blob: f49a571fae88a6db106933a2f1056fe2021bd984 [file] [log] [blame]
package gax
import (
// This parser follows the syntax of path templates, from
// The differences are that there is no custom verb, we allow the initial slash
// to be absent, and that we are not strict as
// about the characters in identifiers and
// literals.
type pathTemplateParser struct {
r *strings.Reader
runeCount int // the number of the current rune in the original string
nextVar int // the number to use for the next unnamed variable
seenName map[string]bool // names we've seen already
seenPathWildcard bool // have we seen "**" already?
func parsePathTemplate(template string) (pt *PathTemplate, err error) {
p := &pathTemplateParser{
r: strings.NewReader(template),
seenName: map[string]bool{},
// Handle panics with strings like errors.
// See pathTemplateParser.error, below.
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
errmsg, ok := x.(errString)
if !ok {
pt = nil
err = ParseError{p.runeCount, template, string(errmsg)}
segs := p.template()
// If there is a path wildcard, set its length. We can't do this
// until we know how many segments we've got all together.
for i, seg := range segs {
if _, ok := seg.matcher.(pathWildcardMatcher); ok {
segs[i].matcher = pathWildcardMatcher(len(segs) - i - 1)
return &PathTemplate{segments: segs}, nil
// Used to indicate errors "thrown" by this parser. We don't use string because
// many parts of the standard library panic with strings.
type errString string
// Terminates parsing immediately with an error.
func (p *pathTemplateParser) error(msg string) {
// Template = [ "/" ] Segments
func (p *pathTemplateParser) template() []segment {
var segs []segment
if p.consume('/') {
// Initial '/' needs an initial empty matcher.
segs = append(segs, segment{matcher: labelMatcher("")})
return append(segs, p.segments("")...)
// Segments = Segment { "/" Segment }
func (p *pathTemplateParser) segments(name string) []segment {
var segs []segment
for {
subsegs := p.segment(name)
segs = append(segs, subsegs...)
if !p.consume('/') {
return segs
// Segment = "*" | "**" | LITERAL | Variable
func (p *pathTemplateParser) segment(name string) []segment {
if p.consume('*') {
if name == "" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("$%d", p.nextVar)
if p.consume('*') {
if p.seenPathWildcard {
p.error("multiple '**' disallowed")
p.seenPathWildcard = true
// We'll change 0 to the right number at the end.
return []segment{{name: name, matcher: pathWildcardMatcher(0)}}
return []segment{{name: name, matcher: wildcardMatcher(0)}}
if p.consume('{') {
if name != "" {
p.error("recursive named bindings are not allowed")
return p.variable()
return []segment{{name: name, matcher: labelMatcher(p.literal())}}
// Variable = "{" FieldPath [ "=" Segments ] "}"
// "{" is already consumed.
func (p *pathTemplateParser) variable() []segment {
// Simplification: treat FieldPath as LITERAL, instead of IDENT { '.' IDENT }
name := p.literal()
if p.seenName[name] {
p.error(name + " appears multiple times")
p.seenName[name] = true
var segs []segment
if p.consume('=') {
segs = p.segments(name)
} else {
// "{var}" is equivalent to "{var=*}"
segs = []segment{{name: name, matcher: wildcardMatcher(0)}}
if !p.consume('}') {
p.error("expected '}'")
return segs
// A literal is any sequence of characters other than a few special ones.
// The list of stop characters is not quite the same as in the template RFC.
func (p *pathTemplateParser) literal() string {
lit := p.consumeUntil("/*}{=")
if lit == "" {
p.error("empty literal")
return lit
// Read runes until EOF or one of the runes in stopRunes is encountered.
// If the latter, unread the stop rune. Return the accumulated runes as a string.
func (p *pathTemplateParser) consumeUntil(stopRunes string) string {
var runes []rune
for {
r, ok := p.readRune()
if !ok {
if strings.IndexRune(stopRunes, r) >= 0 {
runes = append(runes, r)
return string(runes)
// If the next rune is r, consume it and return true.
// Otherwise, leave the input unchanged and return false.
func (p *pathTemplateParser) consume(r rune) bool {
rr, ok := p.readRune()
if !ok {
return false
if r == rr {
return true
return false
// Read the next rune from the input. Return it.
// The second return value is false at EOF.
func (p *pathTemplateParser) readRune() (rune, bool) {
r, _, err := p.r.ReadRune()
if err == io.EOF {
return r, false
if err != nil {
return r, true
// Put the last rune that was read back on the input.
func (p *pathTemplateParser) unreadRune() {
if err := p.r.UnreadRune(); err != nil {