blob: 7c0fd5b873bf3a72b433958de6746ecd4392d860 [file] [log] [blame]
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Utilities for the script
Refactored into a separate script so that we can run all of these utilities
through pytest without needing to add any odd conditionals to deal with
duplicate absl flags etc.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy
import numpy.typing
from tf_agents.typing import types
from typing import Callable, Dict, Tuple
SignatureType = Dict[str, Tuple[numpy.typing.ArrayLike, tf.dtypes.DType]]
def get_input_signature(example_input: types.NestedTensorSpec) -> SignatureType:
"""Gets the signature of an observation
This function takes in an example input and returns a signature of that
input containing all of the info needed to restructure a flat array back into
the original format later on. This function returns a dictionary with the
same keys as the original input but with the items being tuples where the
first value is the shape of that feature and the second is its data type.
example_input: a nested tensor spec (dictionary of tensors) that serves
as an example for generating the signature.
input_signature = {}
for input_key in example_input:
input_signature[input_key] = (tf.shape(example_input[input_key]).numpy(),
return input_signature
def get_signature_total_size(input_signature: SignatureType) -> int:
"""Gets the total number of elements in a single problem instance
input_signature: An input signature to calculate the number of elements in
total_size = 0
for input_key in input_signature:
total_size +=[input_key][0])
return total_size
def pack_flat_array_into_input(
flat_array: numpy.typing.ArrayLike,
signature_spec: SignatureType) -> types.NestedTensorSpec:
"""Packs a flat array into a nested tensor spec to feed into a model
flat_array: The data to be packed back into the specified nested tensor
signature_spec: A signature that is used to create the correct structure
for all of the values in the flat array
output_input_dict = {}
current_index = 0
for needed_input in signature_spec:
part_size =[needed_input][0])
needed_subset = flat_array[current_index:current_index + part_size]
current_index += part_size
output_input_dict[needed_input] = tf.cast(
tf.constant(needed_subset, shape=signature_spec[needed_input][0]),
return output_input_dict
def flatten_input(to_flatten: types.NestedTensorSpec,
array_size: int) -> numpy.typing.ArrayLike:
"""Flattens problem instance data into a flat array for shap
to_flatten: A nested tensor spec of data that needs to be flattend into
an array
array_size: An integer representing the size of the output array. Used for
allocating the flat array to place all the data in.
output_array = numpy.empty(array_size)
input_index = 0
for input_key in to_flatten:
current_size = tf.size(to_flatten[input_key])
end_index = input_index + current_size
output_array[input_index:end_index] = to_flatten[input_key].numpy().astype(
input_index += current_size
return output_array
def process_raw_trajectory(
raw_trajectory: types.ForwardRef) -> types.NestedTensorSpec:
"""Processes the raw example data into a nested tensor spec that can be
easily fed into a model.
raw_trajectory: Raw data representing an individual problem instance from
a trace.
observation = raw_trajectory.observation
'step_type': raw_trajectory.step_type,
'reward': raw_trajectory.reward,
# remove batch size dimension
for key in observation:
observation[key] = tf.squeeze(observation[key], axis=0)
return observation
def collapse_values(input_signature: SignatureType,
shap_values: numpy.typing.ArrayLike,
num_examples: int) -> numpy.typing.ArrayLike:
"""Collapses shap values so that there is only a single value per feature
input_signature: The signature of the model input. Used to determine what
(if any) features need to be collapsed.
shap_values: A numpy array of shap values that need to be processed.
output_shap_values = numpy.empty((num_examples, len(input_signature)))
for i in range(0, num_examples):
current_index = 0
current_feature = 0
for input_key in input_signature:
part_size =[input_key][0])
output_shap_values[i, current_feature] = numpy.sum(
shap_values[i, current_index:current_index + part_size])
current_feature += 1
current_index += part_size
return output_shap_values
def get_max_part_size(input_signature: SignatureType) -> int:
"""Gets the size (as a single scalar) of the largest feature in terms of
the number of elements.
input_signature: The input signature that we want to find the largest
feature in.
part_sizes = numpy.empty(len(input_signature))
for index, input_key in enumerate(input_signature):
part_sizes[index] =[input_key][0])
return numpy.max(part_sizes)
def create_run_model_function(action_fn: Callable,
input_sig: SignatureType) -> Callable:
"""Returns a function that takes in a flattend input array and returns the
model output as a scalar.
action_fn: The action function from the tensorflow saved model saved
through tf_agents
input_sig: The input signature for the model currently under analysis.
Used to pack the flat array back into a nested tensor spec.
def run_model(flat_input_array):
output = numpy.empty(flat_input_array.shape[0])
for index, flat_input in enumerate(flat_input_array):
input_dict = pack_flat_array_into_input(flat_input, input_sig)
model_output = action_fn(**input_dict).items()
# get the value of the first item as a numpy array
output[index] = list(model_output)[0][1].numpy()[0]
return output
return run_model