blob: e1bbeaafc61be690ae7bfb47ead86636a3c12cd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package starlark
import (
// hashtable is used to represent Starlark dict and set values.
// It is a hash table whose key/value entries form a doubly-linked list
// in the order the entries were inserted.
// Initialized instances of hashtable must not be copied.
type hashtable struct {
table []bucket // len is zero or a power of two
bucket0 [1]bucket // inline allocation for small maps.
len uint32
itercount uint32 // number of active iterators (ignored if frozen)
head *entry // insertion order doubly-linked list; may be nil
tailLink **entry // address of nil link at end of list (perhaps &head)
frozen bool
_ noCopy // triggers vet copylock check on this type.
// noCopy is zero-sized type that triggers vet's copylock check.
// See
type noCopy struct{}
func (*noCopy) Lock() {}
func (*noCopy) Unlock() {}
const bucketSize = 8
type bucket struct {
entries [bucketSize]entry
next *bucket // linked list of buckets
type entry struct {
hash uint32 // nonzero => in use
key, value Value
next *entry // insertion order doubly-linked list; may be nil
prevLink **entry // address of link to this entry (perhaps &head)
func (ht *hashtable) init(size int) {
if size < 0 {
panic("size < 0")
nb := 1
for overloaded(size, nb) {
nb = nb << 1
if nb < 2 {
ht.table = ht.bucket0[:1]
} else {
ht.table = make([]bucket, nb)
ht.tailLink = &ht.head
func (ht *hashtable) freeze() {
if !ht.frozen {
ht.frozen = true
for e := ht.head; e != nil; e = {
func (ht *hashtable) insert(k, v Value) error {
if err := ht.checkMutable("insert into"); err != nil {
return err
if ht.table == nil {
h, err := k.Hash()
if err != nil {
return err
if h == 0 {
h = 1 // zero is reserved
var insert *entry
// Inspect each bucket in the bucket list.
p := &ht.table[h&(uint32(len(ht.table)-1))]
for {
for i := range p.entries {
e := &p.entries[i]
if e.hash != h {
if e.hash == 0 {
// Found empty entry; make a note.
insert = e
if eq, err := Equal(k, e.key); err != nil {
return err // e.g. excessively recursive tuple
} else if !eq {
// Key already present; update value.
e.value = v
return nil
if == nil {
p =
// Key not found. p points to the last bucket.
// Does the number of elements exceed the buckets' load factor?
if overloaded(int(ht.len), len(ht.table)) {
goto retry
if insert == nil {
// No space in existing buckets. Add a new one to the bucket list.
b := new(bucket) = b
insert = &b.entries[0]
// Insert key/value pair.
insert.hash = h
insert.key = k
insert.value = v
// Append entry to doubly-linked list.
insert.prevLink = ht.tailLink
*ht.tailLink = insert
ht.tailLink = &
return nil
func overloaded(elems, buckets int) bool {
const loadFactor = 6.5 // just a guess
return elems >= bucketSize && float64(elems) >= loadFactor*float64(buckets)
func (ht *hashtable) grow() {
// Double the number of buckets and rehash.
// Even though this makes reentrant calls to ht.insert,
// calls Equals unnecessarily (since there can't be duplicate keys),
// and recomputes the hash unnecessarily, the gains from
// avoiding these steps were found to be too small to justify
// the extra logic: -2% on hashtable benchmark.
ht.table = make([]bucket, len(ht.table)<<1)
oldhead := ht.head
ht.head = nil
ht.tailLink = &ht.head
ht.len = 0
for e := oldhead; e != nil; e = {
ht.insert(e.key, e.value)
ht.bucket0[0] = bucket{} // clear out unused initial bucket
func (ht *hashtable) lookup(k Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) {
h, err := k.Hash()
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err // unhashable
if h == 0 {
h = 1 // zero is reserved
if ht.table == nil {
return None, false, nil // empty
// Inspect each bucket in the bucket list.
for p := &ht.table[h&(uint32(len(ht.table)-1))]; p != nil; p = {
for i := range p.entries {
e := &p.entries[i]
if e.hash == h {
if eq, err := Equal(k, e.key); err != nil {
return nil, false, err // e.g. excessively recursive tuple
} else if eq {
return e.value, true, nil // found
return None, false, nil // not found
// count returns the number of distinct elements of iter that are elements of ht.
func (ht *hashtable) count(iter Iterator) (int, error) {
if ht.table == nil {
return 0, nil // empty
var k Value
count := 0
// Use a bitset per table entry to record seen elements of ht.
// Elements are identified by their bucket number and index within the bucket.
// Each bitset gets one word initially, but may grow.
storage := make([]big.Word, len(ht.table))
bitsets := make([]big.Int, len(ht.table))
for i := range bitsets {
bitsets[i].SetBits(storage[i : i+1 : i+1])
for iter.Next(&k) && count != int(ht.len) {
h, err := k.Hash()
if err != nil {
return 0, err // unhashable
if h == 0 {
h = 1 // zero is reserved
// Inspect each bucket in the bucket list.
bucketId := h & (uint32(len(ht.table) - 1))
i := 0
for p := &ht.table[bucketId]; p != nil; p = {
for j := range p.entries {
e := &p.entries[j]
if e.hash == h {
if eq, err := Equal(k, e.key); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if eq {
bitIndex := i<<3 + j
if bitsets[bucketId].Bit(bitIndex) == 0 {
bitsets[bucketId].SetBit(&bitsets[bucketId], bitIndex, 1)
return count, nil
// Items returns all the items in the map (as key/value pairs) in insertion order.
func (ht *hashtable) items() []Tuple {
items := make([]Tuple, 0, ht.len)
array := make([]Value, ht.len*2) // allocate a single backing array
for e := ht.head; e != nil; e = {
pair := Tuple(array[:2:2])
array = array[2:]
pair[0] = e.key
pair[1] = e.value
items = append(items, pair)
return items
func (ht *hashtable) first() (Value, bool) {
if ht.head != nil {
return ht.head.key, true
return None, false
func (ht *hashtable) keys() []Value {
keys := make([]Value, 0, ht.len)
for e := ht.head; e != nil; e = {
keys = append(keys, e.key)
return keys
func (ht *hashtable) delete(k Value) (v Value, found bool, err error) {
if err := ht.checkMutable("delete from"); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if ht.table == nil {
return None, false, nil // empty
h, err := k.Hash()
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err // unhashable
if h == 0 {
h = 1 // zero is reserved
// Inspect each bucket in the bucket list.
for p := &ht.table[h&(uint32(len(ht.table)-1))]; p != nil; p = {
for i := range p.entries {
e := &p.entries[i]
if e.hash == h {
if eq, err := Equal(k, e.key); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
} else if eq {
// Remove e from doubly-linked list.
*e.prevLink =
if == nil {
ht.tailLink = e.prevLink // deletion of last entry
} else { = e.prevLink
v := e.value
*e = entry{}
return v, true, nil // found
// TODO(adonovan): opt: remove completely empty bucket from bucket list.
return None, false, nil // not found
// checkMutable reports an error if the hash table should not be mutated.
// verb+" dict" should describe the operation.
func (ht *hashtable) checkMutable(verb string) error {
if ht.frozen {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s frozen hash table", verb)
if ht.itercount > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s hash table during iteration", verb)
return nil
func (ht *hashtable) clear() error {
if err := ht.checkMutable("clear"); err != nil {
return err
if ht.table != nil {
for i := range ht.table {
ht.table[i] = bucket{}
ht.head = nil
ht.tailLink = &ht.head
ht.len = 0
return nil
func (ht *hashtable) addAll(other *hashtable) error {
for e := other.head; e != nil; e = {
if err := ht.insert(e.key, e.value); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// dump is provided as an aid to debugging.
func (ht *hashtable) dump() {
fmt.Printf("hashtable %p len=%d head=%p tailLink=%p",
ht, ht.len, ht.head, ht.tailLink)
if ht.tailLink != nil {
fmt.Printf(" *tailLink=%p", *ht.tailLink)
for j := range ht.table {
fmt.Printf("bucket chain %d\n", j)
for p := &ht.table[j]; p != nil; p = {
fmt.Printf("bucket %p\n", p)
for i := range p.entries {
e := &p.entries[i]
fmt.Printf("\tentry %d @ %p hash=%d key=%v value=%v\n",
i, e, e.hash, e.key, e.value)
fmt.Printf("\t\tnext=%p &next=%p prev=%p",, &, e.prevLink)
if e.prevLink != nil {
fmt.Printf(" *prev=%p", *e.prevLink)
func (ht *hashtable) iterate() *keyIterator {
if !ht.frozen {
return &keyIterator{ht: ht, e: ht.head}
type keyIterator struct {
ht *hashtable
e *entry
func (it *keyIterator) Next(k *Value) bool {
if it.e != nil {
*k = it.e.key
it.e =
return true
return false
func (it *keyIterator) Done() {
if ! {
// entries is a go1.23 iterator over the entries of the hash table.
func (ht *hashtable) entries(yield func(k, v Value) bool) {
if !ht.frozen {
defer func() { ht.itercount-- }()
for e := ht.head; e != nil && yield(e.key, e.value); e = {
var seed = maphash.MakeSeed()
// hashString computes the hash of s.
func hashString(s string) uint32 {
if len(s) >= 12 {
// Call the Go runtime's optimized hash implementation,
// which uses the AES instructions on amd64 and arm64 machines.
h := maphash.String(seed, s)
return uint32(h>>32) | uint32(h)
return softHashString(s)
// softHashString computes the 32-bit FNV-1a hash of s in software.
func softHashString(s string) uint32 {
var h uint32 = 2166136261
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
h ^= uint32(s[i])
h *= 16777619
return h