blob: d8156bc009c467214666e405c29d37dfca5715df [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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#include "ruy/wait.h"
#include <chrono> // NOLINT(build/c++11)
namespace ruy {
void Wait(const std::function<bool()>& condition, const Duration& spin_duration,
std::condition_variable* condvar, std::mutex* mutex) {
// First, trivial case where the `condition` is already true;
if (condition()) {
// Then try busy-waiting.
const TimePoint wait_start = Now();
while (Now() - wait_start < spin_duration) {
if (condition()) {
// Finally, do real passive waiting.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(*mutex);
condvar->wait(lock, condition);
void Wait(const std::function<bool()>& condition,
std::condition_variable* condvar, std::mutex* mutex) {
// This value was empirically derived with some microbenchmark, we don't have
// high confidence in it.
// TODO(b/135595069): make this value configurable at runtime.
// I almost wanted to file another bug to ask for experimenting in a more
// principled way to tune this value better, but this would have to be tuned
// on real end-to-end applications and we'd expect different applications to
// require different tunings. So the more important point is the need for
// this to be controllable by the application.
// That this value means that we may be sleeping substantially longer
// than a scheduler timeslice's duration is not necessarily surprising. The
// idea is to pick up quickly new work after having finished the previous
// workload. When it's new work within the same GEMM as the previous work, the
// time interval that we might be busy-waiting is very small, so for that
// purpose it would be more than enough to sleep for 1 ms.
// That is all what we would observe on a GEMM benchmark. However, in a real
// application, after having finished a GEMM, we might do unrelated work for
// a little while, then start on a new GEMM. In that case the wait interval
// may be a little longer. There may also not be another GEMM for a long time,
// in which case we'll end up passively waiting below.
const Duration spin_duration = DurationFromMilliseconds(2);
Wait(condition, spin_duration, condvar, mutex);
} // namespace ruy