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# Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
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"""Helper functions for privacy accounting across queries."""
import math
import typing
from scipy import special
from dp_accounting import common
from dp_accounting import privacy_loss_distribution
from dp_accounting import privacy_loss_mechanism
def get_smallest_parameter(
privacy_parameters: common.DifferentialPrivacyParameters, num_queries: int,
privacy_loss_distribution_constructor: typing.Callable[
[float], privacy_loss_distribution.PrivacyLossDistribution],
search_parameters: common.BinarySearchParameters
) -> typing.Union[float, None]:
"""Finds smallest parameter for which the mechanism satisfies desired privacy.
This function computes the smallest "parameter" for which the corresponding
mechanism, when run a specified number of times, satisfies a given privacy
level. It is assumed that, when the parameter increases, the mechanism becomes
more private.
privacy_parameters: The desired privacy guarantee.
num_queries: Number of times the mechanism will be invoked.
privacy_loss_distribution_constructor: A function that takes in a parameter
and returns the privacy loss distribution for the corresponding mechanism
for the given parameter.
search_parameters: Parameters used for binary search.
Smallest parameter for which the corresponding mechanism with that
parameter, when applied the given number of times, satisfies the desired
privacy guarantee. When no parameter in the given range satisfies this,
return None.
def get_delta_for_parameter(parameter):
pld_single_query = privacy_loss_distribution_constructor(parameter)
pld_all_queries = pld_single_query.self_compose(num_queries)
return pld_all_queries.get_delta_for_epsilon(privacy_parameters.epsilon)
return common.inverse_monotone_function(get_delta_for_parameter,,
def get_smallest_laplace_noise(
privacy_parameters: common.DifferentialPrivacyParameters,
num_queries: int,
sensitivity: float = 1) -> float:
"""Finds smallest Laplace noise for which the mechanism satisfies desired privacy.
privacy_parameters: The desired privacy guarantee.
num_queries: Number of times the mechanism will be invoked.
sensitivity: The l1 sensitivity of each query.
Smallest parameter for which the Laplace mechanism with this parameter, when
applied the given number of times, satisfies the desired privacy guarantee.
def privacy_loss_distribution_constructor(parameter):
# Setting value_discretization_interval equal to 0.001 * epsilon ensures
# that the resulting parameter is not (epsilon', delta)-DP for epsilon' less
# than 0.999 * epsilon. This is a heuristic for getting a reasonable
# pessimistic estimate for the noise parameter.
return (privacy_loss_distribution.PrivacyLossDistribution
value_discretization_interval=0.001 *
# Laplace mechanism with parameter sensitivity * num_queries / epsilon is
# epsilon-DP (for num_queries queries).
search_parameters = common.BinarySearchParameters(
0, num_queries * sensitivity / privacy_parameters.epsilon)
parameter = get_smallest_parameter(privacy_parameters, num_queries,
if parameter is None:
parameter = num_queries * sensitivity / privacy_parameters.epsilon
return parameter
def get_smallest_discrete_laplace_noise(
privacy_parameters: common.DifferentialPrivacyParameters,
num_queries: int,
sensitivity: int = 1) -> float:
"""Finds smallest discrete Laplace noise for which the mechanism satisfies desired privacy.
Note that from the way discrete Laplace distribution is defined, the amount of
noise decreases as the parameter increases. (In other words, the mechanism
becomes less private as the parameter increases.) As a result, the output will
be the largest parameter (instead of smallest as in Laplace).
privacy_parameters: The desired privacy guarantee.
num_queries: Number of times the mechanism will be invoked.
sensitivity: The l1 sensitivity of each query.
Largest parameter for which the discrete Laplace mechanism with this
parameter, when applied the given number of times, satisfies the desired
privacy guarantee.
# Search for inverse of the parameter instead of the parameter itself.
def privacy_loss_distribution_constructor(inverse_parameter):
parameter = 1 / inverse_parameter
# Setting value_discretization_interval equal to parameter because the
# privacy loss of discrete Laplace mechanism is always divisible by the
# parameter.
return (privacy_loss_distribution.PrivacyLossDistribution
# discrete Laplace mechanism with parameter
# epsilon / (sensitivity * num_queries) is epsilon-DP (for num_queries
# queries).
search_parameters = common.BinarySearchParameters(
0, num_queries * sensitivity / privacy_parameters.epsilon)
inverse_parameter = get_smallest_parameter(
privacy_parameters, num_queries, privacy_loss_distribution_constructor,
if inverse_parameter is None:
parameter = privacy_parameters.epsilon / (num_queries * sensitivity)
parameter = 1 / inverse_parameter
return parameter
def get_smallest_gaussian_noise(
privacy_parameters: common.DifferentialPrivacyParameters,
num_queries: int,
sensitivity: float = 1) -> float:
"""Finds smallest Gaussian noise for which the mechanism satisfies desired privacy.
privacy_parameters: The desired privacy guarantee.
num_queries: Number of times the mechanism will be invoked.
sensitivity: The l2 sensitivity of each query.
Smallest standard deviation for which the Gaussian mechanism with this std,
when applied the given number of times, satisfies the desired privacy
# The l2 sensitivity grows as square root of the number of queries
return privacy_loss_mechanism.GaussianPrivacyLoss.from_privacy_guarantee(
sensitivity=sensitivity * math.sqrt(num_queries)).standard_deviation
def advanced_composition(
privacy_parameters: common.DifferentialPrivacyParameters,
num_queries: int, total_delta: float) -> typing.Optional[float]:
"""Computes total DP parameters after applying an algorithm with given privacy parameters multiple times.
Using the optimal advanced composition theorem, Theorem 3.3 from the paper
Kairouz, Oh, Viswanath. "The Composition Theorem for Differential Privacy",
to compute the total DP parameters given that we are applying an algorithm
with a given privacy parameters for a given number of times.
Note that we can compute this alternatively from PrivacyLossDistribution
by invoking from_privacy_parameters and applying the given number of
composition. When setting value_discretization_interval appropriately, these
two approaches should coincide but using the advanced composition theorem
directly is less computational intensive.
privacy_parameters: The privacy guarantee of a single query.
num_queries: Number of times the algorithm is invoked.
total_delta: The target value of total delta of the privacy parameters for
the multiple runs of the algorithm.
total_epsilon such that, when applying the algorithm the given number of
times, the result is still (total_epsilon, total_delta)-DP.
None when the total_delta is less than 1 - (1 - delta)^num_queries, for
which no guarantee of (total_epsilon, total_delta)-DP is possible for any
value of total_epsilon.
epsilon = privacy_parameters.epsilon
delta =
k = num_queries
# The calculation follows Theorem 3.3 of
for i in range(k // 2, -1, -1):
delta_i = 0
for l in range(i):
delta_i += special.binom(k, l) * (
math.exp(epsilon * (k - l)) - math.exp(epsilon * (k - 2 * i + l)))
delta_i /= ((1 + math.exp(epsilon))**k)
if 1 - ((1 - delta) ** k) * (1 - delta_i) <= total_delta:
return epsilon * (k - 2 * i)
return None
def get_smallest_epsilon_from_advanced_composition(
total_privacy_parameters: common.DifferentialPrivacyParameters,
num_queries: int, delta: float = 0) -> typing.Optional[float]:
"""Computes DP parameters that after a certain number of queries remain DP with given parameters.
Using the optimal advanced composition theorem, Theorem 3.3 from the paper
Kairouz, Oh, Viswanath. "The Composition Theorem for Differential Privacy",
to compute DP parameter for an algorithm, so that when applied a given number
of times it remains DP with given privacy parameters.
total_privacy_parameters: The desired privacy guarantee after applying the
algorithm a given number of times.
num_queries: Number of times the algorithm is invoked.
delta: The value of DP parameter delta for the algorithm.
epsilon such that if an algorithm is (epsilon, delta)-DP, then applying it
the given number of times remains DP with total_privacy_parameters.
None when is less than
1 - (1 - delta)^num_queries for which no guarantee of
total_privacy_parameters DP is possible for any value of epsilon.
if 1 - ((1 - delta) ** num_queries) >
return None
search_parameters = common.BinarySearchParameters(
total_privacy_parameters.epsilon / num_queries,
def get_total_epsilon_for_epsilon(epsilon):
privacy_parameters = common.DifferentialPrivacyParameters(epsilon, delta)
return advanced_composition(privacy_parameters, num_queries,
return common.inverse_monotone_function(