blob: 8ea6488d866bf401a7602297b2681ea0f5a08881 [file] [log] [blame]
WARNING: ./builder (built from can modify files in ../src! Backup your files before running it!
WARNING: ./builder (built from can attempt to download SMHasher from the internet, and compile and run it! Consider using a virtual machine or sandbox of some kind!
Some examples of how to use ./builder, assuming you've created /tmp/a as a scratch directory:
cd ~/farm/farmhash/dev && g++ -std=gnu++0x -o builder && DIR=a/$RANDOM ./builder && (cd .. && make check); wc -l ../src/
If that works, I also like to do
(cd .. && make clean && make check CXXFLAGS="-msse4.2 -maes") && (cd .. && make clean && make check CXXFLAGS="-msse4.2 -O0") && (cd .. && make clean && make check CXXFLAGS="-maes -O0") && echo yes
cd ~/farm/farmhash/dev && g++ -std=gnu++0x -o builder && DIR=a/$RANDOM TEST=farmhashsa::Hash32 ./builder
nspace=farmhashsu; fns=$(for i in WithSeed ""; do for j in "" D Q; do echo ${nspace}::Hash32$i$j; done; done | xargs ~/bin/shell/joinargs); cd ~/farm/farmhash/dev && g++ -std=gnu++0x -o builder && CMAKE32=1 CXXFLAGS="-DFARMHASH_ASSUME_SSE42 -msse4.2" DIR=a/$RANDOM TEST=$fns PARALLELISM=8 ./builder
Some code here is stylistically odd or following unseen rules because
it is processed by scripts. Some of it is terribly hacky. For
0. Hash functions in a farmhash??.cc file that are meant to be called
from should not have "STATIC_INLINE" on their definiton,
and their definition should begin with a single line that includes the
arg list and ends with "{".
1. All hash functions in a farmhash??.cc that are conditionally
compiled should work under the same set of conditions (e.g.,
can_use_aesni && can_use_sse42). The condition should be made obvious
at the top of the file, and if the requirements aren't met then dummy
versions should be provided, with each dummy's body starting with
FARMHASH_DIE_IF_MISCONFIGURED. It's easiest to work from a copy of an
existing file.
2. SELFTESTHash32 and similar must have 2 lines and must only use "len"
once per line.
3. farmhash??.cc can depend on any other farmhash??.cc, as long as
the dependency graph is acyclic.
4. Macros defined in a farmhash??.cc file should generally be #undef
before and/or after use, to reduce the chance of running into weird
errors. The code in farmhash??.cc will end up in ../src/,
not in a header file, so you don't have to worry too much about
messing up macro defintions that later code will require.