blob: d75991e4471683654d1c07f1edcd0dcce1a1b906 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package keepsorted
import (
type block struct {
metadata blockMetadata
start, end int
// lines are the content of this block from the original file.
// Do not modify this slice:
// This slice shares the same backing array as every other keep-sorted block
// in this file. That same backing array is also used by Fixer.Fix to
// generate the fixed file content. Modifying the backing array might have
// unintended effects on other (nested) blocks. Modifying the backing array
// will have unintended effects on Fixer.Fix.
lines []string
nestedBlocks []block
type blockMetadata struct {
startDirective, endDirective string
opts blockOptions
type incompleteBlock struct {
line int
dir directive
type directive int
const (
startDirective directive = iota
// newBlocks finds all keep-sorted blocks in lines and returns them.
// block.start and block.end will be the index of the keep-sorted directives
// in lines, plus the additional offset (typically 1 to convert indexes to line numbers).
// incompleteBlocks are the index+offset of keep-sorted directives that
// don't have a matching start or end directive.
// include is a function that lets the caller determine if a particular block
// should be included in the result. Mostly useful for filtering keep-sorted
// blocks to just the ones that were modified by the currently CL.
func (f *Fixer) newBlocks(lines []string, offset int, include func(start, end int) bool) ([]block, []incompleteBlock) {
var blocks []block
var incompleteBlocks []incompleteBlock
type startLine struct {
index int
line string
// starts is a stack of startLines.
var starts []startLine
// nestedBlocks by nesting level. nestedBlocks[0] is the slice of blocks that
// are nested under the current top-level block.
var nestedBlocks [][]block
for i, l := range lines {
if strings.Contains(l, f.startDirective) {
starts = append(starts, startLine{i, l})
} else if strings.Contains(l, f.endDirective) {
if len(starts) == 0 {
incompleteBlocks = append(incompleteBlocks, incompleteBlock{i + offset, endDirective})
start := starts[len(starts)-1]
starts = starts[0 : len(starts)-1]
endIndex := i
// Keep any blank lines leading up to the end tag by simply excluding
// them from being sorted (any at the beginning should already be sorted
// at the top).
// The original justification for this was better handling of markdown
// lists (cr/423863898), but the markdown formatter doesn't seem to care
// about the newlines anymore.
// It's nice to keep this around so that users can add a little extra
// formatting to their keep-sorted blocks.
for endIndex > start.index && strings.TrimSpace(lines[endIndex-1]) == "" {
if !include(start.index+offset, endIndex+offset) {
opts, err := f.parseBlockOptions(start.line)
if err != nil {
// TODO(b/250608236): Is there a better way to surface this error?
log.Err(fmt.Errorf("keep-sorted block at index %d had bad start directive: %w", start.index+offset, err)).Msg("")
// Top-level keep-sorted directives have depth 0. Nested keep-sorted
// directives will have depth >= 1 based on how deep it is.
depth := len(starts)
block := block{
metadata: blockMetadata{
startDirective: f.startDirective,
endDirective: f.endDirective,
opts: opts,
start: start.index + offset,
end: endIndex + offset,
lines: lines[start.index+1 : endIndex],
// For example, consider depth=0:
// If we just finished a top-level block and there are first-level nested
// blocks present, we need to remove those from nestedBlocks and include
// them on this block.
// It isn't possible for len(nestedBlocks) to be > depth+1:
// At depth n, n != 0, we increase the length of nestedBlocks to be n.
// At depth m=n-1, the length of nestedBlocks will initially be n=m+1 (the assertion from above)
// and then we trim that down to be length m when we add the nested blocks
// to the current block.
if len(nestedBlocks) == depth+1 {
block.nestedBlocks = nestedBlocks[depth]
nestedBlocks = nestedBlocks[0:depth]
if depth == 0 {
// Top-level blocks get returned.
// Nested blocks are returned via their top-level block.
blocks = append(blocks, block)
} else {
// Otherwise, the current block appears to be nested. Add it to nestedBlocks.
for len(nestedBlocks) < depth {
nestedBlocks = append(nestedBlocks, nil)
nestedBlocks[depth-1] = append(nestedBlocks[depth-1], block)
// Invariant: len(nestedBlocks) == depth
if len(starts) > 0 {
for _, st := range starts {
incompleteBlocks = append(incompleteBlocks, incompleteBlock{st.index + offset, startDirective})
// There were some unfinished start directives. They might've caused some
// blocks to be incorrectly considered nested.
for _, nested := range nestedBlocks {
blocks = append(blocks, nested...)
return blocks, incompleteBlocks
// sorted returns a slice which represents the correct sorting of b.lines.
// If b.lines is already correctly sorted, we will return b.lines, true.
func (b block) sorted() (sorted []string, alreadySorted bool) {
alreadySorted = true
// Sort the nested blocks first so that their changes are visible to the
// outer block.
type nestedResult struct {
lines []string
alreadySorted bool
var nestedResults []nestedResult
for _, n := range b.nestedBlocks {
lines, already := n.sorted()
if !already {
alreadySorted = false
nestedResults = append(nestedResults, nestedResult{lines, already})
lines := b.lines
if !alreadySorted {
var lineChunks [][]string
// The total number of lines in lineChunks.
var numLines int
// Our current position within lines.
var cursor int
for i, nested := range b.nestedBlocks {
res := nestedResults[i]
if res.alreadySorted {
// This nested block was already sorted. Its content in lines is already
// correct. We will add this block to lineChunks either as an unchanged
// prefix to a changed nested block, or as the remainder of lines if there
// are no more changed nested blocks.
offset := nested.start - b.start
// Unchanged prefix of lines.
lineChunks = append(lineChunks, lines[cursor:offset])
numLines += offset - cursor
// The piece of the nested block that changed.
lineChunks = append(lineChunks, res.lines)
numLines += len(res.lines)
// Advance cursor to the end of the nested block within lines.
cursor = offset + len(nested.lines)
if rem := lines[cursor:]; len(rem) > 0 {
// Are there any lines remaining in lines after handing all the nested
// blocks?
lineChunks = append(lineChunks, rem)
numLines += len(rem)
// See above for the scary comment telling us not to modify b.lines directly.
lines = make([]string, 0, numLines)
for _, chunk := range lineChunks {
lines = append(lines, chunk...)
groups := groupLines(lines, b.metadata)
log.Printf("%d groups for block at index %d are (options %#v)", len(groups), b.start, b.metadata.opts)
for _, lg := range groups {
log.Printf("%#v", lg)
trimTrailingComma := handleTrailingComma(groups)
wasNewlineSeparated := true
if b.metadata.opts.NewlineSeparated {
wasNewlineSeparated = isNewlineSeparated(groups)
var withoutNewlines []lineGroup
for _, lg := range groups {
if isNewline(lg) {
withoutNewlines = append(withoutNewlines, lg)
groups = withoutNewlines
removedDuplicate := false
if b.metadata.opts.RemoveDuplicates {
seen := map[string]bool{}
var deduped []lineGroup
for _, lg := range groups {
if s := lg.joinedLines() + "\n" + strings.Join(lg.comment, "\n"); !seen[s] {
seen[s] = true
deduped = append(deduped, lg)
} else {
removedDuplicate = true
groups = deduped
less := b.lessFn()
if alreadySorted && wasNewlineSeparated && !removedDuplicate && slices.IsSortedFunc(groups, less) {
return lines, true
slices.SortStableFunc(groups, less)
if b.metadata.opts.NewlineSeparated {
var separated []lineGroup
newline := lineGroup{lines: []string{""}}
for _, lg := range groups {
if separated != nil {
separated = append(separated, newline)
separated = append(separated, lg)
groups = separated
l := make([]string, 0, len(lines))
for _, g := range groups {
l = append(l, g.allLines()...)
return l, false
// isNewlineSeparated determines if the given lineGroups are already NewlineSeparated.
// e.g.
// non-empty group
// newline group
// non-empty group
// newline group
// .
// .
// .
// non-empty group
func isNewlineSeparated(gs []lineGroup) bool {
if len(gs) == 0 {
return true
// There should be an odd number of groups.
if len(gs)%2 != 1 {
return false
for i := 0; i < (len(gs)-1)/2; i++ {
if isNewline(gs[2*i]) || !isNewline(gs[2*i+1]) {
return false
return !isNewline(gs[len(gs)-1])
// isNewline determines if lg is just an empty line.
func isNewline(lg lineGroup) bool {
return len(lg.comment) == 0 && len(lg.lines) == 1 && strings.TrimSpace(lg.lines[0]) == ""
// handleTrailingComma handles the special case that all lines of a sorted segment are terminated
// by a comma except for the final element; in this case, we add a ',' to the
// last linegroup and strip it again after sorting.
func handleTrailingComma(lgs []lineGroup) (trimTrailingComma func([]lineGroup)) {
var dataGroups []lineGroup
for _, lg := range lgs {
if len(lg.lines) > 0 {
dataGroups = append(dataGroups, lg)
if n := len(dataGroups); n > 1 && allHaveSuffix(dataGroups[0:n-1], ",") && !dataGroups[n-1].hasSuffix(",") {
return func(lgs []lineGroup) {
for i := len(lgs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if len(lgs[i].lines) > 0 {
return func([]lineGroup) {}
func allHaveSuffix(lgs []lineGroup, s string) bool {
for _, lg := range lgs {
if !lg.hasSuffix(s) {
return false
return true
func (b block) lessFn() func(a, b lineGroup) int {
// Always put groups that are only comments last.
commentOnlyBlock := comparingProperty(func(lg lineGroup) int {
if len(lg.lines) > 0 {
return 0
return 1
// Check preferred prefixes from longest to shortest. The list of prefixes
// is reversed to assign weights in ascending order: they are multiplied by
// -1 to ensure that entries with matching prefixes are put before any
// non-matching lines (which assume the weight of 0).
// An empty prefix can be used to move all remaining entries to a position
// between other prefixes.
var prefixWeights []prefixWeight
for i, p := range b.metadata.opts.PrefixOrder {
prefixWeights = append(prefixWeights, prefixWeight{p, i - len(b.metadata.opts.PrefixOrder)})
slices.SortStableFunc(prefixWeights, func(a, b prefixWeight) int {
return cmp.Compare(b.prefix, a.prefix)
prefixOrder := comparingProperty(func(lg lineGroup) int {
for _, w := range prefixWeights {
if lg.hasPrefix(w.prefix) {
return w.weight
return 0
// Combinations of switches (for example, case-insensitive and numeric
// ordering) which must be applied to create a single comparison key,
// otherwise a sub-ordering can preempt a total ordering:
// Foo_45
// foo_123
// foo_6
// would be sorted as either (numeric but not case-insensitive)
// Foo_45
// foo_6
// foo_123
// or (case-insensitive but not numeric)
// foo_123
// Foo_45
// foo_6
// but should be (case-insensitive and numeric)
// foo_6
// Foo_45
// foo_123
transformOrder := comparingPropertyWith(func(lg lineGroup) numericTokens {
l := lg.joinedLines()
if s, ok := b.metadata.opts.removeIgnorePrefix(l); ok {
l = s
if !b.metadata.opts.CaseSensitive {
l = strings.ToLower(l)
return b.metadata.opts.maybeParseNumeric(l)
return func(a, b lineGroup) int {
for _, cmp := range []func(a, b lineGroup) int{
} {
if c := cmp(a, b); c != 0 {
return c
return a.less(b)
func comparingProperty[T any, E cmp.Ordered](f func(T) E) func(a, b T) int {
return comparingPropertyWith(f, func(a, b E) int {
if a < b {
return -1
} else if a > b {
return 1
return 0
func comparingPropertyWith[T any, R any](f func(T) R, cmp func(R, R) int) func(a, b T) int {
return func(a, b T) int {
return cmp(f(a), f(b))
type prefixWeight struct {
prefix string
weight int