blob: cdfe09a679611bc216fee1abb0f57bba61f1b148 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
import kotlin.math.min
// For now a typealias to guarantee type safety.
public typealias UnionOffset = Offset<Any>
public typealias UnionOffsetArray = OffsetArray<Any>
public typealias StringOffsetArray = OffsetArray<String>
public inline fun UnionOffsetArray(size: Int, crossinline call: (Int) -> Offset<Any>): UnionOffsetArray =
UnionOffsetArray(IntArray(size) { call(it).value })
public inline fun StringOffsetArray(size: Int, crossinline call: (Int) -> Offset<String>): StringOffsetArray =
StringOffsetArray(IntArray(size) { call(it).value })
* Represents a "pointer" to a pointer types (table, string, struct) within the buffer
public value class Offset<T>(public val value: Int) {
public fun toUnion(): UnionOffset = UnionOffset(value)
* Represents an array of offsets. Used to avoid boxing
* offset types.
public value class OffsetArray<T>(public val value: IntArray) {
public inline val size: Int
get() = value.size
public inline operator fun get(index: Int): Offset<T> = Offset(value[index])
public inline fun <T> OffsetArray(size: Int, crossinline call: (Int) -> Offset<T>): OffsetArray<T> {
return OffsetArray(IntArray(size) { call(it).value })
* Represents a "pointer" to a vector type with elements T
public value class VectorOffset<T>(public val value: Int)
public fun <T> Int.toOffset(): Offset<T> = Offset(this)
public operator fun <T> Offset<T>.minus(other: Int): Offset<T> = Offset(this.value - other)
public operator fun <T> Int.minus(other: Offset<T>): Int {
return this - other.value
* All tables in the generated code derive from this class, and add their own accessors.
public open class Table {
/** Used to hold the position of the `bb` buffer. */
public var bufferPos: Int = 0
/** The underlying ReadWriteBuffer to hold the data of the Table. */
public var bb: ReadWriteBuffer = emptyBuffer
/** Used to hold the vtable position. */
public var vtableStart: Int = 0
/** Used to hold the vtable size. */
public var vtableSize: Int = 0
protected inline fun <reified T> Int.invalid(default: T, crossinline valid: (Int) -> T) : T =
if (this != 0) valid(this) else default
protected inline fun <reified T> lookupField(i: Int, default: T, crossinline found: (Int) -> T) : T =
offset(i).invalid(default) { found(it) }
* Look up a field in the vtable.
* @param vtableOffset An `int` offset to the vtable in the Table's ReadWriteBuffer.
* @return Returns an offset into the object, or `0` if the field is not present.
public fun offset(vtableOffset: Int): Int =
if (vtableOffset < vtableSize) bb.getShort(vtableStart + vtableOffset).toInt() else 0
* Retrieve a relative offset.
* @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ReadWriteBuffer containing the relative offset.
* @return Returns the relative offset stored at `offset`.
public fun indirect(offset: Int): Int = offset + bb.getInt(offset)
* Create a Java `String` from UTF-8 data stored inside the FlatBuffer.
* This allocates a new string and converts to wide chars upon each access,
* which is not very efficient. Instead, each FlatBuffer string also comes with an
* accessor based on __vector_as_ReadWriteBuffer below, which is much more efficient,
* assuming your Java program can handle UTF-8 data directly.
* @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ReadWriteBuffer.
* @return Returns a `String` from the data stored inside the FlatBuffer at `offset`.
public fun string(offset: Int): String = string(offset, bb)
* Get the length of a vector.
* @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ReadWriteBuffer.
* @return Returns the length of the vector whose offset is stored at `offset`.
public fun vectorLength(offset: Int): Int {
var newOffset = offset
newOffset += bufferPos
newOffset += bb.getInt(newOffset)
return bb.getInt(newOffset)
* Get the start data of a vector.
* @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ReadWriteBuffer.
* @return Returns the start of the vector data whose offset is stored at `offset`.
public fun vector(offset: Int): Int {
var newOffset = offset
newOffset += bufferPos
return newOffset + bb.getInt(newOffset) + Int.SIZE_BYTES // data starts after the length
* Initialize vector as a ReadWriteBuffer.
* This is more efficient than using duplicate, since it doesn't copy the data
* nor allocates a new [ReadBuffer], creating no garbage to be collected.
* @param buffer The [ReadBuffer] for the array
* @param vectorOffset The position of the vector in the byte buffer
* @param elemSize The size of each element in the array
* @return The [ReadBuffer] for the array
public fun vectorAsBuffer(buffer: ReadWriteBuffer, vectorOffset: Int, elemSize: Int): ReadBuffer {
val o = offset(vectorOffset)
if (o == 0) return emptyBuffer
val vectorStart = vector(o)
return buffer.slice(vectorStart, vectorLength(o) * elemSize)
* Initialize any Table-derived type to point to the union at the given `offset`.
* @param t A `Table`-derived type that should point to the union at `offset`.
* @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ReadWriteBuffer.
* @return Returns the Table that points to the union at `offset`.
public fun union(t: Table, offset: Int): Table = union(t, offset, bb)
* Sort tables by the key.
* @param offsets An 'int' indexes of the tables into the bb.
* @param bb A `ReadWriteBuffer` to get the tables.
public fun <T> sortTables(offsets: Array<Offset<T>>, bb: ReadWriteBuffer) {
val off = offsets.sortedWith { o1, o2 -> keysCompare(o1, o2, bb) }
for (i in offsets.indices) offsets[i] = off[i]
* Compare two tables by the key.
* @param o1 An 'Integer' index of the first key into the bb.
* @param o2 An 'Integer' index of the second key into the bb.
* @param buffer A `ReadWriteBuffer` to get the keys.
public open fun keysCompare(o1: Offset<*>, o2: Offset<*>, buffer: ReadWriteBuffer): Int = 0
* Re-init the internal state with an external buffer `ReadWriteBuffer` and an offset within.
* This method exists primarily to allow recycling Table instances without risking memory leaks
* due to `ReadWriteBuffer` references.
public inline fun <reified T: Table> reset(i: Int, reuseBuffer: ReadWriteBuffer): T {
bb = reuseBuffer
if (bb != emptyBuffer) {
bufferPos = i
vtableStart = bufferPos - bb.getInt(bufferPos)
vtableSize = bb.getShort(vtableStart).toInt()
} else {
bufferPos = 0
vtableStart = 0
vtableSize = 0
return this as T
* Resets the internal state with a null `ReadWriteBuffer` and a zero position.
* This method exists primarily to allow recycling Table instances without risking memory leaks
* due to `ReadWriteBuffer` references. The instance will be unusable until it is assigned
* again to a `ReadWriteBuffer`.
public inline fun <reified T: Table> reset(): T = reset(0, emptyBuffer)
public companion object {
public fun offset(vtableOffset: Int, offset: Offset<*>, bb: ReadWriteBuffer): Int {
val vtable: Int = bb.capacity - offset.value
return bb.getShort(vtable + vtableOffset - bb.getInt(vtable)) + vtable
* Retrieve a relative offset.
* @param offset An `int` index into a ReadWriteBuffer containing the relative offset.
* @param bb from which the relative offset will be retrieved.
* @return Returns the relative offset stored at `offset`.
public fun indirect(offset: Int, bb: ReadWriteBuffer): Int {
return offset + bb.getInt(offset)
* Create a Java `String` from UTF-8 data stored inside the FlatBuffer.
* This allocates a new string and converts to wide chars upon each access,
* which is not very efficient. Instead, each FlatBuffer string also comes with an
* accessor based on __vector_as_ReadWriteBuffer below, which is much more efficient,
* assuming your Java program can handle UTF-8 data directly.
* @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ReadWriteBuffer.
* @param bb Table ReadWriteBuffer used to read a string at given offset.
* @return Returns a `String` from the data stored inside the FlatBuffer at `offset`.
public fun string(offset: Int, bb: ReadWriteBuffer): String {
var newOffset = offset
newOffset += bb.getInt(newOffset)
val length: Int = bb.getInt(newOffset)
return bb.getString(newOffset + Int.SIZE_BYTES, length)
* Initialize any Table-derived type to point to the union at the given `offset`.
* @param t A `Table`-derived type that should point to the union at `offset`.
* @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ReadWriteBuffer.
* @param bb Table ReadWriteBuffer used to initialize the object Table-derived type.
* @return Returns the Table that points to the union at `offset`.
public fun union(t: Table, offset: Int, bb: ReadWriteBuffer): Table =
t.reset(indirect(offset, bb), bb)
* Check if a [ReadWriteBuffer] contains a file identifier.
* @param bb A `ReadWriteBuffer` to check if it contains the identifier
* `ident`.
* @param ident A `String` identifier of the FlatBuffer file.
* @return True if the buffer contains the file identifier
public fun hasIdentifier(bb: ReadWriteBuffer?, ident: String): Boolean {
val identifierLength = 4
if (ident.length != identifierLength)
throw AssertionError("FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length $identifierLength")
for (i in 0 until identifierLength) {
if (ident[i].code.toByte() != bb!![bb.limit + Int.SIZE_BYTES + i]) return false
return true
* Compare two strings in the buffer.
* @param offsetA An 'int' index of the first string into the bb.
* @param offsetB An 'int' index of the second string into the bb.
* @param bb A `ReadWriteBuffer` to get the strings.
public fun compareStrings(offsetA: Int, offsetB: Int, bb: ReadWriteBuffer): Int {
var offset1 = offsetA
var offset2 = offsetB
offset1 += bb.getInt(offset1)
offset2 += bb.getInt(offset2)
val len1: Int = bb.getInt(offset1)
val len2: Int = bb.getInt(offset2)
val startPos1: Int = offset1 + Int.SIZE_BYTES
val startPos2: Int = offset2 + Int.SIZE_BYTES
val len: Int = min(len1, len2)
for (i in 0 until len) {
if (bb[i + startPos1] != bb[i + startPos2]) {
return bb[i + startPos1] - bb[i + startPos2]
return len1 - len2
* Compare string from the buffer with the 'String' object.
* @param offset An 'int' index of the first string into the bb.
* @param key Second string as a byte array.
* @param bb A `ReadWriteBuffer` to get the first string.
public fun compareStrings(offset: Int, key: ByteArray, bb: ReadWriteBuffer): Int {
var offset1 = offset
offset1 += bb.getInt(offset1)
val len1: Int = bb.getInt(offset1)
val len2 = key.size
val startPos: Int = offset1 + Int.SIZE_BYTES
val len: Int = min(len1, len2)
for (i in 0 until len) {
if (bb[i + startPos] != key[i]) return bb[i + startPos] - key[i]
return len1 - len2
* All structs in the generated code derive from this class, and add their own accessors.
public open class Struct {
/** Used to hold the position of the `bb` buffer. */
protected var bufferPos: Int = 0
/** The underlying ByteBuffer to hold the data of the Struct. */
protected var bb: ReadWriteBuffer = emptyBuffer
* Re-init the internal state with an external buffer `ByteBuffer` and an offset within.
* This method exists primarily to allow recycling Table instances without risking memory leaks
* due to `ByteBuffer` references.
protected inline fun <reified T: Struct> reset(i: Int, reuseBuffer: ReadWriteBuffer): T {
bb = reuseBuffer
bufferPos = if (bb != emptyBuffer) i else 0
return this as T
* Resets internal state with a null `ByteBuffer` and a zero position.
* This method exists primarily to allow recycling Struct instances without risking memory leaks
* due to `ByteBuffer` references. The instance will be unusable until it is assigned
* again to a `ByteBuffer`.
private inline fun <reified T: Struct> reset(): T = reset(0, emptyBuffer)
public inline val <T> T.value: T get() = this
public const val VERSION_2_0_8: Int = 1