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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# limitations under the License.
"""Utilities for working with test executables using gtest (ie Chromium)"""
import sys
import subprocess
import re
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from typing import Tuple, List, Optional, Dict
from absl import logging
def run_test(test_executable: str, test_name: str, perf_counters: List[str]):
"""Runs a specific test
This function executes a specific test in a gtest executable using
the --gtest_filter flag to select a specific test. All performance
counter information is captured using perf stat.
test_executable: the path to the gtest executable containing the test
test_name: the name of the test to be run
perf_counters: A string list of performance counters recognized by
perf stat (platform dependent)
command_vector = ['perf', 'stat']
for perf_counter in perf_counters:
command_vector.extend(['-e', perf_counter])
command_vector.extend([test_executable, f'--gtest_filter={test_name}'])
with subprocess.Popen(
command_vector, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as process:
out, err = process.communicate()
decoded_stderr = err.decode('UTF-8')
decoded_stdout = out.decode('UTF-8')
if process.returncode != 0:
logging.warning('test %s failed', test_name)
raise RuntimeError(f'Test executable failed while running {test_name}')
elif 'PASSED' not in decoded_stdout:
logging.warning('test %s does not exist', test_name)
raise RuntimeError(f'No test {test_name} exists in test executable')
# all of the output from perf stat is on STDERR
return decoded_stderr
def parse_perf_stat_output(perf_stat_output: str, perf_counters: List[str]):
"""Parses raw output from perf stat
This function takes in the raw decoded output from perf stat
and parses it into a dictionary containing each of the requested
performance counters as a key.
perf_stat_output: raw decoded output from a perf stat run
perf_counters: A list of strings of valid perf stat
performance counters
counters_dict = {}
for line in perf_stat_output.split('\n'):
for perf_counter in perf_counters:
if perf_counter in line:
count_string = re.findall(r'^\s*\d*', line)[0].replace(' ', '')
count = int(count_string)
counters_dict[perf_counter] = count
return counters_dict
def run_and_parse(test_description: Tuple[str, str, List[str]]):
"""Runs a test and processes the output of an individual test
This function takes in a description of an individual test, runs the test
to get the perf stat output, and then returns the parsed perf stat output
in the form of a dictionary
test_description: a tuple in the form of (executable path, test name,
performance counters to collect) that describes the test
test_executable, test_name, performance_counters = test_description
test_output = run_test(test_executable, test_name, performance_counters)
print(f'Finished running test {test_name}', file=sys.stderr)
return (test_name, parse_perf_stat_output(test_output,
except RuntimeError:
return None
def run_test_suite(test_suite_description: Dict[str, List[str]],
test_executable: str, perf_counters: List[str],
num_threads: Optional[int]):
"""Runs an entire test suite
This function takes in a test set description in the form of a path to a JSON
file and runs all of the tests within that test suite description, capturing
all of the performance counters requested. This function also allows different
tests to be run in parallel for non-parallel sensitive performance counters
such as ones tracking overall loads and stores, but parallelism should be used
with extreme caution while benchmarking.
test_suite_description: A python dictionary containing an array with the
key tests which has all the tests to run
test_executable: A path to the gtest executable being described by the test
description JSON
perf_counters: A list of strings of valid perf performance counters that
are to be collected.
num_threads: The number of threads to use when running tests. Set to 1 by
default. Be very cautious about running benchmarks in parallel.
if num_threads is None:
num_threads = 1
test_descriptions = []
for test in test_suite_description['tests']:
test_descriptions.append((test_executable, test, perf_counters))
test_data_output = Parallel(n_jobs=num_threads)(
for test_description in test_descriptions)
formatted_test_data = []
for test_instance in test_data_output:
if test_instance:
test_info = {'name': test_instance[0], 'iterations': 1}
return formatted_test_data
def get_gtest_testlist_raw(path_to_executable: str):
"""Gets raw output of a gtest executable's test list
Takes in a path to a gtest executable and uses the flag --gtest_list_tests
to get a list of all the tests and then returns the raw output so that it
can later be parsed.
path_to_executable: A path to the gtest executable for which a test list
is desired
command_vector = [path_to_executable, '--gtest_list_tests']
with subprocess.Popen(
command_vector, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as process:
out = process.communicate()[0]
return out.decode('UTF-8')
def parse_gtest_tests(gtest_output_raw: str):
"""Parses gtest test list output into a Python list
Loops through each line in the raw output obtained from the
get_gtest_testlist_raw functions and relies on the current output
structure in order to be able to parse the test names.
gtest_output_raw: A string containing the decoded
raw output from a gtest executable run with the
--gtest_list_tests flag
test_list = []
current_test_prefix = ''
gtest_output_split = gtest_output_raw.split('\n')
current_index = 0
# skip to the actual test list
while current_index < len(gtest_output_split):
current_string = gtest_output_split[current_index]
test_matches = re.findall(r'^[a-zA-Z]*\.$', current_string)
if len(test_matches) != 0:
current_index += 1
while current_index < len(gtest_output_split):
current_string = gtest_output_split[current_index]
if len(current_string) == 0:
current_index += 1
# get the test name
test_match = re.findall(r'^\s*\S*', current_string)[0].replace(' ', '')
if test_match[len(test_match) - 1] == '.':
# We've found a new prefix
current_test_prefix = test_match
current_index += 1
test_list.append(current_test_prefix + test_match)
current_index += 1
return test_list