Improve concurrent_exec util
diff --git a/mobly/ b/mobly/
index 68ce39f..fa644a2 100644
--- a/mobly/
+++ b/mobly/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 import signal
 import string
 import subprocess
+import sys
 import threading
 import time
 import traceback
@@ -256,7 +257,8 @@
 # Thead/Process related functions.
-def concurrent_exec(func, param_list):
+def concurrent_exec(func, param_list, max_workers=30,
+                    raise_on_exception=False):
     """Executes a function with different parameters pseudo-concurrently.
     This is basically a map function. Each element (should be an iterable) in
@@ -267,16 +269,26 @@
         func: The function that parforms a task.
         param_list: A list of iterables, each being a set of params to be
             passed into the function.
+        max_workers: int, the number of workers to use for parallelizing the
+            tasks. By default, this is 30 workers.
+        raise_on_exception: bool, raises all of the task failures if any of the
+            tasks failed if `True`. By default, this is `False`.
         A list of return values from each function execution. If an execution
         caused an exception, the exception object will be the corresponding
+    Raises:
+        RuntimeError: If executing any of the tasks failed and
+          `raise_on_exception` is True.
-    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=30) as executor:
+    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
+            max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
         # Start the load operations and mark each future with its params
         future_to_params = {executor.submit(func, *p): p for p in param_list}
         return_vals = []
+        exceptions = []
         for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_params):
             params = future_to_params[future]
@@ -285,6 +297,22 @@
                 logging.exception("{} generated an exception: {}".format(
                     params, traceback.format_exc()))
+                exceptions.append(exc)
+        if raise_on_exception and exceptions:
+            error_messages = []
+            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
+                for exception in exceptions:
+                    error_messages.append(
+                        unicode(exception.message,
+                                encoding='utf-8',
+                                errors='replace'))
+            else:
+                for exception in exceptions:
+                    error_messages.append(''.join(
+                        traceback.format_exception(exception.__class__,
+                                                   exception,
+                                                   exception.__traceback__)))
+            raise RuntimeError('\n\n'.join(error_messages))
         return return_vals
diff --git a/tests/mobly/ b/tests/mobly/
index 207273c..cdcdee7 100755
--- a/tests/mobly/
+++ b/tests/mobly/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
+from concurrent import futures
 import io
 import mock
 import os
@@ -43,7 +44,6 @@
     """This test class has unit tests for the implementation of everything
     under mobly.utils.
     def setUp(self):
         system = platform.system()
         self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
@@ -166,6 +166,233 @@
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_none_workers(self):
+        def adder(a, b):
+            return a + b
+        with mock.patch.object(
+                futures, 'ThreadPoolExecutor',
+                wraps=futures.ThreadPoolExecutor) as thread_pool_spy:
+            results = utils.concurrent_exec(adder, [(1, 1), (2, 2)],
+                                            max_workers=None)
+        thread_pool_spy.assert_called_once_with(max_workers=None)
+        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
+        self.assertIn(2, results)
+        self.assertIn(4, results)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_default_max_workers(self):
+        def adder(a, b):
+            return a + b
+        with mock.patch.object(
+                futures, 'ThreadPoolExecutor',
+                wraps=futures.ThreadPoolExecutor) as thread_pool_spy:
+            results = utils.concurrent_exec(adder, [(1, 1), (2, 2)])
+        thread_pool_spy.assert_called_once_with(max_workers=30)
+        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
+        self.assertIn(2, results)
+        self.assertIn(4, results)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_custom_max_workers(self):
+        def adder(a, b):
+            return a + b
+        with mock.patch.object(
+                futures, 'ThreadPoolExecutor',
+                wraps=futures.ThreadPoolExecutor) as thread_pool_spy:
+            results = utils.concurrent_exec(adder, [(1, 1), (2, 2)],
+                                            max_workers=1)
+        thread_pool_spy.assert_called_once_with(max_workers=1)
+        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
+        self.assertIn(2, results)
+        self.assertIn(4, results)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_makes_all_calls(self):
+        mock_function = mock.MagicMock()
+        _ = utils.concurrent_exec(mock_function, [
+            (1, 1),
+            (2, 2),
+            (3, 3),
+        ])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_function.call_count, 3)
+        mock_function.assert_has_calls(
+            [, 1),
+   , 2),
+   , 3)],
+            any_order=True)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_generates_results(self):
+        def adder(a, b):
+            return a + b
+        results = utils.concurrent_exec(adder, [(1, 1), (2, 2)])
+        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
+        self.assertIn(2, results)
+        self.assertIn(4, results)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_exception_makes_all_calls(self):
+        mock_call_recorder = mock.MagicMock()
+        def fake_int(a, ):
+            mock_call_recorder(a)
+            return int(a)
+        results = utils.concurrent_exec(fake_int, [
+            (1, ),
+            ('123', ),
+            ('not_int', ),
+            (5435, ),
+        ])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call_recorder.call_count, 4)
+        mock_call_recorder.assert_has_calls([
+  ,
+  '123'),
+  'not_int'),
+  ,
+        ],
+                                            any_order=True)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_exception_generates_results(self):
+        mock_call_recorder = mock.MagicMock()
+        def fake_int(a, ):
+            mock_call_recorder(a)
+            return int(a)
+        results = utils.concurrent_exec(fake_int, [
+            (1, ),
+            ('123', ),
+            ('not_int', ),
+            (5435, ),
+        ])
+        self.assertEqual(len(results), 4)
+        self.assertIn(1, results)
+        self.assertIn(123, results)
+        self.assertIn(5435, results)
+        exceptions = [
+            result for result in results if isinstance(result, Exception)
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(len(exceptions), 1)
+        self.assertIsInstance(exceptions[0], ValueError)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_multiple_exceptions_makes_all_calls(self):
+        mock_call_recorder = mock.MagicMock()
+        def fake_int(a, ):
+            mock_call_recorder(a)
+            return int(a)
+        results = utils.concurrent_exec(fake_int, [
+            (1, ),
+            ('not_int1', ),
+            ('not_int2', ),
+            (5435, ),
+        ])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call_recorder.call_count, 4)
+        mock_call_recorder.assert_has_calls([
+  ,
+  'not_int1'),
+  'not_int2'),
+  ,
+        ],
+                                            any_order=True)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_multiple_exceptions_generates_results(self):
+        mock_call_recorder = mock.MagicMock()
+        def fake_int(a, ):
+            mock_call_recorder(a)
+            return int(a)
+        results = utils.concurrent_exec(fake_int, [
+            (1, ),
+            ('not_int1', ),
+            ('not_int2', ),
+            (5435, ),
+        ])
+        self.assertEqual(len(results), 4)
+        self.assertIn(1, results)
+        self.assertIn(5435, results)
+        exceptions = [
+            result for result in results if isinstance(result, Exception)
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(len(exceptions), 2)
+        self.assertIsInstance(exceptions[0], ValueError)
+        self.assertIsInstance(exceptions[1], ValueError)
+        self.assertNotEqual(exceptions[0], exceptions[1])
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_raising_exception_generates_results(self):
+        def adder(a, b):
+            return a + b
+        results = utils.concurrent_exec(adder, [(1, 1), (2, 2)],
+                                        raise_on_exception=True)
+        self.assertEqual(len(results), 2)
+        self.assertIn(2, results)
+        self.assertIn(4, results)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_raising_exception_makes_all_calls(self):
+        mock_call_recorder = mock.MagicMock()
+        def fake_int(a, ):
+            mock_call_recorder(a)
+            return int(a)
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, '.*not_int.*'):
+            _ = utils.concurrent_exec(fake_int, [
+                (1, ),
+                ('123', ),
+                ('not_int', ),
+                (5435, ),
+            ],
+                                      raise_on_exception=True)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call_recorder.call_count, 4)
+        mock_call_recorder.assert_has_calls([
+  ,
+  '123'),
+  'not_int'),
+  ,
+        ],
+                                            any_order=True)
+    def test_concurrent_exec_when_raising_multiple_exceptions_makes_all_calls(
+            self):
+        mock_call_recorder = mock.MagicMock()
+        def fake_int(a, ):
+            mock_call_recorder(a)
+            return int(a)
+        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+                RuntimeError,
+                r'(?m).*(not_int1(.|\s)+not_int2|not_int2(.|\s)+not_int1).*'):
+            _ = utils.concurrent_exec(fake_int, [
+                (1, ),
+                ('not_int1', ),
+                ('not_int2', ),
+                (5435, ),
+            ],
+                                      raise_on_exception=True)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call_recorder.call_count, 4)
+        mock_call_recorder.assert_has_calls([
+  ,
+  'not_int1'),
+  'not_int2'),
+  ,
+        ],
+                                            any_order=True)
     def test_create_dir(self):
         new_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'haha')