blob: 98e6570b12d6936fd77f7bf3245e3d882e26e5c3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2020 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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// Implementation of CreateTrMulParams, see function comment.
#include <type_traits>
#include "ruy/ctx.h"
#include "ruy/kernel.h"
#include "ruy/mat.h"
#include "ruy/mul_params.h"
#include "ruy/pack.h"
#include "ruy/path.h"
#include "ruy/trmul_params.h"
namespace ruy {
// While the only entry point to this file is CreateTrMulParams, its templatized
// nature requires putting more code in this header than we would like. This
// internal implementation code is enclosed in namespace 'detail'.
namespace detail {
void CreatePackedLayout(const MatLayout& src, const Type& scalar,
const KernelLayout& kernel_layout,
PMatLayout* packed_layout);
template <typename Scalar, typename PackedScalar>
void CreatePackedMatrix(Side side, const KernelLayout& kernel_layout,
TrMulParams* params) {
// Ruy always uses 32-bit signed accumulators for quantized
// matrix multiplication, so we would like to always use std::int32_t
// unconditionally for SumsType.
// However, for floating point types, we still need a reasonable type here to
// avoid tripping assertions elsewhere in the code.
using SumsType =
typename std::conditional<std::is_floating_point<Scalar>::value, Scalar,
const EMat& src = params->src[side];
PEMat* packed_matrix = &params->packed_matrix[side];
packed_matrix->data_type = Type::Create<PackedScalar>();
packed_matrix->sums_type = Type::Create<SumsType>();
CreatePackedLayout(src.layout, packed_matrix->data_type, kernel_layout,
packed_matrix->zero_point = Pack<PackedScalar, Scalar>(src.zero_point);
template <typename KernelType>
struct CheckKernelPathImpl {
static void Run(Path) {
// Do nothing.
// Path fallbacks are normal in general (see RUY_INHERIT_KERNEL).
// That is to say that one may instantiate ruy::Mul with a weird combination
// of types, such as LhsScalar==float and RhsScalar==double, and have it
// work by silently falling back to Path::kStandardCpp. Only in specific
// cases do we have dedicated kernels overriding that fallback, and that is
// what partial specializations of this template will check.
template <Path ThePath, typename SrcScalar, typename AccumScalar,
typename DstScalar>
struct CheckKernelPathImpl<Kernel<ThePath, SrcScalar, SrcScalar, DstScalar,
MulParams<AccumScalar, DstScalar>>>
final {
using KernelType = Kernel<ThePath, SrcScalar, SrcScalar, DstScalar,
MulParams<AccumScalar, DstScalar>>;
static void Run(Path expected_path) {
// We want to assert that we are using a dedicated Kernel specialization and
// not a fallback when we know we are in a case where such a kernel
// specialization exists. At the moment in the current state of ruy's
// architecture support for ARM and x86, that is when LhsScalar==RhsScalar
// (already implied in this partial specialization) and when that type is
// either float, int8, or uint8. Indeed, we have kernels supporting float
// and int8, and we have the packing code converting uint8 to int8 (see
// PackedTypeImpl).
static constexpr bool kSrcScalarTypeSupportsFastKernels =
std::is_same<SrcScalar, float>::value ||
std::is_same<SrcScalar, std::int8_t>::value ||
std::is_same<SrcScalar, std::uint8_t>::value;
if (kSrcScalarTypeSupportsFastKernels) {
RUY_DCHECK_EQ(expected_path, KernelType::kPath);
template <typename KernelType>
void CheckKernelPath(Path expected_path) {
template <Path ThePath, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar,
typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
void PopulateTrMulParams(TrMulParams* params) {
using PackedLhsScalar = PackedType<ThePath, LhsScalar>;
using PackedRhsScalar = PackedType<ThePath, RhsScalar>;
using Kernel =
Kernel<ThePath, PackedLhsScalar, PackedRhsScalar, AccumScalar, DstScalar>;
using LhsKernelLayout = typename Kernel::LhsLayout;
using RhsKernelLayout = typename Kernel::RhsLayout;
params->path = ThePath;
CreatePackedMatrix<LhsScalar, PackedLhsScalar>(
Side::kLhs, ToKernelLayout<LhsKernelLayout>(), params);
CreatePackedMatrix<RhsScalar, PackedRhsScalar>(
Side::kRhs, ToKernelLayout<RhsKernelLayout>(), params);
params->run_pack[Side::kLhs] =
&RunPack<ThePath, LhsKernelLayout, LhsScalar, PackedLhsScalar>;
params->run_pack[Side::kRhs] =
&RunPack<ThePath, RhsKernelLayout, RhsScalar, PackedRhsScalar>;
params->run_kernel = &RunKernel<Kernel>::Run;
// PopulateTrMulParamsAllCompiledPaths calls into one of multiple
// instantiations of PopulateTrMulParams. For each bit that is set in
// CompiledPaths, it statically instantiates PopulateTrMulParams with a Path
// corresponding to that single bit. The call to PopulateTrMulParams is
// guarded by a runtime check that it is in fact the dynamically selected path.
// PopulateTrMulParamsAllCompiledPaths is implemented with template
// metaprogramming by mutual recursion between PathSearchCountdown and
// PathSearchCompiledPaths.
// PopulateTrMulParamsAllCompiledPaths is logically implementing the following
// computation:
// template <Path CompiledPaths>
// void PopulateTrMulParamsAllCompiledPaths(Path the_path,
// TrMulParams* params) {
// for (int bit = 8 * sizeof(Path) - 1; bit != -1; bit--) { // [1]
// Path current_path = static_cast<Path>(1 << bit);
// if ((CompiledPaths & current_path) != Path::kNone) { // [2]
// if (current_path == the_path) { // [3]
// PopulateTrMulParams<current_path, ...>(the_path, params);
// return;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// [1] - Done by the main definition of PathSearchCountdown. The `bit--` is
// done in the recursion of PathSearchOnlyCompiledPaths.
// [2] - Done by PathSearchOnlyCompiledPaths's partial template
// specialization on InCompiledPaths. This is the check which necessitates
// doing the whole computation at C++ compile time.
// [3] - Done by the `if` in the main definition of
// PathSearchOnlyCompiledPaths.
// The template metaprogramming is necessary because:
// - In `PopulateTrMulParams<current_path, ...>`, current_path must be a C++
// compile-time constant.
// - PopulateTrMulParamsAllCompiledPaths must not instantiate
// inner loops for paths that are not in CompiledPaths, since that can result in
// bogus instantiations which cause a compile time failure.
template <Path CompiledPaths, int BitNumber, typename LhsScalar,
typename RhsScalar, typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
struct PathSearchCountdown;
template <Path CompiledPaths, bool InCompiledPaths, int BitNumber,
typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar, typename AccumScalar,
typename DstScalar>
struct PathSearchOnlyCompiledPaths {
static constexpr Path kCurrentPath = static_cast<Path>(1 << BitNumber);
static void Search(Path the_path, TrMulParams* params) {
if (kCurrentPath == the_path) {
PopulateTrMulParams<kCurrentPath, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, AccumScalar,
PathSearchCountdown<CompiledPaths, BitNumber - 1, LhsScalar, RhsScalar,
AccumScalar, DstScalar>::Search(the_path, params);
// Skip this iteration if CompiledPaths doesn't contain the specified path.
template <Path CompiledPaths, int BitNumber, typename LhsScalar,
typename RhsScalar, typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
struct PathSearchOnlyCompiledPaths<CompiledPaths, false, BitNumber, LhsScalar,
RhsScalar, AccumScalar, DstScalar> {
static void Search(Path the_path, TrMulParams* params) {
PathSearchCountdown<CompiledPaths, BitNumber - 1, LhsScalar, RhsScalar,
AccumScalar, DstScalar>::Search(the_path, params);
template <Path CompiledPaths, int BitNumber, typename LhsScalar,
typename RhsScalar, typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
struct PathSearchCountdown {
static constexpr Path kCurrentPath = static_cast<Path>(1 << BitNumber);
static void Search(Path the_path, TrMulParams* params) {
CompiledPaths, (CompiledPaths & kCurrentPath) != Path::kNone, BitNumber,
LhsScalar, RhsScalar, AccumScalar, DstScalar>::Search(the_path, params);
// Termination of the countdown. If the counter reaches -1, then we haven't
// found the specified path.
template <Path CompiledPaths, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar,
typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
struct PathSearchCountdown<CompiledPaths, -1, LhsScalar, RhsScalar, AccumScalar,
DstScalar> {
static void Search(Path, TrMulParams*) { RUY_DCHECK(false); }
template <Path CompiledPaths, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar,
typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
void PopulateTrMulParamsAllCompiledPaths(Path the_path, TrMulParams* params) {
return PathSearchCountdown<CompiledPaths, 8 * sizeof(Path) - 1, LhsScalar,
RhsScalar, AccumScalar,
DstScalar>::Search(the_path, params);
bool FallBackToStandardCpp(const MatLayout& lhs_layout,
const MatLayout& rhs_layout,
ChannelDimension channel_dimension);
template <typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
void StoreMulParams(const MulParams<AccumScalar, DstScalar>& mul_params,
ChannelDimension channel_dimension, void* dst) {
using MulParamsType = MulParams<AccumScalar, DstScalar>;
static_assert(alignof(MulParamsType) <= kMaxMulParamsAlignment, "");
static_assert(sizeof(MulParamsType) <= kMaxMulParamsSize, "");
std::memcpy(dst, &mul_params, sizeof(MulParamsType));
static_assert(sizeof(ChannelDimension) == 1, "");
template <Path CompiledPaths, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar,
typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
void CreateTrMulParamsAssumingColMajorDst(
const Mat<LhsScalar>& lhs, const Mat<RhsScalar>& rhs,
const Mat<DstScalar>& dst,
const MulParams<AccumScalar, DstScalar>& mul_params,
ChannelDimension channel_dimension, Path the_path, TrMulParams* params) {
// Fill in the fields we already know.
params->src[Side::kLhs] = EraseType(lhs);
params->src[Side::kRhs] = EraseType(rhs);
params->dst = EraseType(dst);
StoreMulParams(mul_params, channel_dimension, params->mul_params_bytes);
if (FallBackToStandardCpp(lhs.layout, rhs.layout, channel_dimension)) {
return PopulateTrMulParams<Path::kStandardCpp, LhsScalar, RhsScalar,
AccumScalar, DstScalar>(params);
PopulateTrMulParamsAllCompiledPaths<CompiledPaths, LhsScalar, RhsScalar,
AccumScalar, DstScalar>(the_path, params);
} // namespace detail
inline ChannelDimension Transpose(ChannelDimension channel_dimension) {
return channel_dimension == ChannelDimension::kCol ? ChannelDimension::kRow
: ChannelDimension::kCol;
// CreateTrMulParams's output is a TrMulParams object that encodes
// all of the input information required by the middle-end, that is, the TrMul
// function.
// CreateTrMulParams performs the following tasks:
// 1. Reduce to the case of column-major destination, by transposing the
// whole problem as needed.
// 2. Select the single code path to be taken, out of the set of paths
// described by the `CompiledPaths` template parameter, based on the
// runtime input parameter `the_path`.
// 3. Perform type-erasure, converting templatized typed input parameters
// to the un-typed data stored in TrMulParams.
template <Path CompiledPaths, typename LhsScalar, typename RhsScalar,
typename AccumScalar, typename DstScalar>
void CreateTrMulParams(const Mat<LhsScalar>& lhs, const Mat<RhsScalar>& rhs,
const Mat<DstScalar>& dst,
const MulParams<AccumScalar, DstScalar>& mul_params,
Path the_path, TrMulParams* params) {
ChannelDimension channel_dimension = mul_params.channel_dimension();
if (IsColMajor(dst.layout)) {
lhs, rhs, dst, mul_params, channel_dimension, the_path, params);
} else {
rhs, lhs, Transpose(dst), mul_params, Transpose(channel_dimension),
the_path, params);
} // namespace ruy