blob: 68c0f9ff41c709b4d9504c6734a41af712febff3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Display commands being run
set -x
# Only run apidiff checks on go1.11 (we only need it once).
# TODO(deklerk) We should pass an environment variable from kokoro to decide
# this logic instead.
if [[ `go version` != *"go1.11"* ]]; then
exit 0
try3() { eval "$*" || eval "$*" || eval "$*"; }
try3 go get -u
# We compare against master@HEAD. This is unfortunate in some cases: if you're
# working on an out-of-date branch, and master gets some new feature (that has
# nothing to do with your work on your branch), you'll get an error message.
# Thankfully the fix is quite simple: rebase your branch.
git clone /tmp/gax
for dir in "" "/v2"; do
echo "Testing $pkg"
# cd to the exact directory that specifies the go module so that it doesn't
# use the module cache.
cd "/tmp/gax$dir"
apidiff -w /tmp/pkg.master $pkg
cd - > /dev/null
# TODO(deklerk) there's probably a nicer way to do this that doesn't require
# two invocations
if ! apidiff -incompatible /tmp/pkg.master $pkg | (! read); then
apidiff -incompatible /tmp/pkg.master $pkg
exit 1