blob: ee2cb4087a6814a1f0f0f4d70afa9591caa8ec56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Implementations for the operations and builtin functions in the Emboss
// expression language.
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "runtime/cpp/emboss_bit_util.h"
#include "runtime/cpp/emboss_maybe.h"
namespace emboss {
namespace support {
// Arithmetic operations
// Emboss arithmetic is performed by special-purpose functions, not (directly)
// using C++ operators. This allows Emboss to handle the minor differences
// between the ways that Emboss operations are defined and the way that C++
// operations are defined, and provides a convenient way to handle arithmetic on
// values that might not be readable.
// The biggest differences are:
// Emboss's And and Or are defined to return false or true, respectively, if at
// least one operand is false or true, respectively, even if the other operand
// is not Known(). This is similar to C/C++ shortcut evaluation, except that it
// is symmetric.
// Emboss's expression type system uses (notionally) infinite-size integers, but
// it is an error in Emboss if the full range of any subexpression cannot fit in
// either [-(2**63), 2**63 - 1] or [0, 2**64 - 1]. Additionally, either all
// arguments to and the return type of an operation, if integers, must fit in
// int64_t, or they must all fit in uin64_t. This means that C++ integer types
// can be used directly for each operation, but casting may be required in
// between operations.
// AllKnown(...) returns true if all of its arguments are Known(). The base
// case is no arguments.
inline constexpr bool AllKnown() { return true; }
// The rest of AllKnown() could be:
// template <typename T, typename... RestT>
// inline constexpr bool AllKnown(T v, RestT... rest) {
// return v.Known() && AllKnown(rest...);
// }
// ... unfortunately, some compilers do not optimize this well, and it ends
// up using linear stack space instead of constant stack space; for complex
// structs on systems with limited stack (such as typical microcontrollers),
// this can cause methods like Ok() to blow the stack.
// The C++14 solution would be to use a std::initializer_list and iterate over
// the arguments. Unfortunately, C++11 std::initializer_list is not
// constexpr, and C++11 constexpr does not allow iteration.
// Instead, for "small" numbers of arguments (up to 64, at time of writing,
// controlled by OVERLOADS in generators/, we have generated
// overloads of the form:
// template <typename T0, ... typename TN>
// inline constexpr bool AllKnown(T0 v0, ... TN vN) {
// return v0.Known() && ... && vN.Known();
// }
// This reduces stack frames by ~64x.
#include "emboss_arithmetic_all_known_generated.h"
// MaybeDo implements the logic of checking for known values, unwrapping the
// known values, passing the unwrapped values to OperatorT, and then rewrapping
// the result.
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename OperatorT,
typename... ArgsT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> MaybeDo(Maybe<ArgsT>... args) {
return AllKnown(args...)
? Maybe<ResultT>(static_cast<ResultT>(OperatorT::template Do(
: Maybe<ResultT>();
//// Operations intended to be passed to MaybeDo:
struct SumOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr T Do(T l, T r) {
return l + r;
struct DifferenceOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr T Do(T l, T r) {
return l - r;
struct ProductOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr T Do(T l, T r) {
return l * r;
// Assertions for the template types of comparisons.
template <typename ResultT, typename LeftT, typename RightT>
inline constexpr bool AssertComparisonInPartsTypes() {
static_assert(::std::is_same<ResultT, bool>::value,
"EMBOSS BUG: Comparisons must return bool.");
::std::is_signed<LeftT>::value || ::std::is_signed<RightT>::value,
"EMBOSS BUG: Comparisons in parts expect one side to be signed.");
::std::is_unsigned<LeftT>::value || ::std::is_unsigned<RightT>::value,
"EMBOSS BUG: Comparisons in parts expect one side to be unsigned.");
return true; // A literal return type is required for a constexpr function.
struct EqualOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr bool Do(T l, T r) {
return l == r;
struct NotEqualOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr bool Do(T l, T r) {
return l != r;
struct LessThanOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr bool Do(T l, T r) {
return l < r;
struct LessThanOrEqualOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr bool Do(T l, T r) {
return l <= r;
struct GreaterThanOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr bool Do(T l, T r) {
return l > r;
struct GreaterThanOrEqualOperation {
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr bool Do(T l, T r) {
return l >= r;
// MaximumOperation is a bit more complex, in order to handle the variable
// number of parameters.
struct MaximumOperation {
// Maximum of 1 element is just itself.
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr T Do(T arg) {
return arg;
// The rest of MaximumOperation::Do could be:
// template <typename T, typename... RestT>
// static inline constexpr T Do(T v0, T v1, RestT... rest) {
// return Do(v0 < v1 ? v1 : v0, rest...);
// }
// ... unfortunately, some compilers do not optimize this well, and it ends
// up using linear stack space instead of constant stack space; for complex
// structs on systems with limited stack (such as typical microcontrollers),
// this can cause methods like Ok() to blow the stack.
// The C++14 solution would be to use a std::initializer_list and iterate over
// the arguments. Unfortunately, C++11 std::initializer_list is not
// constexpr, and C++11 constexpr does not allow iteration.
// Instead, we have a small number of hand-written overloads and a large
// number (59, at time of writing, controlled by OVERLOADS in
// generators/ of generated overloads, which use
// O(lg(N)) stack for "small" numbers of arguments (128 or fewer, at time of
// writing), and O(N) stack for more arguments, but with a much, much smaller
// constant multiplier: one additional stack frame per 64 arguments, instead
// of one per argument.
// Maximum of 2-4 elements are special-cased.
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr T Do(T v0, T v1) {
// C++11 std::max is not constexpr, so we can't just call it.
return v0 < v1 ? v1 : v0;
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr T Do(T v0, T v1, T v2) {
return Do(v0 < v1 ? v1 : v0, v2);
template <typename T>
static inline constexpr T Do(T v0, T v1, T v2, T v3) {
return Do(v0 < v1 ? v1 : v0, v2 < v3 ? v3 : v2);
// The remaining overloads (5+ arguments) are generated by a script and
// #included, so that they do not clutter the hand-written code.
// They are of the form:
// template <typename T>
// static inline constexpr Do(T v0, ... T vN, T vN_plus_1, ... T v2N) {
// return Do(Do(v0, ... vN), Do(vN_plus_1, ... v2N));
// }
// In each case, they cut their argument lists in half, calling Do(Do(first
// half), Do(second half)).
// Note that, if there are enough arguments, this still falls back onto
// linear-stack-space recursion.
#include "emboss_arithmetic_maximum_operation_generated.h"
//// Special operations, where either un-Known() operands do not always result
//// in un-Known() results, or where Known() operands do not always result in
//// Known() results.
// Assertions for And and Or.
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr bool AssertBooleanOperationTypes() {
// And and Or are templates so that the Emboss code generator
// doesn't have to special case AND, but they should only be instantiated with
// <bool, bool, bool>. This pushes a bit of extra work onto the C++ compiler.
static_assert(::std::is_same<IntermediateT, bool>::value,
"EMBOSS BUG: Boolean operations must have bool IntermediateT.");
static_assert(::std::is_same<ResultT, bool>::value,
"EMBOSS BUG: Boolean operations must return bool.");
static_assert(::std::is_same<LeftT, bool>::value,
"EMBOSS BUG: Boolean operations require boolean operands.");
static_assert(::std::is_same<RightT, bool>::value,
"EMBOSS BUG: Boolean operations require boolean operands.");
return true; // A literal return type is required for a constexpr function.
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> And(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
// If either value is false, the result is false, even if the other value is
// unknown. Otherwise, if either value is unknown, the result is unknown.
// Otherwise, both values are true, and the result is true.
return AssertBooleanOperationTypes<IntermediateT, ResultT, LeftT, RightT>(),
!l.ValueOr(true) || !r.ValueOr(true)
? Maybe<ResultT>(false)
: (!l.Known() || !r.Known() ? Maybe<ResultT>()
: Maybe<ResultT>(true));
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> Or(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
// If either value is true, the result is true, even if the other value is
// unknown. Otherwise, if either value is unknown, the result is unknown.
// Otherwise, both values are false, and the result is false.
return AssertBooleanOperationTypes<IntermediateT, ResultT, LeftT, RightT>(),
l.ValueOr(false) || r.ValueOr(false)
? Maybe<ResultT>(true)
: (!l.Known() || !r.Known() ? Maybe<ResultT>()
: Maybe<ResultT>(false));
template <typename ResultT, typename ValueT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> MaybeStaticCast(Maybe<ValueT> value) {
return value.Known()
? Maybe<ResultT>(static_cast<ResultT>(value.ValueOrDefault()))
: Maybe<ResultT>();
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename ConditionT,
typename TrueT, typename FalseT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> Choice(Maybe<ConditionT> condition,
Maybe<TrueT> if_true,
Maybe<FalseT> if_false) {
// Since the result of a condition could be any value from either if_true or
// if_false, it should be the same type as IntermediateT.
static_assert(::std::is_same<IntermediateT, ResultT>::value,
"Choice's IntermediateT should be the same as ResultT.");
static_assert(::std::is_same<ConditionT, bool>::value,
"Choice operation requires a boolean condition.");
// If the condition is un-Known(), then the result is un-Known(). Otherwise,
// the result is if_true if condition, or if_false if not condition. For
// integral types, ResultT may differ from TrueT or FalseT, so Known() results
// must be unwrapped, cast to ResultT, and re-wrapped in Maybe<ResultT>. For
// non-integral TrueT/FalseT/ResultT, the cast is unnecessary, but safe.
return condition.Known() ? condition.ValueOrDefault()
? MaybeStaticCast<ResultT, TrueT>(if_true)
: MaybeStaticCast<ResultT, FalseT>(if_false)
: Maybe<ResultT>();
//// From here down: boilerplate instantiations of the various operations, which
//// only forward to MaybeDo:
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> Sum(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, SumOperation, LeftT, RightT>(l, r);
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> Difference(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, DifferenceOperation, LeftT, RightT>(l,
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> Product(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, ProductOperation, LeftT, RightT>(l, r);
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> Equal(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, EqualOperation, LeftT, RightT>(l, r);
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> NotEqual(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, NotEqualOperation, LeftT, RightT>(l,
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> LessThan(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, LessThanOperation, LeftT, RightT>(l,
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> LessThanOrEqual(Maybe<LeftT> l,
Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, LessThanOrEqualOperation, LeftT,
RightT>(l, r);
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> GreaterThan(Maybe<LeftT> l, Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, GreaterThanOperation, LeftT, RightT>(
l, r);
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename LeftT,
typename RightT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> GreaterThanOrEqual(Maybe<LeftT> l,
Maybe<RightT> r) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, GreaterThanOrEqualOperation, LeftT,
RightT>(l, r);
template <typename IntermediateT, typename ResultT, typename... ArgsT>
inline constexpr Maybe<ResultT> Maximum(Maybe<ArgsT>... args) {
return MaybeDo<IntermediateT, ResultT, MaximumOperation, ArgsT...>(args...);
} // namespace support
} // namespace emboss