blob: b5dcb9cd8955d21853c00d0a73c5c9fdd7d3d290 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# limitations under the License.
"""Common classes and functions for the accounting library."""
import math
import typing
import dataclasses
import numpy
from scipy import fft
from scipy import signal
class DifferentialPrivacyParameters(object):
"""Representation of the differential privacy parameters of a mechanism.
epsilon: the epsilon in (epsilon, delta)-differential privacy.
delta: the delta in (epsilon, delta)-differential privacy.
epsilon: float
delta: float = 0
def __post_init__(self):
if self.epsilon < 0:
raise ValueError(f'epsilon should be positive: {self.epsilon}')
if < 0 or > 1:
raise ValueError(f'delta should be between 0 and 1: {}')
class BinarySearchParameters(object):
"""Parameters used for binary search.
upper_bound: An upper bound on the binary search range.
lower_bound: A lower bound on the binary search range.
initial_guess: An initial guess to start the search with. Must be positive.
When this guess is close to the true value, it can help make the binary
search faster.
tolerance: An acceptable error on the returned value.
discrete: Whether the search is over integers.
lower_bound: float
upper_bound: float
initial_guess: typing.Optional[float] = None
tolerance: float = 1e-7
discrete: bool = False
def inverse_monotone_function(
func: typing.Callable[[float], float],
value: float,
search_parameters: BinarySearchParameters,
increasing: bool = False) -> typing.Optional[float]:
"""Inverse a monotone function.
func: The function to be inversed.
value: The desired value of the function.
search_parameters: Parameters used for binary search.
increasing: Whether the function is monotonically increasing.
x such that func(x) is no more than value, when such x exists. It is
guaranteed that the returned x is within search_parameters.tolerance of the
smallest (for monotonically decreasing func) or the largest (for
monotonically increasing func) such x. When no such x exists within the
given range, returns None.
lower_x = search_parameters.lower_bound
upper_x = search_parameters.upper_bound
initial_guess_x = search_parameters.initial_guess
if increasing:
check = lambda func_value, target_value: func_value <= target_value
if lower_x != -math.inf and func(lower_x) > value:
return None
check = lambda func_value, target_value: func_value > target_value
if upper_x != math.inf and func(upper_x) > value:
return None
if initial_guess_x is not None:
while initial_guess_x < upper_x and check(func(initial_guess_x), value):
lower_x = initial_guess_x
initial_guess_x *= 2
upper_x = min(upper_x, initial_guess_x)
if search_parameters.discrete:
tolerance = 1
tolerance = search_parameters.tolerance
while upper_x - lower_x > tolerance:
if search_parameters.discrete:
mid_x = (upper_x + lower_x) // 2
mid_x = (upper_x + lower_x) / 2
if check(func(mid_x), value):
lower_x = mid_x
upper_x = mid_x
if increasing:
return lower_x
return upper_x
def dictionary_to_list(
input_dictionary: typing.Mapping[int, float]
) -> typing.Tuple[int, typing.List[float]]:
"""Converts an integer-keyed dictionary into an list.
input_dictionary: A dictionary whose keys are integers.
A tuple of an integer offset and a list result_list. The offset is the
minimum value of the input dictionary. result_list has length equal to the
difference between the maximum and minimum values of the input dictionary.
result_list[i] is equal to dictionary[offset + i] and is zero if offset + i
is not a key in the input dictionary.
offset = min(input_dictionary)
max_val = max(input_dictionary)
result_list = [input_dictionary.get(i, 0) for i in range(offset, max_val + 1)]
return (offset, result_list)
def list_to_dictionary(
input_list: typing.List[float],
offset: int,
tail_mass_truncation: float = 0) -> typing.Mapping[int, float]:
"""Converts a list into an integer-keyed dictionary, with a specified offset.
input_list: An input list.
offset: The offset in the key of the output dictionary
tail_mass_truncation: an upper bound on the tails of the input list that
might be truncated.
A dictionary whose value at key is equal to input_list[key - offset]. If
input_list[key - offset] is less than or equal to zero, it is not included
in the dictionary.
lower_truncation_index = 0
lower_truncation_mass = 0
while lower_truncation_index < len(input_list):
lower_truncation_mass += input_list[lower_truncation_index]
if lower_truncation_mass > tail_mass_truncation / 2:
lower_truncation_index += 1
upper_truncation_index = len(input_list) - 1
upper_truncation_mass = 0
while upper_truncation_index >= 0:
upper_truncation_mass += input_list[upper_truncation_index]
if upper_truncation_mass > tail_mass_truncation / 2:
upper_truncation_index -= 1
result_dictionary = {}
for i in range(lower_truncation_index, upper_truncation_index + 1):
if input_list[i] > 0:
result_dictionary[i + offset] = input_list[i]
return result_dictionary
def convolve_dictionary(
dictionary1: typing.Mapping[int, float],
dictionary2: typing.Mapping[int, float],
tail_mass_truncation: float = 0) -> typing.Mapping[int, float]:
"""Computes a convolution of two dictionaries.
dictionary1: The first dictionary whose keys are integers.
dictionary2: The second dictionary whose keys are integers.
tail_mass_truncation: an upper bound on the tails of the output that might
be truncated.
The dictionary where for each key its corresponding value is the sum, over
all key1, key2 such that key1 + key2 = key, of dictionary1[key1] times
# Convert the dictionaries to lists.
min1, list1 = dictionary_to_list(dictionary1)
min2, list2 = dictionary_to_list(dictionary2)
# Compute the convolution of the two lists.
result_list = signal.fftconvolve(list1, list2)
# Convert the list back to a dictionary and return
return list_to_dictionary(
result_list, min1 + min2, tail_mass_truncation=tail_mass_truncation)
def self_convolve(input_list: typing.List[float],
num_times: int) -> typing.List[float]:
"""Computes a convolution of the input list with itself num_times times.
input_list: The input list to be convolved.
num_times: The number of times the list is to be convolved with itself.
The list where for each i-th entry its corresponding value is the sum, over
all i_1, i_2, ..., i_num_times such that i_1 + i_2 + ... + i_num_times = i,
of input_list[i_1] * input_list[i_2] * ... * input_list[i_num_times].
# Use FFT to compute the convolution
output_len = num_times * len(input_list) - 1
fast_len = fft.next_fast_len(output_len)
return numpy.real(fft.ifft(fft.fft(input_list,
def self_convolve_dictionary(input_dictionary: typing.Mapping[int, float],
num_times: int) -> typing.Mapping[int, float]:
"""Computes a convolution of the input dictionary with itself num_times times.
input_dictionary: The input dictionary whose keys are integers.
num_times: The number of times the dictionary is to be convolved with
The dictionary where for each key its corresponding value is the sum, over
all key1, key2, ..., key_num_times such that key1 + key2 + ... +
key_num_times = key, of input_dictionary[key1] * input_dictionary[key2] *
... * input_dictionary[key_num_times]
min_val, input_list = dictionary_to_list(input_dictionary)
return list_to_dictionary(
self_convolve(input_list, num_times), min_val * num_times)