe4822bff0e39c7871ec1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
func TestInvoke(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// Time-based tests are flaky. We just make sure that invoke eventually
// returns with the right error.
for _, test := range []struct {
desc string
count int // Number of times to return retryable error.
initialErr error // Error to return initially.
finalErr error // Error to return after count returns of retryCode.
retry *retryConfig
isIdempotentValue bool
expectFinalErr bool
desc: "test fn never returns initial error with count=0",
count: 0,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 0}, //non-retryable
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
expectFinalErr: true,
desc: "non-retryable error is returned without retrying",
count: 1,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 0},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "retryable error is retried",
count: 1,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 429},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
expectFinalErr: true,
desc: "retryable gRPC error is retried",
count: 1,
initialErr: status.Error(codes.ResourceExhausted, "rate limit"),
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
expectFinalErr: true,
desc: "returns non-retryable error after retryable error",
count: 1,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 429},
finalErr: errors.New("bar"),
isIdempotentValue: true,
expectFinalErr: true,
desc: "retryable 5xx error is retried",
count: 2,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 518},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
expectFinalErr: true,
desc: "retriable error not retried when non-idempotent",
count: 2,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 599},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: false,
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "non-idempotent retriable error retried when policy is RetryAlways",
count: 2,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 500},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: false,
retry: &retryConfig{policy: RetryAlways},
expectFinalErr: true,
desc: "retriable error not retried when policy is RetryNever",
count: 2,
initialErr: &url.Error{Op: "blah", URL: "blah", Err: errors.New("connection refused")},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
retry: &retryConfig{policy: RetryNever},
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "non-retriable error not retried when policy is RetryAlways",
count: 2,
initialErr: xerrors.Errorf("non-retriable error: %w", &googleapi.Error{Code: 400}),
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
retry: &retryConfig{policy: RetryAlways},
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "non-retriable error retried with custom fn",
count: 2,
initialErr: io.ErrNoProgress,
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
retry: &retryConfig{
shouldRetry: func(err error) bool {
return err == io.ErrNoProgress
expectFinalErr: true,
desc: "retriable error not retried with custom fn",
count: 2,
initialErr: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF,
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
retry: &retryConfig{
shouldRetry: func(err error) bool {
return err == io.ErrNoProgress
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "error not retried when policy is RetryNever despite custom fn",
count: 2,
initialErr: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF,
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
retry: &retryConfig{
shouldRetry: func(err error) bool {
return err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
policy: RetryNever,
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "non-idempotent retriable error retried when policy is RetryAlways till maxAttempts",
count: 4,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 500},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: false,
retry: &retryConfig{policy: RetryAlways, maxAttempts: expectedAttempts(2)},
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "non-idempotent retriable error not retried when policy is RetryNever with maxAttempts set",
count: 4,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 500},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: false,
retry: &retryConfig{policy: RetryNever, maxAttempts: expectedAttempts(2)},
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "non-retriable error retried with custom fn till maxAttempts",
count: 4,
initialErr: io.ErrNoProgress,
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
retry: &retryConfig{
shouldRetry: func(err error) bool {
return err == io.ErrNoProgress
maxAttempts: expectedAttempts(2),
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "non-idempotent retriable error retried when policy is RetryAlways till maxAttempts where count equals to maxAttempts-1",
count: 3,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 500},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: false,
retry: &retryConfig{policy: RetryAlways, maxAttempts: expectedAttempts(4)},
expectFinalErr: true,
desc: "non-idempotent retriable error retried when policy is RetryAlways till maxAttempts where count equals to maxAttempts",
count: 4,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 500},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
retry: &retryConfig{policy: RetryAlways, maxAttempts: expectedAttempts(4)},
expectFinalErr: false,
desc: "non-idempotent retriable error not retried when policy is RetryAlways with maxAttempts equals to zero",
count: 4,
initialErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 500},
finalErr: nil,
isIdempotentValue: true,
retry: &retryConfig{maxAttempts: expectedAttempts(0), policy: RetryAlways},
expectFinalErr: false,
} {
t.Run(test.desc, func(s *testing.T) {
counter := 0
var initialClientHeader, initialIdempotencyHeader string
var gotClientHeader, gotIdempotencyHeader string
call := func(ctx context.Context) error {
if counter == 0 {
headers := callctx.HeadersFromContext(ctx)
initialClientHeader = headers["x-goog-api-client"][0]
initialIdempotencyHeader = headers["x-goog-gcs-idempotency-token"][0]
headers := callctx.HeadersFromContext(ctx)
gotClientHeader = headers["x-goog-api-client"][0]
gotIdempotencyHeader = headers["x-goog-gcs-idempotency-token"][0]
if counter <= test.count {
return test.initialErr
return test.finalErr
got := run(ctx, call, test.retry, test.isIdempotentValue)
if test.expectFinalErr && !errors.Is(got, test.finalErr) {
s.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, test.finalErr)
} else if !test.expectFinalErr && !errors.Is(got, test.initialErr) {
s.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, test.initialErr)
wantAttempts := 1 + test.count
if !test.expectFinalErr {
wantAttempts = 1
if test.retry != nil && test.retry.maxAttempts != nil && *test.retry.maxAttempts != 0 && test.retry.policy != RetryNever {
wantAttempts = *test.retry.maxAttempts
wantClientHeader := strings.ReplaceAll(initialClientHeader, "gccl-attempt-count/1", fmt.Sprintf("gccl-attempt-count/%v", wantAttempts))
if gotClientHeader != wantClientHeader {
t.Errorf("case %q, retry header:\ngot %v\nwant %v", test.desc, gotClientHeader, wantClientHeader)
wantClientHeaderFormat := "gccl-invocation-id/.{36} gccl-attempt-count/[0-9]+ gl-go/.* gccl/"
match, err := regexp.MatchString(wantClientHeaderFormat, gotClientHeader)
if err != nil {
s.Fatalf("compiling regexp: %v", err)
if !match {
s.Errorf("X-Goog-Api-Client header has wrong format\ngot %v\nwant regex matching %v", gotClientHeader, wantClientHeaderFormat)
if gotIdempotencyHeader != initialIdempotencyHeader {
t.Errorf("case %q, idempotency header:\ngot %v\nwant %v", test.desc, gotIdempotencyHeader, initialIdempotencyHeader)
type fakeApiaryRequest struct {
header http.Header
func (f *fakeApiaryRequest) Header() http.Header {
return f.header
func TestShouldRetry(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
desc string
inputErr error
shouldRetry bool
desc: "googleapi.Error{Code: 0}",
inputErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 0},
shouldRetry: false,
desc: "googleapi.Error{Code: 429}",
inputErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 429},
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "errors.New(foo)",
inputErr: errors.New("foo"),
shouldRetry: false,
desc: "googleapi.Error{Code: 518}",
inputErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 518},
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "googleapi.Error{Code: 599}",
inputErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 599},
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "googleapi.Error{Code: 428}",
inputErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 428},
shouldRetry: false,
desc: "googleapi.Error{Code: 518}",
inputErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 518},
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "url.Error{Err: errors.New(\"connection refused\")}",
inputErr: &url.Error{Op: "blah", URL: "blah", Err: errors.New("connection refused")},
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "io.ErrUnexpectedEOF",
inputErr: io.ErrUnexpectedEOF,
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "wrapped retryable error",
inputErr: xerrors.Errorf("Test unwrapping of a temporary error: %w", &googleapi.Error{Code: 500}),
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "wrapped non-retryable error",
inputErr: xerrors.Errorf("Test unwrapping of a non-retriable error: %w", &googleapi.Error{Code: 400}),
shouldRetry: false,
desc: "googleapi.Error{Code: 400}",
inputErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 400},
shouldRetry: false,
desc: "googleapi.Error{Code: 408}",
inputErr: &googleapi.Error{Code: 408},
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "retryable gRPC error",
inputErr: status.Error(codes.Unavailable, "retryable gRPC error"),
shouldRetry: true,
desc: "non-retryable gRPC error",
inputErr: status.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, "non-retryable gRPC error"),
shouldRetry: false,
desc: "wrapped ErrClosed text",
// TODO: check directly against wrapped net.ErrClosed (go 1.16+)
inputErr: &net.OpError{Op: "write", Err: errors.New("use of closed network connection")},
shouldRetry: true,
} {
t.Run(test.desc, func(s *testing.T) {
got := ShouldRetry(test.inputErr)
if got != test.shouldRetry {
s.Errorf("got %v, want %v", got, test.shouldRetry)