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/* Copyright 2019 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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// Context is the user-facing context class.
#include <cstdint>
namespace ruy {
class Ctx;
class CtxImpl;
class ThreadPool;
enum class Path : std::uint8_t;
enum class Tuning;
enum class PerformanceAdvisory;
enum class NumThreadsStrategy : std::uint8_t;
// A Context holds runtime information used by Ruy. It holds runtime resources
// such as the workers thread pool and the allocator (which holds buffers for
// temporary data), as well as runtime options controlling which Paths are
// enabled (typically based on which instruction sets are detected) and how
// many threads to use.
class Context final {
// Returns the Path enum value that corresponds to the code path used by
// the last ruy::Mul with this Context.
Path last_used_path() const;
// Control of whether to use kernels tuned for in-order or out-of-order CPU
// cores. The default is auto-detection, so these methods should only be used
// to override that auto-detection if it's not working as intended or for
// testing.
Tuning explicit_tuning() const;
void set_explicit_tuning(Tuning value);
// The thread pool held by this context to dispatch a ruy::Mul to worker
// threads.
// By default, threads may spin-wait for a few milliseconds before reverting
// to passive wait. This can be controlled by
// `mutable_thread_pool()->set_spin_milliseconds(value)`.
const ThreadPool& thread_pool() const;
ThreadPool* mutable_thread_pool();
// Controls the maximum number of threads to be used by ruy::Mul with this
// Context. The number of threads in the pool will be that value minus one,
// as the remaining portion of the work is done directly on the calling
// thread.
// This defaults to 1. Multi-threading in ruy is always opt-in. There is
// no auto-detection of hardware concurrency. That is on purpose, ruy focuses
// on mobile applications where such concepts are difficult to define
// (e.g. ARM big.LITTLE).
int max_num_threads() const;
void set_max_num_threads(int value);
// Controls the logic to determine how many threads to use.
NumThreadsStrategy num_threads_strategy() const;
void set_num_threads_strategy(NumThreadsStrategy strategy);
// Returns true of the last ruy::Mul using this Context flagged the specified
// `advisory`. This is reset by each ruy::Mul call.
bool performance_advisory(PerformanceAdvisory advisory) const;
// When using Matrix::set_cache_policy(), this Context will keep a cache of
// pre-packed matrix data. This function clears that cache.
void ClearPrepackedCache();
// Override auto-detection of supported code paths.
// Passing `paths == Path::kNone` means reverting to the default behavior.
// This will trigger auto-detection on the next use.
// Other values will override auto-detection with the explicitly provided set
// of paths.
// Paths in kNonArchPaths are always implicitly supported.
void set_runtime_enabled_paths(Path paths);
// Returns the set of Path's that are available.
Path get_runtime_enabled_paths();
CtxImpl* const impl_;
const Ctx& ctx() const;
Ctx* mutable_ctx();
friend const Ctx* get_ctx(const Context*);
friend Ctx* get_ctx(Context*);
// Disallow copy
Context(const Context&) = delete;
} // end namespace ruy
#endif // RUY_RUY_CONTEXT_H_