blob: a13d2af041a334a39f1226c11b4270a3c1e506d2 [file] [log] [blame]
"clientLibrary": {
"name": "",
"version": "0.3.0",
"language": "GO",
"apis": [
"id": "",
"version": "v1beta1"
"snippets": [
"regionTag": "connectgateway_v1beta1_generated_GatewayService_DeleteResource_sync",
"title": "connectgateway DeleteResource Sample",
"description": "DeleteResource deleteResource performs an HTTP DELETE on the Kubernetes API Server.",
"file": "Client/DeleteResource/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteResource",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteResource",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "GatewayService",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 47,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "connectgateway_v1beta1_generated_GatewayService_GetResource_sync",
"title": "connectgateway GetResource Sample",
"description": "GetResource getResource performs an HTTP GET request on the Kubernetes API Server.",
"file": "Client/GetResource/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetResource",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetResource",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "GatewayService",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 47,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "connectgateway_v1beta1_generated_GatewayService_PatchResource_sync",
"title": "connectgateway PatchResource Sample",
"description": "PatchResource patchResource performs an HTTP PATCH on the Kubernetes API Server.",
"file": "Client/PatchResource/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "PatchResource",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "PatchResource",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "GatewayService",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 47,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "connectgateway_v1beta1_generated_GatewayService_PostResource_sync",
"title": "connectgateway PostResource Sample",
"description": "PostResource postResource performs an HTTP POST on the Kubernetes API Server.",
"file": "Client/PostResource/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "PostResource",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "PostResource",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "GatewayService",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 47,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "connectgateway_v1beta1_generated_GatewayService_PutResource_sync",
"title": "connectgateway PutResource Sample",
"description": "PutResource putResource performs an HTTP PUT on the Kubernetes API Server.",
"file": "Client/PutResource/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "PutResource",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "httpbodypb.HttpBody",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "PutResource",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "GatewayService",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 47,
"type": "FULL"