blob: ffc63516a848fd4f30b2899281a1799598cfd4b1 [file] [log] [blame]
# wght based on
tag: "wght"
display_name: "Weight"
min_value: 1
max_value: 1000
default_value: 400
precision: 0
fallback {
name: "Thin"
value: 100
fallback {
name: "Extra Light"
value: 200
fallback {
name: "Light"
value: 300
fallback {
name: "Regular"
value: 400
fallback {
name: "Medium"
value: 500
fallback {
name: "Semi Bold"
value: 600
fallback {
name: "Bold"
value: 700
fallback {
name: "Extra Bold"
value: 800
fallback {
name: "Black"
value: 900
fallback_only: false
"Adjust the style from lighter to bolder in typographic color, by varying"
" stroke thicknesses or other forms. This typically changes overall width,"
" and so may be used in conjunction with axes for Width and Grade (if"
" present)."