blob: ab0ac29aff6f38c061cb91d7a27d5191b124069d [file] [log] [blame]
# CRSV based on
tag: "CRSV"
display_name: "Cursive"
min_value: 0
max_value: 1
default_value: 0.5
precision: -1
fallback {
name: "Roman"
value: 0
display_name: "Off"
fallback {
name: "Auto"
value: 0.5
fallback {
name: "Cursive"
value: 1
display_name: "On"
fallback_only: true
"Controls the substitution of cursive forms along the Slant axis. 'Off' (0)"
" maintains Roman letterforms such as a double-story a and g, 'Auto' (0.5)"
" allows for Cursive substitution, and 'On' (1) asserts cursive forms even"
" in upright text with a Slant of 0."