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// # What is "packing"?
// Before feeding data to the gemm kernels (the parts of Ruy that do lots
// of multiply-add operations), Ruy first performs a data transformation (which
// we call "packing") on the input matrices. This transformation has two main
// goals:
// - rearrange data into blocks that are a convenient size/layout for the gemm
// kernels to consume. This helps make the memory access pattern of the gemm
// kernel simpler and more contiguous, and puts the data in a layout most
// convenient for specific arithmetic instructions in the gemm kernel.
// - compute row/column sums needed for handling quantization with non-symmetric
// zero points.
// # Simplified algorithmic analysis of packing
// Packing is a relatively simple transformation which does a small constant
// amount of work on each element of an input matrix, and hence for an NxM
// matrix performs O(N*M) work. If N and M are of the same order, then this is
// O(N^2) work.
// A NxKxM matrix multiplication requires N*K*M multiply-accumulate operations.
// Note that if N, K, and M are all the same order, then the number of
// multiply-accumulate operations is O(N^3).
// Thus, the O(N^2) cost of packing is small compared to the O(N^3) work, in the
// case of all dimensions being roughly the same order.
// # Packing cost can be significant
// When matrix * matrix multiplications begin to look more like matrix * vector
// multiplications, packing cost can become significant. We sometimes call these
// cases "gemv-like".
// Continuing the algorithmic analysis above, if we consider a case where an
// NxKxM matrix multiplication has either N = O(1) or M = O(1), then the
// situation is different. In this case, the multiply-accumulate work is only
// quadratic, so the quadratic cost of packing can be come significant.
// Another way to say this is that the cost of packing an input matrix (either
// the LHS or RHS) is amortized across the non-depth dimension of the opposite
// input matrix. Thus, when the LHS has very few rows or the RHS has very few
// columns, the cost of packing the opposite input matrix can become
// significant.
// As a rough rule of thumb, the cost of packing starts to become significant
// when either N or M is below 32 (and other dimensions are hundreds), with very
// significant packing costs at 8 or below. This varies by data type, Path, and
// tuning, so these numbers are only rough guides.
// One practical use case that is affected by this is inference of
// fully connected neural network layers with a low batch size. The weight
// matrix (which is a constant for inference) is the one affected by significant
// packing cost.
// Ruy provides an API in ruy_advanced.h for advanced users to pre-pack
// input matrices that are affected by significant packing costs.
// # Implementation notes
// Ruy's packing routines always operate on a range of columns and can be
// applied to either the LHS or RHS. This is possible because Ruy internally
// implements a TrMul, so the accumulation along depth is done along columns of
// both the LHS and RHS (whereas for a normal Mul the accumulation along depth
// for the LHS is along rows). As another example, we are always computing
// column sums for quantization (and never row sums, since the LHS is
// transposed).
#include <cstdint>
#include "ruy/check_macros.h"
#include "ruy/common.h"
#include "ruy/internal_matrix.h"
#include "ruy/matrix.h"
#include "ruy/opt_set.h"
#include "ruy/path.h"
#include "ruy/platform.h"
#include "ruy/profiler/instrumentation.h"
#include "ruy/tune.h"
namespace ruy {
template <Path ThePath, typename Scalar>
struct PackedTypeImpl {
using Type = Scalar;
struct PackParams8bit {
const void* src_ptr0;
const void* src_ptr1;
const void* src_ptr2;
const void* src_ptr3;
const std::int32_t* sums_ptr;
const std::int8_t* packed_ptr;
int src_inc0;
int src_inc1;
int src_inc2;
int src_inc3;
int src_rows;
int src_zero_point;
int input_xor;
inline void MakePackParams8bit(const void* src_ptr0, const void* src_ptr1,
const void* src_ptr2, const void* src_ptr3,
const std::int32_t* sums_ptr,
const std::int8_t* packed_ptr, int src_inc0,
int src_inc1, int src_inc2, int src_inc3,
int src_rows, int src_zero_point, int input_xor,
PackParams8bit* params) {
params->src_ptr0 = src_ptr0;
params->src_ptr1 = src_ptr1;
params->src_ptr2 = src_ptr2;
params->src_ptr3 = src_ptr3;
params->sums_ptr = sums_ptr;
params->packed_ptr = packed_ptr;
params->src_inc0 = src_inc0;
params->src_inc1 = src_inc1;
params->src_inc2 = src_inc2;
params->src_inc3 = src_inc3;
params->src_rows = src_rows;
params->src_zero_point = src_zero_point;
params->input_xor = input_xor;
template <>
struct PackedTypeImpl<Path::kNeon, std::uint8_t> {
using Type = std::int8_t;
template <>
struct PackedTypeImpl<Path::kNeonDotprod, std::uint8_t> {
using Type = std::int8_t;
template <>
struct PackedTypeImpl<Path::kSse42, std::uint8_t> {
using Type = std::int8_t;
template <>
struct PackedTypeImpl<Path::kAvx2, std::uint8_t> {
using Type = std::int8_t;
template <>
struct PackedTypeImpl<Path::kAvx512, std::uint8_t> {
using Type = std::int8_t;
template <>
struct PackedTypeImpl<Path::kAvxVnni, std::uint8_t> {
using Type = std::int8_t;
template <Path ThePath, typename Scalar>
using PackedType = typename PackedTypeImpl<ThePath, Scalar>::Type;
template <typename PackedScalar, typename Scalar>
PackedScalar Pack(Scalar x) {
return x - SymmetricZeroPoint<Scalar>() + SymmetricZeroPoint<PackedScalar>();
template <Path ThePath, typename FixedKernelLayout, typename Scalar,
typename PackedScalar, typename SumsType>
struct PackImpl {};
template <typename FixedKernelLayout, typename Scalar, \
typename PackedScalar, typename SumsType> \
struct PackImpl<CHILD, FixedKernelLayout, Scalar, PackedScalar, SumsType> \
: PackImpl<PARENT, FixedKernelLayout, Scalar, PackedScalar, SumsType> { \
template <typename FixedKernelLayout, typename Scalar, typename PackedScalar,
typename SumsType>
struct PackImpl<Path::kStandardCpp, FixedKernelLayout, Scalar, PackedScalar,
SumsType> {
static void Run(Tuning, const Matrix<Scalar>& src_matrix,
PackedMatrix<PackedScalar>* packed_matrix, int start_col,
int end_col) {
profiler::ScopeLabel label("Pack (generic)");
RUY_DCHECK_EQ((end_col - start_col) % FixedKernelLayout::kCols, 0);
SumsType* sums = packed_matrix->sums;
for (int col = start_col; col < end_col; col++) {
SumsType accum = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < packed_matrix->layout.rows; row++) {
PackedScalar packed_val;
if (col < src_matrix.layout.cols && row < src_matrix.layout.rows) {
packed_val = Pack<PackedScalar>(Element(src_matrix, row, col));
} else {
packed_val = packed_matrix->zero_point;
accum += packed_val;
*ElementPtr(packed_matrix, row, col) = packed_val;
if (sums) {
sums[col] = accum;
RUY_INHERIT_PACK(Path::kStandardCpp, Path::kNeon)
RUY_INHERIT_PACK(Path::kNeon, Path::kNeonDotprod)
RUY_INHERIT_PACK(Path::kStandardCpp, Path::kSse42)
RUY_INHERIT_PACK(Path::kSse42, Path::kAvx2)
RUY_INHERIT_PACK(Path::kAvx2, Path::kAvx512)
RUY_INHERIT_PACK(Path::kAvx512, Path::kAvxVnni)
// Main entry point for packing.
template <Path ThePath, typename FixedKernelLayout, typename Scalar,
typename PackedScalar>
void RunPack(Tuning tuning, const DMatrix& src_matrix, PMatrix* packed_matrix,
int start_col, int end_col) {
using SumsType = typename PackedMatrix<PackedScalar>::SumsType;
Matrix<Scalar> src = ToMatrix<Scalar>(src_matrix);
PackedMatrix<PackedScalar> packed =
PackImpl<ThePath, FixedKernelLayout, Scalar, PackedScalar, SumsType>::Run(
tuning, src, &packed, start_col, end_col);
} // namespace ruy