blob: 1491149c6a47919e0a7f42cbadde412fd25d25f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax
// Walk traverses a syntax tree in depth-first order.
// It starts by calling f(n); n must not be nil.
// If f returns true, Walk calls itself
// recursively for each non-nil child of n.
// Walk then calls f(nil).
func Walk(n Node, f func(Node) bool) {
if n == nil {
if !f(n) {
// TODO(adonovan): opt: order cases using profile data.
switch n := n.(type) {
case *File:
walkStmts(n.Stmts, f)
case *ExprStmt:
Walk(n.X, f)
case *BranchStmt:
// no-op
case *IfStmt:
Walk(n.Cond, f)
walkStmts(n.True, f)
walkStmts(n.False, f)
case *AssignStmt:
Walk(n.LHS, f)
Walk(n.RHS, f)
case *DefStmt:
Walk(n.Name, f)
for _, param := range n.Params {
Walk(param, f)
walkStmts(n.Body, f)
case *ForStmt:
Walk(n.Vars, f)
Walk(n.X, f)
walkStmts(n.Body, f)
case *ReturnStmt:
if n.Result != nil {
Walk(n.Result, f)
case *LoadStmt:
Walk(n.Module, f)
for _, from := range n.From {
Walk(from, f)
for _, to := range n.To {
Walk(to, f)
case *Ident, *Literal:
// no-op
case *ListExpr:
for _, x := range n.List {
Walk(x, f)
case *ParenExpr:
Walk(n.X, f)
case *CondExpr:
Walk(n.Cond, f)
Walk(n.True, f)
Walk(n.False, f)
case *IndexExpr:
Walk(n.X, f)
Walk(n.Y, f)
case *DictEntry:
Walk(n.Key, f)
Walk(n.Value, f)
case *SliceExpr:
Walk(n.X, f)
if n.Lo != nil {
Walk(n.Lo, f)
if n.Hi != nil {
Walk(n.Hi, f)
if n.Step != nil {
Walk(n.Step, f)
case *Comprehension:
Walk(n.Body, f)
for _, clause := range n.Clauses {
Walk(clause, f)
case *IfClause:
Walk(n.Cond, f)
case *ForClause:
Walk(n.Vars, f)
Walk(n.X, f)
case *TupleExpr:
for _, x := range n.List {
Walk(x, f)
case *DictExpr:
for _, entry := range n.List {
entry := entry.(*DictEntry)
Walk(entry.Key, f)
Walk(entry.Value, f)
case *UnaryExpr:
if n.X != nil {
Walk(n.X, f)
case *BinaryExpr:
Walk(n.X, f)
Walk(n.Y, f)
case *DotExpr:
Walk(n.X, f)
Walk(n.Name, f)
case *CallExpr:
Walk(n.Fn, f)
for _, arg := range n.Args {
Walk(arg, f)
case *LambdaExpr:
for _, param := range n.Params {
Walk(param, f)
Walk(n.Body, f)
func walkStmts(stmts []Stmt, f func(Node) bool) {
for _, stmt := range stmts {
Walk(stmt, f)