WIP document use of Skylark in an HTTP server, like gothamgo talk

Change-Id: Iecc99fab2f9036218f3493fe557c2fe3abb4875f
diff --git a/doc/http.md b/doc/http.md
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+# Example: a web server application with policies defined in Skylark
+This article presents an example application that uses Skylark as its
+configuration language. It is a web server that accepts or rejects
+each incoming HTTP request based on a policy defined by a function
+implemented in Skylark.
+Many applications use a configuration file to set parameters, define
+customizations, or enable optional features. For the designer of a
+configuration language for an application, Skylark may be attractive
+if for no other reason than that it is familiar, rational, and well
+documented, but the example below illustrates a compelling benefit
+of Skylark over alternative languages: Skylark functions, despite
+being implemented in the familiar paradigm of imperative programming,
+may be called concurrently in a highly parallel application without
+the possibility of a data race, thanks to Skylark's "freeze"
+Let's take a look at the program, which we'll present in parts.
+Here's its main function:
+var hook *skylark.Function
+func main() {
+	// Load the configuration.
+	thread := new(skylark.Thread)
+	globals := make(skylark.StringDict)
+	if err := skylark.ExecFile(thread, "server.conf", nil, globals); err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("error in config file: %v", err)
+	}
+	hook, _ = globals["hook"].(*skylark.Function)
+	if hook == nil {
+		log.Fatalf("config file doesn't define 'hook' function")
+	}
+	// Run web server.
+	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", http.HandlerFunc(serveHTTP)))
+The main function loads the Skylark configuration file, `server.conf`.
+To execute a Skylark file, we must create a Skylark thread and new
+dictionary for the global variables of the module.
+There is a certain amount of boilerplate,
+but the important part is the call to `ExecFile`.
+If execution of the configuration file was successful,
+the application expects that it defines a global
+variable named `hook`, a function; otherwise, it issues an error.
+The application saves the hook function in a Go global variable, also named `hook`.
+Finally, the main function starts a web server listening on port 8000.
+Here's the web server's request handler function:
+// serveHTTP is a trivial HTTP request handler.
+func serveHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
+	if err := validate(req); err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintln(w, "Error: ", err)
+		return
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintln(w, "OK")
+As you can see, it is trivial: it simply prints "OK" for each request.
+However, it first calls the `validate` function to decide whether to
+proceed with the request or to reject it:
+// validate calls passes the HTTP request to the Skylark hook function.
+func validate(req *http.Request) error {
+	args := skylark.Tuple{httpRequest{req}}
+	x, err := skylark.Call(new(skylark.Thread), hook, args, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err // hook evaluation failed
+	} else if msg, ok := skylark.AsString(x); ok {
+		return errors.New(msg) // hook returned an error message
+	} else if x != skylark.None {
+		return fmt.Errorf("hook returned %s, want string or None", x.Type())
+	}
+	return nil // success
+Again, there is more boilerplate to create a new Skylark thread and
+package the sole argument as a one-element tuple, but the important
+part here is `skylark.Call`, which calls the Skylark `hook` function.
+The validate function takes a parameter of type `*http.Request`. We'd
+like to make this value accessible to the Skylark hook function so
+that it can make its policy decision based on attributes of the HTTP
+request such as the request URL and query parameters.
+So, we define a new type, `httpRequest`, whose values each wrap an
+`*http.Request` and satisfy the `skylark.Value` interface, allowing
+them to be passed to the Skylark program.
+In addition, to the basic methods of `skylark.Value` (which for
+brevity we have not shown, but they are each no longer than a single
+line) the `httpRequest` type defines the `Attr` method, and thus
+satisfies the `skylark.HasAttrs` interface. A value with an `Attr`
+method has named attributes (fields or methods) accessible using dot
+notation, such as `req.url`. Our `httpRequest` wrapper type provides
+only the `url` and `query` attributes, but it would be easy to add
+// httpRequest is a a Skylark value that wraps an http.Request.
+type httpRequest struct{ req *http.Request }
+func (r httpRequest) Attr(name string) (skylark.Value, error) {
+	switch name {
+	case "query":
+		query := new(skylark.Dict)
+		for k, v := range r.req.URL.Query() {
+			query.Set(skylark.String(k), skylark.String(v[0]))
+		}
+		return query, nil
+	case "url":
+		return skylark.String(r.req.URL.Path), nil
+	}
+	return nil, nil
+The `Attr` function switches on the name of the attribute.
+The `query` case builds and returns a Skylark dictionary containing
+the HTTP request parameters; the `url` case returns the path component
+of the request URL.
+Not shown are half a dozen other methods of `httpRequest`, each no
+more than one line, required to fulfil the `skylark.Value` and
+`skylark.HasAttrs` interfaces.
+Finally, let's look at a simple server configuration file:
+# server.conf
+def hook(req):
+    print("url=%s, query=%s" % (req.url, req.query))
+    if req.url == '/food' and req.query['name'] == 'soup':
+       return "no soup for you!"
+    return None # ok
+The file defines a simple hook function that returns `None` (no error)
+in the success case, or an error when it sees certain request parameters.
+A real example would likely be much more complicated, and might
+consult tables of data generated earlier within the `server.conf` file.
+Let's see how this program behaves:
+TODO: demo
+running time measured in microseconds.
+Explain significance
+- familiar style
+- easy to use
+- concurrency safe
+  Go web servers are concurrent
+  no data race here
+  not possible to have a Skylark data race here because ExecFile froze everything.
diff --git a/examples/http/main.go b/examples/http/main.go
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index 0000000..c9b5beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/http/main.go
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+// The http command runs a trivial web server whose Skylark configuration
+// file defines a policy of whether to accept or reject each request.
+// The server loads its configuration once at startup, so its policy may
+// be changed by restarting it with a new configuration;
+// no recompilation is necessary.
+// This example program is explained by [TODO: URL].
+package main
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"log"
+	"net/http"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/google/skylark"
+var hook *skylark.Function
+func main() {
+	// Load the configuration.
+	thread := new(skylark.Thread)
+	globals := make(skylark.StringDict)
+	if err := skylark.ExecFile(thread, "server.conf", nil, globals); err != nil {
+		log.Fatalf("error in config file: %v", err)
+	}
+	hook, _ = globals["hook"].(*skylark.Function)
+	if hook == nil {
+		log.Fatalf("config file doesn't define 'hook' function")
+	}
+	// Run web server.
+	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", http.HandlerFunc(serveHTTP)))
+// serveHTTP is a trivial HTTP request handler.
+func serveHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
+	// Log the time (not shown talk slides).
+	t0 := time.Now()
+	defer func() { fmt.Fprintln(w, time.Since(t0)) }()
+	if err := validate(req); err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintln(w, "\n\n\n\nError: ", err)
+		return
+	}
+	fmt.Fprintln(w, "\n\n\n\nOK")
+// validate calls passes the HTTP request to the Skylark hook function.
+func validate(req *http.Request) error {
+	args := skylark.Tuple{httpRequest{req}}
+	x, err := skylark.Call(new(skylark.Thread), hook, args, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err // hook evaluation failed
+	} else if msg, ok := skylark.AsString(x); ok {
+		return errors.New(msg) // hook returned an error message
+	} else if x != skylark.None {
+		return fmt.Errorf("hook returned %s, want string or None", x.Type())
+	}
+	return nil // success
+// httpRequest is a a Skylark value that wraps an http.Request.
+type httpRequest struct{ req *http.Request }
+func (r httpRequest) Attr(name string) (skylark.Value, error) {
+	switch name {
+	case "query":
+		query := new(skylark.Dict)
+		for k, v := range r.req.URL.Query() {
+			query.Set(skylark.String(k), skylark.String(v[0]))
+		}
+		return query, nil
+	}
+	case "url":
+		return skylark.String(r.req.URL.Path), nil
+	return nil, nil
+func (r httpRequest) AttrNames() []string   { return []string{"query", "url"} }
+func (r httpRequest) Freeze()               {}
+func (r httpRequest) Hash() (uint32, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("unhashable: httpRequest") }
+func (r httpRequest) String() string        { return fmt.Sprint(r.req) }
+func (r httpRequest) Type() string          { return "http.Request" }
+func (r httpRequest) Truth() skylark.Bool   { return true }
diff --git a/examples/http/server.conf b/examples/http/server.conf
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+def hook(req):
+    print("url=%s, query=%s" % (req.url, req.query))
+    if req.url == '/food' and req.query['name'] == 'soup':
+       return "no soup for you!"
+    return None # ok