blob: e1e84a0e58558435a2b010050d9af3b0b87d235d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// independent from idl_parser, since this code is not needed for most clients
#include "idl_gen_go.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "flatbuffers/base.h"
#include "flatbuffers/code_generators.h"
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
#include "idl_namer.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <direct.h>
# define PATH_SEPARATOR "\\"
# define mkdir(n, m) _mkdir(n)
# include <sys/stat.h>
# define PATH_SEPARATOR "/"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace go {
namespace {
// see
static std::set<std::string> GoKeywords() {
return {
"break", "default", "func", "interface", "select",
"case", "defer", "go", "map", "struct",
"chan", "else", "goto", "package", "switch",
"const", "fallthrough", "if", "range", "type",
"continue", "for", "import", "return", "var",
static Namer::Config GoDefaultConfig() {
// Note that the functions with user defined types in the name use
// upper camel case for all but the user defined type itself, which is keep
// cased. Despite being a function, we interpret it as a Type.
return { /*types=*/Case::kKeep,
/*enum_variant_seperator=*/"", // I.e. Concatenate.
/*filename_extension=*/".go" };
} // namespace
class GoGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
GoGenerator(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name, const std::string &go_namespace)
: BaseGenerator(parser, path, file_name, "" /* not used*/,
"" /* not used */, "go"),
namer_(WithFlagOptions(GoDefaultConfig(), parser.opts, path),
GoKeywords()) {
std::istringstream iss(go_namespace);
std::string component;
while (std::getline(iss, component, '.')) {
bool generate() {
std::string one_file_code;
bool needs_imports = false;
for (auto it = parser_.enums_.vec.begin(); it != parser_.enums_.vec.end();
++it) {
if (!parser_.opts.one_file) {
needs_imports = false;
std::string enumcode;
GenEnum(**it, &enumcode);
if ((*it)->is_union && parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
GenNativeUnion(**it, &enumcode);
GenNativeUnionPack(**it, &enumcode);
GenNativeUnionUnPack(**it, &enumcode);
needs_imports = true;
if (parser_.opts.one_file) {
one_file_code += enumcode;
} else {
if (!SaveType(**it, enumcode, needs_imports, true)) return false;
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
if (!parser_.opts.one_file) { ResetImports(); }
std::string declcode;
GenStruct(**it, &declcode);
if (parser_.opts.one_file) {
one_file_code += declcode;
} else {
if (!SaveType(**it, declcode, true, false)) return false;
if (parser_.opts.one_file) {
std::string code = "";
const bool is_enum = !parser_.enums_.vec.empty();
BeginFile(LastNamespacePart(go_namespace_), true, is_enum, &code);
code += one_file_code;
const std::string filename =
GeneratedFileName(path_, file_name_, parser_.opts);
return SaveFile(filename.c_str(), code, false);
return true;
Namespace go_namespace_;
Namespace *cur_name_space_;
const IdlNamer namer_;
struct NamespacePtrLess {
bool operator()(const Definition *a, const Definition *b) const {
return *a->defined_namespace < *b->defined_namespace;
std::set<const Definition *, NamespacePtrLess> tracked_imported_namespaces_;
bool needs_math_import_ = false;
bool needs_bytes_import_ = false;
// Most field accessors need to retrieve and test the field offset first,
// this is the prefix code for that.
std::string OffsetPrefix(const FieldDef &field) {
return "{\n\to := flatbuffers.UOffsetT(rcv._tab.Offset(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) + "))\n\tif o != 0 {\n";
// Begin a class declaration.
void BeginClass(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "type " + namer_.Type(struct_def) + " struct {\n\t";
// _ is reserved in flatbuffers field names, so no chance of name conflict:
code += "_tab ";
code += struct_def.fixed ? "flatbuffers.Struct" : "flatbuffers.Table";
code += "\n}\n\n";
// Construct the name of the type for this enum.
std::string GetEnumTypeName(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
return WrapInNameSpaceAndTrack(&enum_def, namer_.Type(enum_def));
// Create a type for the enum values.
void GenEnumType(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "type " + GetEnumTypeName(enum_def) + " ";
code += GenTypeBasic(enum_def.underlying_type) + "\n\n";
// Begin enum code with a class declaration.
void BeginEnum(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "const (\n";
// A single enum member.
void EnumMember(const EnumDef &enum_def, const EnumVal &ev,
size_t max_name_length, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\t";
code += namer_.EnumVariant(enum_def, ev);
code += " ";
code += std::string(max_name_length -, ' ');
code += GetEnumTypeName(enum_def);
code += " = ";
code += enum_def.ToString(ev) + "\n";
// End enum code.
void EndEnum(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += ")\n\n";
// Begin enum name map.
void BeginEnumNames(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "var EnumNames";
code +=;
code += " = map[" + GetEnumTypeName(enum_def) + "]string{\n";
// A single enum name member.
void EnumNameMember(const EnumDef &enum_def, const EnumVal &ev,
size_t max_name_length, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\t";
code += namer_.EnumVariant(enum_def, ev);
code += ": ";
code += std::string(max_name_length -, ' ');
code += "\"";
code +=;
code += "\",\n";
// End enum name map.
void EndEnumNames(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "}\n\n";
// Generate String() method on enum type.
void EnumStringer(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
const std::string enum_type = namer_.Type(enum_def);
code += "func (v " + enum_type + ") String() string {\n";
code += "\tif s, ok := EnumNames" + enum_type + "[v]; ok {\n";
code += "\t\treturn s\n";
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\treturn \"" +;
code += "(\" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10) + \")\"\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Begin enum value map.
void BeginEnumValues(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "var EnumValues";
code += namer_.Type(enum_def);
code += " = map[string]" + GetEnumTypeName(enum_def) + "{\n";
// A single enum value member.
void EnumValueMember(const EnumDef &enum_def, const EnumVal &ev,
size_t max_name_length, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\t\"";
code +=;
code += "\": ";
code += std::string(max_name_length -, ' ');
code += namer_.EnumVariant(enum_def, ev);
code += ",\n";
// End enum value map.
void EndEnumValues(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "}\n\n";
// Initialize a new struct or table from existing data.
void NewRootTypeFromBuffer(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
const std::string size_prefix[] = { "", "SizePrefixed" };
const std::string struct_type = namer_.Type(struct_def);
bool has_file_identifier = (parser_.root_struct_def_ == &struct_def) &&
if (has_file_identifier) {
code += "const " + struct_type + "Identifier = \"" +
parser_.file_identifier_ + "\"\n\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
code += "func Get" + size_prefix[i] + "RootAs" + struct_type;
code += "(buf []byte, offset flatbuffers.UOffsetT) ";
code += "*" + struct_type + "";
code += " {\n";
if (i == 0) {
code += "\tn := flatbuffers.GetUOffsetT(buf[offset:])\n";
} else {
code +=
"\tn := "
code += "\tx := &" + struct_type + "{}\n";
if (i == 0) {
code += "\tx.Init(buf, n+offset)\n";
} else {
code += "\tx.Init(buf, n+offset+flatbuffers.SizeUint32)\n";
code += "\treturn x\n";
code += "}\n\n";
code += "func Finish" + size_prefix[i] + struct_type +
"Buffer(builder *flatbuffers.Builder, offset "
"flatbuffers.UOffsetT) {\n";
if (has_file_identifier) {
code += "\tidentifierBytes := []byte(" + struct_type + "Identifier)\n";
code += "\tbuilder.Finish" + size_prefix[i] +
"WithFileIdentifier(offset, identifierBytes)\n";
} else {
code += "\tbuilder.Finish" + size_prefix[i] + "(offset)\n";
code += "}\n\n";
if (has_file_identifier) {
code += "func " + size_prefix[i] + struct_type +
"BufferHasIdentifier(buf []byte) bool {\n";
code += "\treturn flatbuffers." + size_prefix[i] +
"BufferHasIdentifier(buf, " + struct_type + "Identifier)\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Initialize an existing object with other data, to avoid an allocation.
void InitializeExisting(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " Init(buf []byte, i flatbuffers.UOffsetT) ";
code += "{\n";
code += "\trcv._tab.Bytes = buf\n";
code += "\trcv._tab.Pos = i\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Implement the table accessor
void GenTableAccessor(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " Table() flatbuffers.Table ";
code += "{\n";
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code += "\treturn rcv._tab.Table\n";
} else {
code += "\treturn rcv._tab\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Get the length of a vector.
void GetVectorLen(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field) + "Length(";
code += ") int " + OffsetPrefix(field);
code += "\t\treturn rcv._tab.VectorLen(o)\n\t}\n";
code += "\treturn 0\n}\n\n";
// Get a [ubyte] vector as a byte slice.
void GetUByteSlice(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field) + "Bytes(";
code += ") []byte " + OffsetPrefix(field);
code += "\t\treturn rcv._tab.ByteVector(o + rcv._tab.Pos)\n\t}\n";
code += "\treturn nil\n}\n\n";
// Get the value of a struct's scalar.
void GetScalarFieldOfStruct(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
std::string getter = GenGetter(field.value.type);
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field);
code += "() " + TypeName(field) + " {\n";
code += "\treturn " +
getter + "(rcv._tab.Pos + flatbuffers.UOffsetT(" +
NumToString(field.value.offset) + "))");
code += "\n}\n";
// Get the value of a table's scalar.
void GetScalarFieldOfTable(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
std::string getter = GenGetter(field.value.type);
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field);
code += "() " + TypeName(field) + " ";
code += OffsetPrefix(field);
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) {
code += "\t\tv := ";
} else {
code += "\t\treturn ";
code += CastToEnum(field.value.type, getter + "(o + rcv._tab.Pos)");
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) { code += "\n\t\treturn &v"; }
code += "\n\t}\n";
code += "\treturn " + GenConstant(field) + "\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Get a struct by initializing an existing struct.
// Specific to Struct.
void GetStructFieldOfStruct(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field);
code += "(obj *" + TypeName(field);
code += ") *" + TypeName(field);
code += " {\n";
code += "\tif obj == nil {\n";
code += "\t\tobj = new(" + TypeName(field) + ")\n";
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\tobj.Init(rcv._tab.Bytes, rcv._tab.Pos+";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset) + ")";
code += "\n\treturn obj\n";
code += "}\n";
// Get a struct by initializing an existing struct.
// Specific to Table.
void GetStructFieldOfTable(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field);
code += "(obj *";
code += TypeName(field);
code += ") *" + TypeName(field) + " " + OffsetPrefix(field);
if (field.value.type.struct_def->fixed) {
code += "\t\tx := o + rcv._tab.Pos\n";
} else {
code += "\t\tx := rcv._tab.Indirect(o + rcv._tab.Pos)\n";
code += "\t\tif obj == nil {\n";
code += "\t\t\tobj = new(" + TypeName(field) + ")\n";
code += "\t\t}\n";
code += "\t\tobj.Init(rcv._tab.Bytes, x)\n";
code += "\t\treturn obj\n\t}\n\treturn nil\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a string.
void GetStringField(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field);
code += "() " + TypeName(field) + " ";
code += OffsetPrefix(field) + "\t\treturn " + GenGetter(field.value.type);
code += "(o + rcv._tab.Pos)\n\t}\n\treturn nil\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a union from an object.
void GetUnionField(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field) + "(";
code += "obj " + GenTypePointer(field.value.type) + ") bool ";
code += OffsetPrefix(field);
code += "\t\t" + GenGetter(field.value.type);
code += "(obj, o)\n\t\treturn true\n\t}\n";
code += "\treturn false\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a vector's struct member.
void GetMemberOfVectorOfStruct(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field);
code += "(obj *" + TypeName(field);
code += ", j int) bool " + OffsetPrefix(field);
code += "\t\tx := rcv._tab.Vector(o)\n";
code += "\t\tx += flatbuffers.UOffsetT(j) * ";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + "\n";
if (!(vectortype.struct_def->fixed)) {
code += "\t\tx = rcv._tab.Indirect(x)\n";
code += "\t\tobj.Init(rcv._tab.Bytes, x)\n";
code += "\t\treturn true\n\t}\n";
code += "\treturn false\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GetMemberOfVectorOfStructByKey(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto &vector_struct_fields = vectortype.struct_def->fields.vec;
auto kit =
std::find_if(vector_struct_fields.begin(), vector_struct_fields.end(),
[&](FieldDef *vector_struct_field) {
return vector_struct_field->key;
auto &key_field = **kit;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Field(field) + "ByKey";
code += "(obj *" + TypeName(field);
code += ", key " + NativeType(key_field.value.type) + ") bool " +
code += "\t\tx := rcv._tab.Vector(o)\n";
code += "\t\treturn ";
code += "obj.LookupByKey(key, x, rcv._tab.Bytes)\n";
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\treturn false\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Get the value of a vector's non-struct member.
void GetMemberOfVectorOfNonStruct(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " " + namer_.Function(field);
code += "(j int) " + TypeName(field) + " ";
code += OffsetPrefix(field);
code += "\t\ta := rcv._tab.Vector(o)\n";
code += "\t\treturn " +
GenGetter(field.value.type) +
"(a + flatbuffers.UOffsetT(j*" +
NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + "))");
code += "\n\t}\n";
if (IsString(vectortype)) {
code += "\treturn nil\n";
} else if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) {
code += "\treturn false\n";
} else {
code += "\treturn 0\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Begin the creator function signature.
void BeginBuilderArgs(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
if (code.substr(code.length() - 2) != "\n\n") {
// a previous mutate has not put an extra new line
code += "\n";
code += "func Create" +;
code += "(builder *flatbuffers.Builder";
// Recursively generate arguments for a constructor, to deal with nested
// structs.
void StructBuilderArgs(const StructDef &struct_def, const char *nameprefix,
std::string *code_ptr) {
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
// Generate arguments for a struct inside a struct. To ensure names
// don't clash, and to make it obvious these arguments are constructing
// a nested struct, prefix the name with the field name.
(nameprefix + ( + "_")).c_str(), code_ptr);
} else {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += std::string(", ") + nameprefix;
code += namer_.Variable(field);
code += " " + TypeName(field);
// End the creator function signature.
void EndBuilderArgs(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += ") flatbuffers.UOffsetT {\n";
// Recursively generate struct construction statements and instert manual
// padding.
void StructBuilderBody(const StructDef &struct_def, const char *nameprefix,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\tbuilder.Prep(" + NumToString(struct_def.minalign) + ", ";
code += NumToString(struct_def.bytesize) + ")\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.rbegin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.rend(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.padding)
code += "\tbuilder.Pad(" + NumToString(field.padding) + ")\n";
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
(nameprefix + ( + "_")).c_str(), code_ptr);
} else {
code += "\tbuilder.Prepend" + GenMethod(field) + "(";
code += CastToBaseType(field.value.type,
nameprefix + namer_.Variable(field)) +
void EndBuilderBody(std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "\treturn builder.Offset()\n";
code += "}\n";
// Get the value of a table's starting offset.
void GetStartOfTable(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func " + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "Start";
code += "(builder *flatbuffers.Builder) {\n";
code += "\tbuilder.StartObject(";
code += NumToString(struct_def.fields.vec.size());
code += ")\n}\n";
// Set the value of a table's field.
void BuildFieldOfTable(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
const size_t offset, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
const std::string field_var = namer_.Variable(field);
code += "func " + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "Add" + namer_.Function(field);
code += "(builder *flatbuffers.Builder, ";
code += field_var + " ";
if (!IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type) && (!struct_def.fixed)) {
code += "flatbuffers.UOffsetT";
} else {
code += GenTypeGet(field.value.type);
code += ") {\n\t";
code += "builder.Prepend";
code += GenMethod(field);
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) {
code += "(";
} else {
code += "Slot(" + NumToString(offset) + ", ";
if (!IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type) && (!struct_def.fixed)) {
code += "flatbuffers.UOffsetT";
code += "(" + field_var + ")";
} else {
code += CastToBaseType(field.value.type, field_var);
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) {
code += ")\n";
code += "\tbuilder.Slot(" + NumToString(offset);
} else {
code += ", " + GenConstant(field);
code += ")\n";
code += "}\n";
// Set the value of one of the members of a table's vector.
void BuildVectorOfTable(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func " + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "Start";
code += namer_.Function(field);
code += "Vector(builder *flatbuffers.Builder, numElems int) ";
code += "flatbuffers.UOffsetT {\n\treturn builder.StartVector(";
auto vector_type = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto alignment = InlineAlignment(vector_type);
auto elem_size = InlineSize(vector_type);
code += NumToString(elem_size);
code += ", numElems, " + NumToString(alignment);
code += ")\n}\n";
// Get the offset of the end of a table.
void GetEndOffsetOnTable(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func " + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "End";
code += "(builder *flatbuffers.Builder) flatbuffers.UOffsetT ";
code += "{\n\treturn builder.EndObject()\n}\n";
// Generate the receiver for function signatures.
void GenReceiver(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func (rcv *" + namer_.Type(struct_def) + ")";
// Generate a struct field getter, conditioned on its child type(s).
void GenStructAccessor(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
GenComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr, "");
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
GetScalarFieldOfStruct(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetScalarFieldOfTable(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
} else {
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
GetStructFieldOfStruct(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetStructFieldOfTable(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
GetStringField(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
GetMemberOfVectorOfStruct(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
// TODO(michaeltle): Support querying fixed struct by key.
// Currently, we only support keyed tables.
if (!vectortype.struct_def->fixed &&
vectortype.struct_def->has_key) {
GetMemberOfVectorOfStructByKey(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
} else {
GetMemberOfVectorOfNonStruct(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
case BASE_TYPE_UNION: GetUnionField(struct_def, field, code_ptr); break;
if (IsVector(field.value.type)) {
GetVectorLen(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_UCHAR) {
GetUByteSlice(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
// Mutate the value of a struct's scalar.
void MutateScalarFieldOfStruct(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
std::string setter =
"rcv._tab.Mutate" + namer_.Method(GenTypeBasic(field.value.type));
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " Mutate" + namer_.Function(field);
code +=
"(n " + GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + ") bool {\n\treturn " + setter;
code += "(rcv._tab.Pos+flatbuffers.UOffsetT(";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset) + "), ";
code += CastToBaseType(field.value.type, "n") + ")\n}\n\n";
// Mutate the value of a table's scalar.
void MutateScalarFieldOfTable(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
std::string setter = "rcv._tab.Mutate" +
namer_.Method(GenTypeBasic(field.value.type)) + "Slot";
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " Mutate" + namer_.Function(field);
code += "(n " + GenTypeGet(field.value.type) + ") bool {\n\treturn ";
code += setter + "(" + NumToString(field.value.offset) + ", ";
code += CastToBaseType(field.value.type, "n") + ")\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Mutate an element of a vector of scalars.
void MutateElementOfVectorOfNonStruct(const StructDef &struct_def,
const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
std::string setter =
"rcv._tab.Mutate" + namer_.Method(GenTypeBasic(vectortype));
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " Mutate" + namer_.Function(field);
code += "(j int, n " + TypeName(field) + ") bool ";
code += OffsetPrefix(field);
code += "\t\ta := rcv._tab.Vector(o)\n";
code += "\t\treturn " + setter + "(";
code += "a+flatbuffers.UOffsetT(j*";
code += NumToString(InlineSize(vectortype)) + "), ";
code += CastToBaseType(vectortype, "n") + ")\n";
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\treturn false\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Generate a struct field setter, conditioned on its child type(s).
void GenStructMutator(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
GenComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr, "");
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) {
if (struct_def.fixed) {
MutateScalarFieldOfStruct(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
} else {
MutateScalarFieldOfTable(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
} else if (IsVector(field.value.type)) {
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.element)) {
MutateElementOfVectorOfNonStruct(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
// Generate table constructors, conditioned on its members' types.
void GenTableBuilders(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
GetStartOfTable(struct_def, code_ptr);
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
auto offset = it - struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
BuildFieldOfTable(struct_def, field, offset, code_ptr);
if (IsVector(field.value.type)) {
BuildVectorOfTable(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
GetEndOffsetOnTable(struct_def, code_ptr);
// Generate struct or table methods.
void GenStruct(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
if (struct_def.generated) return;
cur_name_space_ = struct_def.defined_namespace;
GenComment(struct_def.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
GenNativeStruct(struct_def, code_ptr);
BeginClass(struct_def, code_ptr);
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
// Generate a special accessor for the table that has been declared as
// the root type.
NewRootTypeFromBuffer(struct_def, code_ptr);
// Generate the Init method that sets the field in a pre-existing
// accessor object. This is to allow object reuse.
InitializeExisting(struct_def, code_ptr);
// Generate _tab accessor
GenTableAccessor(struct_def, code_ptr);
// Generate struct fields accessors
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
GenStructAccessor(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
GenStructMutator(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
// TODO(michaeltle): Support querying fixed struct by key. Currently,
// we only support keyed tables.
if (!struct_def.fixed && field.key) {
GenKeyCompare(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
GenLookupByKey(struct_def, field, code_ptr);
// Generate builders
if (struct_def.fixed) {
// create a struct constructor function
GenStructBuilder(struct_def, code_ptr);
} else {
// Create a set of functions that allow table construction.
GenTableBuilders(struct_def, code_ptr);
void GenKeyCompare(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func " + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "KeyCompare(";
code += "o1, o2 flatbuffers.UOffsetT, buf []byte) bool {\n";
code += "\tobj1 := &" + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "{}\n";
code += "\tobj2 := &" + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "{}\n";
code += "\tobj1.Init(buf, flatbuffers.UOffsetT(len(buf))-o1)\n";
code += "\tobj2.Init(buf, flatbuffers.UOffsetT(len(buf))-o2)\n";
if (IsString(field.value.type)) {
code += "\treturn string(obj1." + namer_.Function( + "()) < ";
code += "string(obj2." + namer_.Function( + "())\n";
} else {
code += "\treturn obj1." + namer_.Function( + "() < ";
code += "obj2." + namer_.Function( + "()\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GenLookupByKey(const StructDef &struct_def, const FieldDef &field,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenReceiver(struct_def, code_ptr);
code += " LookupByKey(";
code += "key " + NativeType(field.value.type) + ", ";
code += "vectorLocation flatbuffers.UOffsetT, ";
code += "buf []byte) bool {\n";
code += "\tspan := flatbuffers.GetUOffsetT(buf[vectorLocation-4:])\n";
code += "\tstart := flatbuffers.UOffsetT(0)\n";
if (IsString(field.value.type)) { code += "\tbKey := []byte(key)\n"; }
code += "\tfor span != 0 {\n";
code += "\t\tmiddle := span / 2\n";
code += "\t\ttableOffset := flatbuffers.GetIndirectOffset(buf, ";
code += "vectorLocation+4*(start+middle))\n";
code += "\t\tobj := &" + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "{}\n";
code += "\t\tobj.Init(buf, tableOffset)\n";
if (IsString(field.value.type)) {
needs_bytes_import_ = true;
code +=
"\t\tcomp := bytes.Compare(obj." + namer_.Function( + "()";
code += ", bKey)\n";
} else {
code += "\t\tval := obj." + namer_.Function( + "()\n";
code += "\t\tcomp := 0\n";
code += "\t\tif val > key {\n";
code += "\t\t\tcomp = 1\n";
code += "\t\t} else if val < key {\n";
code += "\t\t\tcomp = -1\n";
code += "\t\t}\n";
code += "\t\tif comp > 0 {\n";
code += "\t\t\tspan = middle\n";
code += "\t\t} else if comp < 0 {\n";
code += "\t\t\tmiddle += 1\n";
code += "\t\t\tstart += middle\n";
code += "\t\t\tspan -= middle\n";
code += "\t\t} else {\n";
code += "\t\t\trcv.Init(buf, tableOffset)\n";
code += "\t\t\treturn true\n";
code += "\t\t}\n";
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\treturn false\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GenNativeStruct(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "type " + NativeName(struct_def) + " struct {\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const FieldDef &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type) &&
field.value.type.enum_def != nullptr &&
code += "\t" + namer_.Field(field) + " ";
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) { code += "*"; }
code += NativeType(field.value.type) + " `json:\"" + + "\"`" +
code += "}\n\n";
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
GenNativeTablePack(struct_def, code_ptr);
GenNativeTableUnPack(struct_def, code_ptr);
} else {
GenNativeStructPack(struct_def, code_ptr);
GenNativeStructUnPack(struct_def, code_ptr);
void GenNativeUnion(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "type " + NativeName(enum_def) + " struct {\n";
code += "\tType " + namer_.Type(enum_def) + "\n";
code += "\tValue interface{}\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GenNativeUnionPack(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func (t *" + NativeName(enum_def) +
") Pack(builder *flatbuffers.Builder) flatbuffers.UOffsetT {\n";
code += "\tif t == nil {\n\t\treturn 0\n\t}\n";
code += "\tswitch t.Type {\n";
for (auto it2 = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it2 != enum_def.Vals().end();
++it2) {
const EnumVal &ev = **it2;
if (ev.IsZero()) continue;
code += "\tcase " + namer_.EnumVariant(enum_def, ev) + ":\n";
code += "\t\treturn t.Value.(" + NativeType(ev.union_type) +
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\treturn 0\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GenNativeUnionUnPack(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func (rcv " + namer_.Type(enum_def) +
") UnPack(table flatbuffers.Table) *" + NativeName(enum_def) +
" {\n";
code += "\tswitch rcv {\n";
for (auto it2 = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it2 != enum_def.Vals().end();
++it2) {
const EnumVal &ev = **it2;
if (ev.IsZero()) continue;
code += "\tcase " + namer_.EnumVariant(enum_def, ev) + ":\n";
code += "\t\tvar x " +
ev.union_type.struct_def->name) +
code += "\t\tx.Init(table.Bytes, table.Pos)\n";
code += "\t\treturn &" +
WrapInNameSpaceAndTrack(&enum_def, NativeName(enum_def)) +
"{Type: " + namer_.EnumVariant(enum_def, ev) +
", Value: x.UnPack()}\n";
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\treturn nil\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GenNativeTablePack(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
const std::string struct_type = namer_.Type(struct_def);
code += "func (t *" + NativeName(struct_def) +
") Pack(builder *flatbuffers.Builder) flatbuffers.UOffsetT {\n";
code += "\tif t == nil {\n\t\treturn 0\n\t}\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const FieldDef &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) continue;
const std::string field_field = namer_.Field(field);
const std::string field_var = namer_.Variable(field);
const std::string offset = field_var + "Offset";
if (IsString(field.value.type)) {
code += "\t" + offset + " := flatbuffers.UOffsetT(0)\n";
code += "\tif t." + field_field + " != \"\" {\n";
code += "\t\t" + offset + " = builder.CreateString(t." + field_field +
code += "\t}\n";
} else if (IsVector(field.value.type) &&
field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_UCHAR &&
field.value.type.enum_def == nullptr) {
code += "\t" + offset + " := flatbuffers.UOffsetT(0)\n";
code += "\tif t." + field_field + " != nil {\n";
code += "\t\t" + offset + " = builder.CreateByteString(t." +
field_field + ")\n";
code += "\t}\n";
} else if (IsVector(field.value.type)) {
code += "\t" + offset + " := flatbuffers.UOffsetT(0)\n";
code += "\tif t." + field_field + " != nil {\n";
std::string length = field_var + "Length";
std::string offsets = field_var + "Offsets";
code += "\t\t" + length + " := len(t." + field_field + ")\n";
if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_STRING) {
code += "\t\t" + offsets + " := make([]flatbuffers.UOffsetT, " +
length + ")\n";
code += "\t\tfor j := 0; j < " + length + "; j++ {\n";
code += "\t\t\t" + offsets + "[j] = builder.CreateString(t." +
field_field + "[j])\n";
code += "\t\t}\n";
} else if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT &&
!field.value.type.struct_def->fixed) {
code += "\t\t" + offsets + " := make([]flatbuffers.UOffsetT, " +
length + ")\n";
code += "\t\tfor j := 0; j < " + length + "; j++ {\n";
code += "\t\t\t" + offsets + "[j] = t." + field_field +
code += "\t\t}\n";
code += "\t\t" + struct_type + "Start" + namer_.Function(field) +
"Vector(builder, " + length + ")\n";
code += "\t\tfor j := " + length + " - 1; j >= 0; j-- {\n";
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.element)) {
code += "\t\t\tbuilder.Prepend" +
namer_.Method(GenTypeBasic(field.value.type.VectorType())) +
"(" +
"t." + field_field + "[j]") +
} else if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT &&
field.value.type.struct_def->fixed) {
code += "\t\t\tt." + field_field + "[j].Pack(builder)\n";
} else {
code += "\t\t\tbuilder.PrependUOffsetT(" + offsets + "[j])\n";
code += "\t\t}\n";
code += "\t\t" + offset + " = builder.EndVector(" + length + ")\n";
code += "\t}\n";
} else if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
if (field.value.type.struct_def->fixed) continue;
code += "\t" + offset + " := t." + field_field + ".Pack(builder)\n";
} else if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
code += "\t" + offset + " := t." + field_field + ".Pack(builder)\n\n";
} else {
code += "\t" + struct_type + "Start(builder)\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const FieldDef &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
const std::string field_field = namer_.Field(field);
const std::string field_fn = namer_.Function(field);
const std::string offset = namer_.Variable(field) + "Offset";
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) {
std::string prefix;
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) {
code += "\tif t." + field_field + " != nil {\n\t";
prefix = "*";
if (field.value.type.enum_def == nullptr ||
!field.value.type.enum_def->is_union) {
code += "\t" + struct_type + "Add" + field_fn + "(builder, " +
prefix + "t." + field_field + ")\n";
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) { code += "\t}\n"; }
} else {
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT &&
field.value.type.struct_def->fixed) {
code += "\t" + offset + " := t." + field_field + ".Pack(builder)\n";
} else if (field.value.type.enum_def != nullptr &&
field.value.type.enum_def->is_union) {
code += "\tif t." + field_field + " != nil {\n";
code += "\t\t" + struct_type + "Add" +
namer_.Method( + UnionTypeFieldSuffix()) +
"(builder, t." + field_field + ".Type)\n";
code += "\t}\n";
code += "\t" + struct_type + "Add" + field_fn + "(builder, " + offset +
code += "\treturn " + struct_type + "End(builder)\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GenNativeTableUnPack(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
const std::string struct_type = namer_.Type(struct_def);
code += "func (rcv *" + struct_type + ") UnPackTo(t *" +
NativeName(struct_def) + ") {\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const FieldDef &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
const std::string field_field = namer_.Field(field);
const std::string field_var = namer_.Variable(field);
const std::string length = field_var + "Length";
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) {
if (field.value.type.enum_def != nullptr &&
code += "\tt." + field_field + " = rcv." + field_field + "()\n";
} else if (IsString(field.value.type)) {
code += "\tt." + field_field + " = string(rcv." + field_field + "())\n";
} else if (IsVector(field.value.type) &&
field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_UCHAR &&
field.value.type.enum_def == nullptr) {
code += "\tt." + field_field + " = rcv." + field_field + "Bytes()\n";
} else if (IsVector(field.value.type)) {
code += "\t" + length + " := rcv." + field_field + "Length()\n";
code += "\tt." + field_field + " = make(" +
NativeType(field.value.type) + ", " + length + ")\n";
code += "\tfor j := 0; j < " + length + "; j++ {\n";
if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += "\t\tx := " +
field.value.type.struct_def->name) +
code += "\t\trcv." + field_field + "(&x, j)\n";
code += "\t\tt." + field_field + "[j] = ";
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.element)) {
code += "rcv." + field_field + "(j)";
} else if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_STRING) {
code += "string(rcv." + field_field + "(j))";
} else if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += "x.UnPack()";
} else {
// TODO(iceboy): Support vector of unions.
code += "\n";
code += "\t}\n";
} else if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code +=
"\tt." + field_field + " = rcv." + field_field + "(nil).UnPack()\n";
} else if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
const std::string field_table = field_var + "Table";
code += "\t" + field_table + " := flatbuffers.Table{}\n";
code +=
"\tif rcv." + namer_.Method(field) + "(&" + field_table + ") {\n";
code += "\t\tt." + field_field + " = rcv." +
namer_.Method( + UnionTypeFieldSuffix()) +
"().UnPack(" + field_table + ")\n";
code += "\t}\n";
} else {
code += "}\n\n";
code += "func (rcv *" + struct_type + ") UnPack() *" +
NativeName(struct_def) + " {\n";
code += "\tif rcv == nil {\n\t\treturn nil\n\t}\n";
code += "\tt := &" + NativeName(struct_def) + "{}\n";
code += "\trcv.UnPackTo(t)\n";
code += "\treturn t\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GenNativeStructPack(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func (t *" + NativeName(struct_def) +
") Pack(builder *flatbuffers.Builder) flatbuffers.UOffsetT {\n";
code += "\tif t == nil {\n\t\treturn 0\n\t}\n";
code += "\treturn Create" + namer_.Type(struct_def) + "(builder";
StructPackArgs(struct_def, "", code_ptr);
code += ")\n";
code += "}\n";
void StructPackArgs(const StructDef &struct_def, const char *nameprefix,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const FieldDef &field = **it;
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
(nameprefix + namer_.Field(field) + ".").c_str(),
} else {
code += std::string(", t.") + nameprefix + namer_.Field(field);
void GenNativeStructUnPack(const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code += "func (rcv *" + namer_.Type(struct_def) + ") UnPackTo(t *" +
NativeName(struct_def) + ") {\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const FieldDef &field = **it;
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += "\tt." + namer_.Field(field) + " = rcv." +
namer_.Method(field) + "(nil).UnPack()\n";
} else {
code += "\tt." + namer_.Field(field) + " = rcv." +
namer_.Method(field) + "()\n";
code += "}\n\n";
code += "func (rcv *" + namer_.Type(struct_def) + ") UnPack() *" +
NativeName(struct_def) + " {\n";
code += "\tif rcv == nil {\n\t\treturn nil\n\t}\n";
code += "\tt := &" + NativeName(struct_def) + "{}\n";
code += "\trcv.UnPackTo(t)\n";
code += "\treturn t\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Generate enum declarations.
void GenEnum(const EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
if (enum_def.generated) return;
auto max_name_length = MaxNameLength(enum_def);
cur_name_space_ = enum_def.defined_namespace;
GenComment(enum_def.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr);
GenEnumType(enum_def, code_ptr);
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
const EnumVal &ev = **it;
GenComment(ev.doc_comment, code_ptr, nullptr, "\t");
EnumMember(enum_def, ev, max_name_length, code_ptr);
BeginEnumNames(enum_def, code_ptr);
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
const EnumVal &ev = **it;
EnumNameMember(enum_def, ev, max_name_length, code_ptr);
BeginEnumValues(enum_def, code_ptr);
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
auto &ev = **it;
EnumValueMember(enum_def, ev, max_name_length, code_ptr);
EnumStringer(enum_def, code_ptr);
// Returns the function name that is able to read a value of the given type.
std::string GenGetter(const Type &type) {
switch (type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_STRING: return "rcv._tab.ByteVector";
case BASE_TYPE_UNION: return "rcv._tab.Union";
case BASE_TYPE_VECTOR: return GenGetter(type.VectorType());
default: return "rcv._tab.Get" + namer_.Function(GenTypeBasic(type));
// Returns the method name for use with add/put calls.
std::string GenMethod(const FieldDef &field) {
return IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)
? namer_.Method(GenTypeBasic(field.value.type))
: (IsStruct(field.value.type) ? "Struct" : "UOffsetT");
std::string GenTypeBasic(const Type &type) {
// clang-format off
static const char *ctypename[] = {
// clang-format on
return ctypename[type.base_type];
std::string GenTypePointer(const Type &type) {
switch (type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_STRING: return "[]byte";
case BASE_TYPE_VECTOR: return GenTypeGet(type.VectorType());
return WrapInNameSpaceAndTrack(type.struct_def, type.struct_def->name);
// fall through
default: return "*flatbuffers.Table";
std::string GenTypeGet(const Type &type) {
if (type.enum_def != nullptr) { return GetEnumTypeName(*type.enum_def); }
return IsScalar(type.base_type) ? GenTypeBasic(type) : GenTypePointer(type);
std::string TypeName(const FieldDef &field) {
std::string prefix;
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) { prefix = "*"; }
return prefix + GenTypeGet(field.value.type);
// If type is an enum, returns value with a cast to the enum type, otherwise
// returns value as-is.
std::string CastToEnum(const Type &type, std::string value) {
if (type.enum_def == nullptr) {
return value;
} else {
return GenTypeGet(type) + "(" + value + ")";
// If type is an enum, returns value with a cast to the enum base type,
// otherwise returns value as-is.
std::string CastToBaseType(const Type &type, std::string value) {
if (type.enum_def == nullptr) {
return value;
} else {
return GenTypeBasic(type) + "(" + value + ")";
std::string GenConstant(const FieldDef &field) {
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) { return "nil"; }
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
return field.value.constant == "0" ? "false" : "true";
const std::string float_type =
field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_FLOAT ? "float32"
: "float64";
if (StringIsFlatbufferNan(field.value.constant)) {
needs_math_import_ = true;
return float_type + "(math.NaN())";
} else if (StringIsFlatbufferPositiveInfinity(field.value.constant)) {
needs_math_import_ = true;
return float_type + "(math.Inf(1))";
} else if (StringIsFlatbufferNegativeInfinity(field.value.constant)) {
needs_math_import_ = true;
return float_type + "(math.Inf(-1))";
return field.value.constant;
default: return field.value.constant;
std::string NativeName(const StructDef &struct_def) const {
return namer_.ObjectType(struct_def);
std::string NativeName(const EnumDef &enum_def) const {
return namer_.ObjectType(enum_def);
std::string NativeType(const Type &type) {
if (IsScalar(type.base_type)) {
if (type.enum_def == nullptr) {
return GenTypeBasic(type);
} else {
return GetEnumTypeName(*type.enum_def);
} else if (IsString(type)) {
return "string";
} else if (IsVector(type)) {
return "[]" + NativeType(type.VectorType());
} else if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
return "*" + WrapInNameSpaceAndTrack(type.struct_def,
} else if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UNION) {
return "*" +
WrapInNameSpaceAndTrack(type.enum_def, NativeName(*type.enum_def));
return std::string();
// Create a struct with a builder and the struct's arguments.
void GenStructBuilder(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr) {
BeginBuilderArgs(struct_def, code_ptr);
StructBuilderArgs(struct_def, "", code_ptr);
StructBuilderBody(struct_def, "", code_ptr);
// Begin by declaring namespace and imports.
void BeginFile(const std::string &name_space_name, const bool needs_imports,
const bool is_enum, std::string *code_ptr) {
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
code = code +
"// Code generated by the FlatBuffers compiler. DO NOT EDIT.\n\n";
code += "package " + name_space_name + "\n\n";
if (needs_imports) {
code += "import (\n";
// standard imports, in alphabetical order for go fmt
if (needs_bytes_import_) code += "\t\"bytes\"\n";
if (!parser_.opts.go_import.empty()) {
code += "\tflatbuffers \"" + parser_.opts.go_import + "\"\n";
} else {
code += "\tflatbuffers \"\"\n";
// math is needed to support non-finite scalar default values.
if (needs_math_import_) { code += "\t\"math\"\n"; }
if (is_enum) { code += "\t\"strconv\"\n"; }
if (tracked_imported_namespaces_.size() > 0) {
code += "\n";
for (auto it = tracked_imported_namespaces_.begin();
it != tracked_imported_namespaces_.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->defined_namespace->components.empty()) {
code += "\t" + (*it)->name + " \"" + (*it)->name + "\"\n";
} else {
code += "\t" + NamespaceImportName((*it)->defined_namespace) +
" \"" + NamespaceImportPath((*it)->defined_namespace) +
code += ")\n\n";
} else {
if (is_enum) { code += "import \"strconv\"\n\n"; }
if (needs_math_import_) {
// math is needed to support non-finite scalar default values.
code += "import \"math\"\n\n";
// Resets the needed imports before generating a new file.
void ResetImports() {
needs_bytes_import_ = false;
needs_math_import_ = false;
// Save out the generated code for a Go Table type.
bool SaveType(const Definition &def, const std::string &classcode,
const bool needs_imports, const bool is_enum) {
if (!classcode.length()) return true;
Namespace &ns = go_namespace_.components.empty() ? *def.defined_namespace
: go_namespace_;
std::string code = "";
BeginFile(ns.components.empty() ? : LastNamespacePart(ns),
needs_imports, is_enum, &code);
code += classcode;
// Strip extra newlines at end of file to make it gofmt-clean.
while (code.length() > 2 && code.substr(code.length() - 2) == "\n\n") {
std::string directory = namer_.Directories(ns);
std::string file = namer_.File(def, SkipFile::Suffix);
std::string filename = directory + file;
return SaveFile(filename.c_str(), code, false);
// Create the full name of the imported namespace (format: A__B__C).
std::string NamespaceImportName(const Namespace *ns) const {
return namer_.Namespace(*ns);
// Create the full path for the imported namespace (format: A/B/C).
std::string NamespaceImportPath(const Namespace *ns) const {
std::string path =
namer_.Directories(*ns, SkipDir::OutputPathAndTrailingPathSeparator);
if (!parser_.opts.go_module_name.empty()) {
path = parser_.opts.go_module_name + "/" + path;
return path;
// Ensure that a type is prefixed with its go package import name if it is
// used outside of its namespace.
std::string WrapInNameSpaceAndTrack(const Definition *def,
const std::string &name) {
if (CurrentNameSpace() == def->defined_namespace) return name;
if (def->defined_namespace->components.empty())
return def->name + "." + name;
return NamespaceImportName(def->defined_namespace) + "." + name;
const Namespace *CurrentNameSpace() const { return cur_name_space_; }
static size_t MaxNameLength(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
size_t max = 0;
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
max = std::max((*it)->name.length(), max);
return max;
} // namespace go
static bool GenerateGo(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name) {
go::GoGenerator generator(parser, path, file_name, parser.opts.go_namespace);
return generator.generate();
namespace {
class GoCodeGenerator : public CodeGenerator {
Status GenerateCode(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename) override {
if (!GenerateGo(parser, path, filename)) { return Status::ERROR; }
return Status::OK;
Status GenerateCode(const uint8_t *, int64_t,
const CodeGenOptions &) override {
return Status::NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
Status GenerateMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename,
std::string &output) override {
return Status::NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
Status GenerateGrpcCode(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename) override {
if (!GenerateGoGRPC(parser, path, filename)) { return Status::ERROR; }
return Status::OK;
Status GenerateRootFile(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &path) override {
return Status::NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
bool IsSchemaOnly() const override { return true; }
bool SupportsBfbsGeneration() const override { return false; }
bool SupportsRootFileGeneration() const override { return false; }
IDLOptions::Language Language() const override { return IDLOptions::kGo; }
std::string LanguageName() const override { return "Go"; }
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<CodeGenerator> NewGoCodeGenerator() {
return std::unique_ptr<GoCodeGenerator>(new GoCodeGenerator());
} // namespace flatbuffers