blob: 1e5a72ca3968c92fb928a4948aa1766737149877 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package keepsorted
import (
var (
boolValues = map[string]bool{
"yes": true,
"true": true,
"no": false,
"false": false,
// blockOptions enable/disable extra features that control how a block of lines is sorted.
// Currently, only four types are supported:
// 1. bool: key=yes, key=true, key=no, key=false
// 2. []string: key=a,b,c,d
// 3. map[string]bool: key=a,b,c,d
// 4. int: key=123
type blockOptions struct {
// Lint determines whether we emit lint warnings for this block.
Lint bool
// Pre-sorting options //
// SkipLines is the number of lines to ignore before sorting.
SkipLines int `key:"skip_lines"`
// Group determines whether we group lines together based on increasing indentation.
Group bool
// GroupPrefixes tells us about other types of lines that should be added to a group.
GroupPrefixes map[string]bool `key:"group_prefixes"`
// Block opts us into a more complicated algorithm to try and understand blocks of code.
Block bool
// StickyComments tells us to attach comments to the line immediately below them while sorting.
StickyComments bool `key:"sticky_comments"`
// StickyPrefixes tells us about other types of lines that should behave as sticky comments.
StickyPrefixes map[string]bool `key:"sticky_prefixes"`
// Sorting options //
// CaseSensitive is whether we're case sensitive while sorting.
CaseSensitive bool `key:"case"`
// Numeric indicates that the contents should be sorted like numbers.
Numeric bool
// PrefixOrder allows the user to explicitly order lines based on their matching prefix.
PrefixOrder []string `key:"prefix_order"`
// IgnorePrefixes is a slice of prefixes that we do not consider when sorting lines.
IgnorePrefixes []string `key:"ignore_prefixes"`
// Post-sorting options //
// NewlineSeparated indicates that the groups should be separated with newlines.
NewlineSeparated bool `key:"newline_separated"`
// RemoveDuplicates determines whether we drop lines that are an exact duplicate.
RemoveDuplicates bool `key:"remove_duplicates"`
// Syntax used to start a comment for keep-sorted annotation, e.g. "//".
commentMarker string
var defaultOptions = blockOptions{
Lint: true,
Group: true,
StickyComments: true,
StickyPrefixes: nil, // Will be populated with the comment marker of the start directive.
CaseSensitive: true,
RemoveDuplicates: true,
// If we ever add a default map or slice or other reference type to this
// struct, we'll want to make sure we're doing a deep copy in
// parseBlockOptions.
func (f *Fixer) parseBlockOptions(startLine string, defaults blockOptions) (blockOptions, error) {
ret := defaults
opts := reflect.ValueOf(&ret)
var errs error
for i := 0; i < opts.Elem().NumField(); i++ {
field := opts.Elem().Type().Field(i)
if !field.IsExported() {
val, err := parseBlockOption(field, startLine)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, errOptionNotSet) {
errs = errors.Join(errs, err)
} else {
if ret.SkipLines < 0 {
errs = errors.Join(errs, fmt.Errorf("skip_lines has invalid value: %v", ret.SkipLines))
ret.SkipLines = 0
if ret.GroupPrefixes != nil && !ret.Group {
errs = errors.Join(errs, fmt.Errorf("group_prefixes may not be used with group=no"))
ret.GroupPrefixes = nil
if cm := f.guessCommentMarker(startLine); cm != "" {
if len(ret.IgnorePrefixes) > 1 {
// Look at longer prefixes first, in case one of these prefixes is a prefix of another.
slices.SortFunc(ret.IgnorePrefixes, func(a string, b string) int { return cmp.Compare(len(b), len(a)) })
return ret, errs
var errOptionNotSet = errors.New("not set in start directive")
func parseBlockOption(f reflect.StructField, startLine string) (reflect.Value, error) {
key := strings.ToLower(f.Name)
if k, ok := f.Tag.Lookup("key"); ok {
key = k
regex := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`(^|\s)%s=(?P<value>[^ ]+?)($|\s)`, regexp.QuoteMeta(key)))
if m := regex.FindStringSubmatchIndex(startLine); m != nil {
val := string(regex.ExpandString(nil, "${value}", startLine, m))
return parseValue(f, key, val)
return reflect.Zero(f.Type), fmt.Errorf("option %q: %w", key, errOptionNotSet)
func parseValue(f reflect.StructField, key, val string) (reflect.Value, error) {
switch f.Type {
case reflect.TypeOf(true):
b, ok := boolValues[val]
if !ok {
return reflect.Zero(f.Type), fmt.Errorf("option %q has unknown value %q", key, val)
return reflect.ValueOf(b), nil
case reflect.TypeOf([]string{}):
if val == "" {
return reflect.Zero(f.Type), nil
return reflect.ValueOf(strings.Split(val, ",")), nil
case reflect.TypeOf(map[string]bool{}):
if val == "" {
return reflect.Zero(f.Type), nil
sp := strings.Split(val, ",")
m := make(map[string]bool)
for _, s := range sp {
m[s] = true
return reflect.ValueOf(m), nil
case reflect.TypeOf(0):
if val == "" {
return reflect.Zero(f.Type), nil
i, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
if err != nil {
return reflect.Zero(f.Type), fmt.Errorf("option %q has invalid value %q: %w", key, val, err)
return reflect.ValueOf(i), nil
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported blockOptions type: %v", f.Type))
func (f *Fixer) guessCommentMarker(startLine string) string {
startLine = strings.TrimSpace(startLine)
if strings.HasPrefix(startLine, "//") {
return "//"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(startLine, "#") {
return "#"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(startLine, "/*") {
return "/*"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(startLine, "--") {
return "--"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(startLine, ";") {
return ";"
} else if strings.HasPrefix(startLine, "<!--") {
return "<!--"
return ""
func (opts *blockOptions) setCommentMarker(marker string) {
opts.commentMarker = marker
if opts.StickyComments {
if opts.StickyPrefixes == nil {
opts.StickyPrefixes = make(map[string]bool)
opts.StickyPrefixes[marker] = true
// hasPrefix determines if s has one of the prefixes.
func hasPrefix(s string, prefixes map[string]bool) bool {
if len(prefixes) == 0 {
return false
s = strings.TrimLeftFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace)
for p := range prefixes {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, p) {
return true
return false
// hasStickyPrefix determines if s has one of the StickyPrefixes.
func (opts blockOptions) hasStickyPrefix(s string) bool {
return hasPrefix(s, opts.StickyPrefixes)
// hasGroupPrefix determines if s has one of the GroupPrefixes.
func (opts blockOptions) hasGroupPrefix(s string) bool {
return hasPrefix(s, opts.GroupPrefixes)
// removeIgnorePrefix removes the first matching IgnorePrefixes from s, if s
// matches one of the IgnorePrefixes.
func (opts blockOptions) removeIgnorePrefix(s string) (string, bool) {
t := strings.TrimLeftFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace)
for _, p := range opts.IgnorePrefixes {
if strings.HasPrefix(t, p) {
return strings.Replace(s, p, "", 1), true
return "", false
var (
mixedNumberPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`([0-9]+)|([^0-9]+)`)
// maybeParseNumeric handles the Numeric option.
// If Numeric is true, the string will be parsed into subsequences of strings and numeric values.
// If Numeric is false, the result will just be a single token of the unchanged string.
func (opts blockOptions) maybeParseNumeric(s string) numericTokens {
if !opts.Numeric {
return numericTokens{[]string{s}, nil}
var t numericTokens
m := mixedNumberPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(s, -1)
for _, sm := range m {
if sm[1] != "" { // Numeric token
if t.len() == 0 {
// Make sure numericTokens "starts" with a string.
// See the comment on numericTokens for more details.
t.s = append(t.s, "")
i := new(big.Int)
if _, ok := i.SetString(sm[1], 10); !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("mixedNumberPattern yielded an unparseable int: %q", sm[1]))
t.i = append(t.i, i)
} else /* sm[2] != "" */ { // String token
t.s = append(t.s, sm[2])
return t
// numericTokens is the result of parsing all numeric tokens out of a string.
// e.g. a string like "Foo_123" becomes
// s: []string{"Foo_"},
// i: []int64{123},
// To make comparisons possible, numericTokens _always_ "start" with a string,
// even if the string naturally starts with a number e.g. a string like
// "123_Foo" becomes
// s: []string{"", "_Foo"},
// i: []int64{123},
type numericTokens struct {
s []string
i []*big.Int
func (t numericTokens) len() int {
return len(t.s) + len(t.i)
func (t numericTokens) compare(o numericTokens) int {
l := t.len()
if k := o.len(); k < l {
l = k
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
if i%2 == 0 { // Start by comparing strings.
if c := strings.Compare(t.s[i/2], o.s[i/2]); c != 0 {
return c
} else { // Alternate by comparing with numbers.
if c := t.i[i/2].Cmp(o.i[i/2]); c != 0 {
return c
// If the numericTokens are all the same, whichever numericTokens that's
// smaller is less than the other.
return t.len() - o.len()