blob: 7eafdd319b1b451189d7aa7f61e49873fefd3cbd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package firestore
import (
pb ""
tspb ""
var testClient = &Client{
projectID: "projectID",
databaseID: "(default)",
readSettings: &readSettings{},
func TestNewClientWithDatabase(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
desc string
databaseID string
projectID string
wantErr bool
desc: "Empty databaseID",
databaseID: "",
projectID: "p1",
wantErr: true,
desc: "Error from NewClient bubbled to NewClientWithDatabase",
databaseID: "db1",
projectID: "",
wantErr: true,
desc: "Valid databaseID",
databaseID: "db1",
projectID: "p1",
wantErr: false,
} {
client, err := NewClientWithDatabase(context.Background(), tc.projectID, tc.databaseID)
if err != nil && !tc.wantErr {
t.Errorf("NewClientWithDatabase: %s got %v want nil", tc.desc, err)
} else if err == nil && tc.wantErr {
t.Errorf("NewClientWithDatabase: %s got %v wanted error", tc.desc, err)
} else if err == nil && tc.databaseID != client.databaseID {
t.Errorf("NewClientWithDatabase: %s got %v want %v", tc.desc, client.databaseID, tc.databaseID)
func TestClientCollectionAndDoc(t *testing.T) {
coll1 := testClient.Collection("X")
db := "projects/projectID/databases/(default)"
wantc1 := &CollectionRef{
c: testClient,
parentPath: db + "/documents",
selfPath: "X",
Parent: nil,
ID: "X",
Path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/X",
Query: Query{
c: testClient,
collectionID: "X",
path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/X",
parentPath: db + "/documents",
readSettings: &readSettings{},
if !testEqual(coll1, wantc1) {
t.Fatalf("got\n%+v\nwant\n%+v", coll1, wantc1)
doc1 := testClient.Doc("X/a")
wantd1 := &DocumentRef{
Parent: coll1,
ID: "a",
Path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/X/a",
shortPath: "X/a",
readSettings: &readSettings{},
if !testEqual(doc1, wantd1) {
t.Fatalf("got %+v, want %+v", doc1, wantd1)
coll2 := testClient.Collection("X/a/Y")
parentPath := "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/X/a"
wantc2 := &CollectionRef{
c: testClient,
parentPath: parentPath,
selfPath: "X/a/Y",
Parent: doc1,
ID: "Y",
Path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/X/a/Y",
Query: Query{
c: testClient,
collectionID: "Y",
parentPath: parentPath,
path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/X/a/Y",
if !testEqual(coll2, wantc2) {
t.Fatalf("\ngot %+v\nwant %+v", coll2, wantc2)
doc2 := testClient.Doc("X/a/Y/b")
wantd2 := &DocumentRef{
Parent: coll2,
ID: "b",
Path: "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/X/a/Y/b",
shortPath: "X/a/Y/b",
if !testEqual(doc2, wantd2) {
t.Fatalf("got %+v, want %+v", doc2, wantd2)
func TestClientCollDocErrors(t *testing.T) {
for _, badColl := range []string{"", "/", "/a/", "/a/b", "a/b/", "a//b"} {
coll := testClient.Collection(badColl)
if coll != nil {
t.Errorf("coll path %q: got %+v, want nil", badColl, coll)
for _, badDoc := range []string{"", "a", "/", "/a", "a/", "a/b/c", "a//b/c"} {
doc := testClient.Doc(badDoc)
if doc != nil {
t.Errorf("doc path %q: got %+v, want nil", badDoc, doc)
func TestGetAll(t *testing.T) {
c, srv, cleanup := newMock(t)
defer cleanup()
const dbPath = "projects/projectID/databases/(default)"
req := &pb.BatchGetDocumentsRequest{
Database: dbPath,
Documents: []string{
dbPath + "/documents/C/a",
dbPath + "/documents/C/b",
dbPath + "/documents/C/c",
testGetAll(t, c, srv, dbPath, func(drs []*DocumentRef) ([]*DocumentSnapshot, error) {
return c.GetAll(context.Background(), drs)
}, req)
func testGetAll(t *testing.T, c *Client, srv *mockServer, dbPath string, getAll func([]*DocumentRef) ([]*DocumentSnapshot, error), req *pb.BatchGetDocumentsRequest) {
wantPBDocs := []*pb.Document{
Name: dbPath + "/documents/C/a",
CreateTime: aTimestamp,
UpdateTime: aTimestamp,
Fields: map[string]*pb.Value{"f": intval(2)},
Name: dbPath + "/documents/C/c",
CreateTime: aTimestamp,
UpdateTime: aTimestamp,
Fields: map[string]*pb.Value{"f": intval(1)},
wantReadTimes := []*tspb.Timestamp{aTimestamp, aTimestamp2, aTimestamp3}
// deliberately put these out of order
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Found{wantPBDocs[2]},
ReadTime: aTimestamp3,
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Found{wantPBDocs[0]},
ReadTime: aTimestamp,
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Missing{dbPath + "/documents/C/b"},
ReadTime: aTimestamp2,
coll := c.Collection("C")
var docRefs []*DocumentRef
for _, name := range []string{"a", "b", "c"} {
docRefs = append(docRefs, coll.Doc(name))
docs, err := getAll(docRefs)
if err != nil {
if got, want := len(docs), len(wantPBDocs); got != want {
t.Errorf("got %d docs, wanted %d", got, want)
for i, got := range docs {
want, err := newDocumentSnapshot(docRefs[i], wantPBDocs[i], c, wantReadTimes[i])
if err != nil {
if diff := testDiff(got, want); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("#%d: got=--, want==++\n%s", i, diff)
func TestGetAllWithEqualRefs(t *testing.T) {
c, srv, cleanup := newMock(t)
defer cleanup()
const dbPath = "projects/projectID/databases/(default)"
req := &pb.BatchGetDocumentsRequest{
Database: dbPath,
Documents: []string{
dbPath + "/documents/C/a",
dbPath + "/documents/C/a",
dbPath + "/documents/C/c",
dbPath + "/documents/C/a",
dbPath + "/documents/C/b",
dbPath + "/documents/C/c",
dbPath + "/documents/C/b",
testGetAllWithEqualRefs(t, c, srv, dbPath, func(drs []*DocumentRef) ([]*DocumentSnapshot, error) {
return c.GetAll(context.Background(), drs)
}, req)
func testGetAllWithEqualRefs(t *testing.T, c *Client, srv *mockServer, dbPath string, getAll func([]*DocumentRef) ([]*DocumentSnapshot, error), req *pb.BatchGetDocumentsRequest) {
wantPBDocs := []*pb.Document{
Name: dbPath + "/documents/C/a",
CreateTime: aTimestamp,
UpdateTime: aTimestamp,
Fields: map[string]*pb.Value{"f": intval(2)},
Name: dbPath + "/documents/C/c",
CreateTime: aTimestamp,
UpdateTime: aTimestamp,
Fields: map[string]*pb.Value{"f": intval(1)},
// deliberately put these out of order
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Found{wantPBDocs[1]},
ReadTime: aTimestamp3,
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Found{wantPBDocs[0]},
ReadTime: aTimestamp,
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Missing{dbPath + "/documents/C/b"},
ReadTime: aTimestamp2,
coll := c.Collection("C")
var docRefs []*DocumentRef
for _, name := range []string{"a", "a", "c", "a", "b", "c", "b"} {
docRefs = append(docRefs, coll.Doc(name))
// GetAll should return the same number of document snapshots as the
// number of document references in the input range, even when that means
// that the same document snapshot is referenced multiple times in the
// returned collection.
docs, err := getAll(docRefs)
if err != nil {
wantDocsIndices := []int{0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2}
wantReadTimes := []*tspb.Timestamp{aTimestamp, aTimestamp, aTimestamp3, aTimestamp, aTimestamp2, aTimestamp3, aTimestamp2}
if got, want := len(docs), len(wantDocsIndices); got != want {
t.Errorf("got %d docs, wanted %d", got, want)
for i, got := range docs {
want, err := newDocumentSnapshot(docRefs[i], wantPBDocs[wantDocsIndices[i]], c, wantReadTimes[i])
if err != nil {
if diff := testDiff(got, want); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("#%d: got=--, want==++\n%s", i, diff)
func TestGetAllErrors(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
c, srv, cleanup := newMock(t)
defer cleanup()
const dbPath = "projects/projectID/databases/(default)"
const docPath = dbPath + "/documents/C/a"
if _, err := c.GetAll(ctx, []*DocumentRef{nil}); err != errNilDocRef {
t.Errorf("got %v, want errNilDocRef", err)
// Internal server error.
Database: dbPath,
Documents: []string{docPath},
[]interface{}{status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "")},
_, err := c.GetAll(ctx, []*DocumentRef{c.Doc("C/a")})
codeEq(t, "GetAll #1", codes.Internal, err)
// Doc appears as both found and missing (server bug).
Database: dbPath,
Documents: []string{docPath},
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Found{&pb.Document{Name: docPath}},
ReadTime: aTimestamp,
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Missing{docPath},
ReadTime: aTimestamp,
if _, err := c.GetAll(ctx, []*DocumentRef{c.Doc("C/a")}); err == nil {
t.Error("got nil, want error")
func TestClient_WithReadOptions(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
c, srv, cleanup := newMock(t)
defer cleanup()
const dbPath = "projects/projectID/databases/(default)"
const docPath = dbPath + "/documents/C/a"
tm := time.Date(2021, time.February, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
dr := &DocumentRef{
Parent: &CollectionRef{
c: c,
ID: "123",
Path: docPath,
Database: dbPath,
Documents: []string{docPath},
ConsistencySelector: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsRequest_ReadTime{
ReadTime: &timestamppb.Timestamp{Seconds: tm.Unix()},
}, []interface{}{
ReadTime: &timestamppb.Timestamp{Seconds: tm.Unix()},
Result: &pb.BatchGetDocumentsResponse_Found{
Found: &pb.Document{},
_, err := c.WithReadOptions(ReadTime(tm)).GetAll(ctx, []*DocumentRef{
if err != nil {