blob: 690e206348407ce7971af78e66899e6cb7bd578e [file] [log] [blame]
# DO always create a tracking issue when allow-listing warnings
# DO NOT disable warnings-as-error: warnings of today are tomorrow's evolvability blocker.
filterwarnings =
# Tread warnings as errors
# ...except this allow list:
# Issue #35
ignore:the imp module is deprecated:DeprecationWarning
# Issue #36
ignore:`np.bool` is a deprecated alias:DeprecationWarning
# Issue #37
ignore:Encoding a StructuredValue with type tf_agents.policies.greedy_policy.DeterministicWithLogProb_ACTTypeSpec:UserWarning
# Not much to do about this, it's caused by gin
ignore:Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections':DeprecationWarning
# Issue #119
ignore:Encoding a StructuredValue with type tfp.distributions.Deterministic_ACTTypeSpec:UserWarning
# This warning stems from tensorflow and tf-agents and will presumably
# be fixed by them before v3.12
ignore:The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives:DeprecationWarning
# Also an issue internal to tensorflow
ignore:Call to deprecated create function .*Descriptor.*:DeprecationWarning
# Also internal to tensorflow
ignore:non-integer arguments to randrange.*:DeprecationWarning