blob: 8dec868185835232c54f0686b5269619d420be56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Defines StochasticTester class and associated utilities.
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stack>
#include <type_traits>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/hash/hash.h"
#include "base/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "algorithms/algorithm.h"
#include "algorithms/util.h"
#include "proto/util.h"
#include "testing/density_estimation.h"
#include "testing/sequence.h"
namespace differential_privacy {
namespace testing {
// The following constants set up the test datasets to be generated on a unit
// hypercube centered on the origin.
constexpr double DefaultDataScale() { return 1.0; }
constexpr double DefaultDataOffset() { return -0.5; }
// Empirically chosen values to allow reasonably stable approximations of the
// distribution while keeping the runtime at most around 15 minutes.
constexpr int DefaultDatasetSize() { return 3; }
constexpr int DefaultNumSamplesPerHistogram() { return 10000; }
constexpr int DefaultNumDatasetsToTest() { return 50; }
constexpr double MinimumRealBinWidth() { return 1e-10; }
constexpr double MinimumIntegralBinWidth() { return 1.0; }
constexpr int MinimumBinCountCombined() { return 2; }
constexpr int MinimumBinCountSingle() { return 1; }
template <typename OutputT>
using AlgorithmResultSamples = std::vector<OutputT>;
using SelectionVector = std::vector<bool>;
using SelectionVectorAndSizePair = std::pair<SelectionVector, size_t>;
// A test framework that tries to prove that an algorithm is not differentially
// private on a number of datasets. The general approach is to generate datasets
// based on a given sequence generator and run the DP algorithm sufficiently
// many times to generate a histogram estimating the probability distribution of
// the output, which is a function of the predicate for differential privacy,
// along with \epsilon.
// Note that an algorithm passing this test does not imply that the algorithm is
// differentially private, but serves to more rigorously test an algorithm by
// providing various inputs.
// This class is templated to support different algorithm output types.
// Therefore, the template parameter should be initialized to be the same as
// that of the output type of the algorithm being tested.
template <typename T, typename OutputT = T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>>
class StochasticTester;
template <typename T, typename OutputT>
class StochasticTester<T, OutputT> {
std::unique_ptr<Algorithm<T>> algorithm,
std::unique_ptr<Sequence<T>> sequence,
int64_t num_datasets = DefaultNumDatasetsToTest(),
int64_t num_samples_per_histogram = DefaultNumSamplesPerHistogram(),
bool disable_search_branching = false)
: algorithm_(std::move(algorithm)),
max_violation_pct_(0.0) {}
bool Run() {
// For each dataset, check each member of its powerset for whether it
// satisfies the dp predicate and record it in class variables. If too
// many failures are seen, return early.
const double num_failures_ok = kHistogramPaddingAlpha * num_comparison_;
for (int i = 0; i < num_datasets_; ++i) {
std::vector<T> dataset = GenerateDataset();
if (num_comparison_failures_ > num_failures_ok) {
<< "More than " << kHistogramPaddingAlpha
<< " of comparisons failed so the algorithm is likely not DP.";
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Across all datasets, proportion of comparisons failed: "
<< num_comparison_failures_ << " / " << num_comparison_;
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat(
"Tested DP over ", num_datasets_,
" dataset(s). (Maximum violation %: ", max_violation_pct_ * 100, ")");
return true;
struct SelectionVectorHash {
size_t operator()(const SelectionVector& v) const {
const std::string serialized_v = absl::StrJoin(v, ".");
return absl::Hash<std::string>()(serialized_v);
struct HistogramOptions {
OutputT lowest;
double bin_width;
int num_bins;
// This computes the optimal bin width as a function of the sample statistics.
// Namely, the number of samples and order statistics.
// This is based on the Freedman-Diaconis rule: 2 * \frac{IQR(x)}{n^{1/3}}.
// See for
// details.
// We then determine the number of histogram bins by taking the range of the
// samples and dividing by the bin size.
// Ideally this should be applied to each of the histograms to minimize
// their individual approximation error, but we need the histograms to be
// comparable, so we take the average of their computed bin widths.
// When the variation in the data is sufficiently small, the interquartile
// range is 0. We fall back to using the range instead here. If this is
// also 0, then the distribution of the data is deterministic and we use a
// small constant bin width and set the number of bins to 1.
HistogramOptions ComputeHistogramOptions(const std::vector<OutputT>& sample);
// Computes and returns a HistogramOptions with bin width settings that are
// suitable (in terms of reducing error) for two sets of samples. It first
// computes the optimal bin width and number of bins using
// ComputeBinWithAndCount above, then takes the average of the bin widths to
// use as the best bin width for both. The number of bins is also recomputed
// based on the newly computed width and the combined range of the samples.
HistogramOptions ComputeCombinedHistogramOptions(
const std::vector<OutputT>& sample_lhs,
const std::vector<OutputT>& sample_rhs);
// Checks both directions of the DP predicate. This generates histograms based
// on the samples passed in and compares them based on the DP predicate.
// We allow for some amount of error that arises from the histogram
// approximation, thus this still returns true in cases where the predicate
// is violated within error bounds.
bool CheckDpPredicate(const std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>>& dx_samples,
const std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>>& dy_samples);
// We need to check that all combinations of the input dataset of size 1 to N
// obey the differential privacy predicate with all datasets that are a
// distance of 1 away. We cast this as a search problem over a search graph,
// using DFS with caching. Each state in the search space is represented by a
// boolean selector vector to select subsets of the dataset. We keep track of
// the subset sizes directly for efficiency. The DP algorithm is run multiple
// times to generate a set of samples when successors are generated, which are
// cached for reuse. Calls CheckDpPredicate for each distance-1 pair to
// increment counter variables for number of successes of CheckDpPredicate.
void CheckDifferentiallyPrivateOnDataset(const std::vector<T>& dataset);
// Given a current selection vector and the number of elements expected in
// the set of successors, this generates the successors by flipping exactly
// one "true" value in for each position in selector to false.
// The expectation here is that succ_selector_size is equal to the number of
// true values in each selector. Thus, the input selector should have
// succ_selector_size + 1 true values, since this function generates the
// successor selectors by flipping exactly 1 true value to false.
std::vector<SelectionVectorAndSizePair> GenerateSuccessors(
const SelectionVector& selector, size_t succ_selector_size) const;
// Runs the DP algorithm over a dataset. In our case, the containers are
// based on itertools iterators which do not necessarily have size functions,
// so we provide that interface here.
template <typename Container>
std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>> GenerateSamples(Container* c,
size_t size) {
std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>> samples(num_samples_per_histogram_);
for (int i = 0; i < num_samples_per_histogram_; ++i) {
base::StatusOr<Output> output = algorithm_->Result(c->begin(), c->end());
// Algorithms such as ApproxBounds may return an error status rather than
// a value for some datasets on some occasions. In this case we wish to
// keep testing the dataset instead of throwing it out, treating the error
// status as a regular value, to be substituted during histogram
// generation.
if (output.ok()) {
samples[i] = GetValue<OutputT>(output.ValueOrDie());
} else {
samples[i] = output.status();
return samples;
std::vector<T> GenerateDataset() { return sequence_->GetSample(); }
// Utility function to check a value's relation to boundary_min and
// boundary_max and collect relative stats about the maximum percent violation
// over boundary_min relative to the boundary size.
// For context, we only consider an algorithm as not differentially private
// if we find an example where the error boundary is also violated
// (>boundary_max)
// - boundary_min represents the actual upper bound as stated by the DP
// predicate
// - boundary_max includes the histogram approximation error on top of that
// upper bound.
// The return value of this function is true only if the value exceeds
// boundary_max.
bool CheckBoundsAndUpdateMaxViolation(double value, double boundary_min,
double boundary_max) {
if (value <= boundary_min) {
return false;
double absolute_violation = value - boundary_min;
double boundary_size = boundary_max - boundary_min;
max_violation_pct_ =
std::max(max_violation_pct_, absolute_violation / boundary_size);
return value > boundary_max;
void Reset() {
max_violation_pct_ = 0.0;
num_comparison_failures_ = 0;
num_comparison_ = 0;
for (const int64_t d : sequence_->NextNDimensions(num_datasets_)) {
// Without search branching, each subsequence only has 1 child.
// With search branching, for a sequence of size n, there are (n choose k)
// unique subsequences of size k. Each of these has k children. Thus there
// are sum from k={1, 2, ... , n} of (n choose k) * k total comparisons.
num_comparison_ += disable_search_branching_ ? d : std::pow(2, d - 1) * d;
// For a pair of vector of samples, find a value that is lower than all
// non-error values but still close in distance to the distribution of values.
// Replace all samples that were output error to this error value. Populate
// the value_samples vectors with replaced values.
void ReplaceErrorWithValue(
const std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>>& dx_samples,
const std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>>& dy_samples,
std::vector<OutputT>* dx_value_samples,
std::vector<OutputT>* dy_value_samples);
std::unique_ptr<Algorithm<T>> algorithm_;
std::unique_ptr<Sequence<T>> sequence_;
int64_t num_datasets_;
int64_t num_samples_per_histogram_;
// This allows control on the amount of the search space to explore by
// restricting the number of successors generated to 1.
// It is mainly used to test algorithms that do not depend on the values of
// the dataset (e.g. Count), where the additional successors are redundant.
// The default value is false so full search is the standard behavior.
bool disable_search_branching_;
// The maximum amount by which any histogram bucket exceeded the differential
// privacy requirement, expressed as a proportion of the amount the bucket was
// allowed to exceed the requirement by our error bounds.
double max_violation_pct_;
// From Wasserman's All of Nonparametric Statistics, p.130.
// This is the maximum probability that we get a false negative in any given
// histograms comparison. 0.05 is chosen arbitrarily.
static constexpr double kHistogramPaddingAlpha = 0.05;
// We use these to keep track of what percent of histogram comparisons failed
// the dp check. We expect at most kHistogramPaddingAlpha of comparisons to
// fail.
int64_t num_comparison_ = 0;
int64_t num_comparison_failures_ = 0;
template <typename T, typename OutputT>
typename StochasticTester<T, OutputT>::HistogramOptions
StochasticTester<T, OutputT>::ComputeHistogramOptions(
const std::vector<OutputT>& sample) {
HistogramOptions options;
double interquartile_range =
OrderStatistic(.75, sample) - OrderStatistic(.25, sample);
// The bin width formula for the rule is 2*IQR / cbrt(n). When this is zero,
// we also check if the distribution is actually deterministic by taking
// max - min. We use this as an alternative for nearly deterministic
// distributions to avoid zero bin width.
double min = *std::min_element(sample.begin(), sample.end());
double max = *std::max_element(sample.begin(), sample.end());
double bin_width_numerator =
interquartile_range > 0 ? 2 * interquartile_range : max - min;
options.bin_width =
std::max(bin_width_numerator / cbrt(sample.size()),
std::is_integral<T>::value ? MinimumIntegralBinWidth()
: MinimumRealBinWidth());
double num_bins = ceil((max - min) / options.bin_width);
if (num_bins > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) {
num_bins = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
options.num_bins =
std::max(MinimumBinCountSingle(), static_cast<int>(num_bins));
return options;
template <typename T, typename OutputT>
typename StochasticTester<T, OutputT>::HistogramOptions
StochasticTester<T, OutputT>::ComputeCombinedHistogramOptions(
const std::vector<OutputT>& sample_lhs,
const std::vector<OutputT>& sample_rhs) {
HistogramOptions options;
HistogramOptions options_lhs = ComputeHistogramOptions(sample_lhs);
HistogramOptions options_rhs = ComputeHistogramOptions(sample_rhs);
double min_lhs = *std::min_element(sample_lhs.begin(), sample_lhs.end());
double max_lhs = *std::max_element(sample_lhs.begin(), sample_lhs.end());
double min_rhs = *std::min_element(sample_rhs.begin(), sample_rhs.end());
double max_rhs = *std::max_element(sample_rhs.begin(), sample_rhs.end());
double highest = std::max(max_lhs, max_rhs);
options.lowest = std::min(min_lhs, min_rhs);
// We take the average of the two bin widths to use as the combined bin
// width. The form of the calculation here is done for overflow protection.
options.bin_width = (options_lhs.bin_width - options_rhs.bin_width) / 2 +
// For each case below need to specify an extra bucket for the unbounded
// bucket that goes from the maximum value to +infinity. The first case
// specially handles when both sets of samples only have 1 bin, which occurs
// when the samples are deterministic (or near it). In this case,
// the result should have two bins to provide support for each value (plus
// one more for the unbounded bin) Otherwise, we calculate the number of
// bins normally, but still lower bound it to have two bins (and again add
// the additional unbounded bin).
if (options_lhs.num_bins == MinimumBinCountSingle() &&
options_rhs.num_bins == MinimumBinCountSingle()) {
options.num_bins = MinimumBinCountCombined() + 1;
} else {
options.num_bins =
ceil((highest - options.lowest) / options.bin_width))) +
return options;
template <typename T, typename OutputT>
void StochasticTester<T, OutputT>::ReplaceErrorWithValue(
const std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>>& dx_samples,
const std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>>& dy_samples,
std::vector<OutputT>* dx_value_samples,
std::vector<OutputT>* dy_value_samples) {
// Find the minimum and bin width without error outputs to heuristically chose
// an error value. If there are no non-error outputs in either sample set, we
// cannot obtain the stats so default the error value to 0.
std::vector<OutputT> dx_samples_no_error;
std::vector<OutputT> dy_samples_no_error;
for (const base::StatusOr<OutputT>& e : dx_samples) {
if (e.ok()) {
for (const base::StatusOr<OutputT>& e : dy_samples) {
if (e.ok()) {
OutputT error_value = 0;
if (!dx_samples_no_error.empty() && !dy_samples_no_error.empty()) {
HistogramOptions options = ComputeCombinedHistogramOptions(
dx_samples_no_error, dy_samples_no_error);
// The error value is the minimum of both samples minus 2x the bin width.
error_value = options.lowest - 2 * options.bin_width;
// Copy values in the sample, replacing errors with the error value.
for (int i = 0; i < dx_value_samples->size(); ++i) {
if (dx_samples[i].ok()) {
(*dx_value_samples)[i] = dx_samples[i].ValueOrDie();
} else {
(*dx_value_samples)[i] = error_value;
for (int i = 0; i < dy_value_samples->size(); ++i) {
if (dy_samples[i].ok()) {
(*dy_value_samples)[i] = dy_samples[i].ValueOrDie();
} else {
(*dy_value_samples)[i] = error_value;
template <typename T, typename OutputT>
bool StochasticTester<T, OutputT>::CheckDpPredicate(
const std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>>& dx_samples,
const std::vector<base::StatusOr<OutputT>>& dy_samples) {
double epsilon = algorithm_->GetEpsilon();
// Handle error outputs by replacing them with a default error value. We must
// replace error values first and include them in the analysis to create the
// histogram options in order to provide an accurate confidence interval when
// checking the dp predicate.
std::vector<OutputT> dx_value_samples(dx_samples.size(), 0);
std::vector<OutputT> dy_value_samples(dy_samples.size(), 0);
ReplaceErrorWithValue(dx_samples, dy_samples, &dx_value_samples,
const HistogramOptions options =
ComputeCombinedHistogramOptions(dx_value_samples, dy_value_samples);
// Note that the Histogram class expects double types to be passed into the
// Add function. We allow implicit casting here from the templated type
// where the only non floating point type is an integral type. The only
// concern here is if the integral type is large, then the cast to double
// will lose precision. In our use cases, the numbers will generally be
// small and far from this point.
Histogram<OutputT> dx_hist(options.lowest, options.bin_width,
for (const OutputT& e : dx_value_samples) {
Histogram<OutputT> dy_hist(options.lowest, options.bin_width,
for (const OutputT& e : dy_value_samples) {
// The total number of actual buckets within the bounds is 1 fewer,
// because there is an extra bucket on the upper extreme to consider values
// that exceed the boundaries. Note that the error value bucket is also
// included in the count.
int actual_num_buckets = options.num_bins - 1;
// From Wasserman's All of Nonparametric Statistics, p.130.
// This is the constant used to calculate the 1-\alpha lower and upper
// confidence interval bounds.
// c = z_{\alpha/(2m)} * \sqrt{m / n} / 2, where m is the number of bins and
// n is the number of samples. We choose a 95% confidence interval here,
// therefore alpha is set to 0.05.
// This is used to generate an upper bound for each of the histograms.
// Note that although these intervals are implicitly identical because the
// number of samples for each set of samples is enforced to be the same in
// StochasticTester, we don't necessarily make the assumption here and
// therefore compute an interval for each.
double dx_size = static_cast<double>(dx_samples.size());
double dy_size = static_cast<double>(dy_samples.size());
double critical_value =
Qnorm(1 - (kHistogramPaddingAlpha / 2 / actual_num_buckets), /*mu=*/0.0,
double dx_error_interval =
critical_value * sqrt(actual_num_buckets / dx_size) / 2;
double dy_error_interval =
critical_value * sqrt(actual_num_buckets / dy_size) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < options.num_bins; ++i) {
double px = dx_hist.BinCount(i).ValueOrDie() / dx_size;
double py = dy_hist.BinCount(i).ValueOrDie() / dy_size;
double px_differential_privacy_bound = exp(epsilon) * px;
double py_differential_privacy_bound = exp(epsilon) * py;
// The error interval bounds a function over [0, 1] represented by the
// histogram, which is the probability / (1 / num_bins) at each bucket.
// Formally the upper bound u = (\sqrt{f} + c)^2 and lower bound l =
// max(0.0, (\sqrt(f) - c)^2), so in our case, we get f by talking
// probability * num_bins. To use this bound for probabilities, we
// divide the result num_bins.
double px_upper_bound =
std::pow(sqrt(px * actual_num_buckets) + dx_error_interval, 2) /
double py_upper_bound =
std::pow(sqrt(py * actual_num_buckets) + dy_error_interval, 2) /
double px_lower_bound = std::max(
0.0, std::pow(sqrt(px * actual_num_buckets) - dx_error_interval, 2) /
double py_lower_bound = std::max(
0.0, std::pow(sqrt(py * actual_num_buckets) - dy_error_interval, 2) /
double px_upper_differential_privacy_bound = exp(epsilon) * px_upper_bound;
double py_upper_differential_privacy_bound = exp(epsilon) * py_upper_bound;
bool bound_exceeded = (dx_hist.BinCount(i).ValueOrDie() > 0 &&
px_lower_bound, py_differential_privacy_bound,
py_upper_differential_privacy_bound)) ||
(dy_hist.BinCount(i).ValueOrDie() > 0 &&
py_lower_bound, px_differential_privacy_bound,
// We only report that the predicate is not satisfied if it also exceeds
// the confidence bounds.
if (bound_exceeded) {
LOG(INFO) << "Violation found on histograms ============================";
LOG(INFO) << dx_hist.ToString();
LOG(INFO) << dy_hist.ToString();
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat(
"Bin with violation: ", (i + 1), "/", actual_num_buckets, ", [",
dx_hist.BinBoundary(i), ", ", dx_hist.BinBoundary(i + 1), "]");
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("epsilon=", epsilon);
// The error bin refers to the bin reserved for storing error values.
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat(
"The bin starting at ", options.lowest,
" is the number of times the algorithm returned an error.");
if (px_lower_bound > py_upper_differential_privacy_bound) {
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("px: ", px);
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("px_lower_bound: ", px_lower_bound);
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("py_differential_privacy_bound: ",
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("py_upper_differential_privacy_bound: ",
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat(
"px_lower_bound > py_upper_differential_privacy_bound: ",
px_lower_bound, " > ", py_upper_differential_privacy_bound);
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("px > py_differential_privacy_bound: ", px,
" > ", py_differential_privacy_bound);
} else {
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("py: ", py);
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("py_lower_bound: ", py_lower_bound);
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("px_differential_privacy_bound: ",
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("px_upper_differential_privacy_bound: ",
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat(
"py_lower_bound > px_upper_differential_privacy_bound: ",
py_lower_bound, " > ", px_upper_differential_privacy_bound);
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("py > px_differential_privacy_bound: ", py,
" > ", px_differential_privacy_bound);
LOG(INFO) << absl::StrCat("Bounds exceeded by (>100%): ",
LOG(INFO) << " ";
return false;
return true;
template <typename T, typename OutputT>
void StochasticTester<T, OutputT>::CheckDifferentiallyPrivateOnDataset(
const std::vector<T>& dataset) {
SelectionVector full_set_selector(dataset.size(), true);
sample_cache[full_set_selector] = GenerateSamples(&dataset, dataset.size());
std::stack<SelectionVectorAndSizePair> dfs;
dfs.push(std::make_pair(full_set_selector, dataset.size()));
while (!dfs.empty()) {
SelectionVector current_selector =;
size_t current_size =;
std::vector<SelectionVectorAndSizePair> successors =
GenerateSuccessors(current_selector, current_size - 1);
for (const auto& succ_pair : successors) {
const SelectionVector& succ_selector = succ_pair.first;
size_t succ_size = succ_pair.second;
bool is_new_succ = !sample_cache.contains(succ_selector);
// Generate successor samples if they don't exist.
if (is_new_succ) {
std::vector<T> subset;
for (int i = 0; i < succ_selector.size(); ++i) {
if (succ_selector[i]) {
sample_cache[succ_selector] = GenerateSamples(&subset, succ_size);
if (!CheckDpPredicate(sample_cache[current_selector],
sample_cache[succ_selector])) {
LOG(INFO) << "Fails DP on: ";
std::vector<T> c_current = VectorFilter(dataset, current_selector);
LOG(INFO) << std::setprecision(16) << VectorToString(c_current);
std::vector<T> c_succ = VectorFilter(dataset, succ_selector);
LOG(INFO) << std::setprecision(16) << VectorToString(c_succ);
// Only include successors with non-empty subsets and have not been
// visited.
if (current_size > 0 && is_new_succ) {
template <typename T, typename OutputT>
StochasticTester<T, OutputT>::GenerateSuccessors(
const SelectionVector& selector, size_t succ_selector_size) const {
std::vector<SelectionVectorAndSizePair> successors;
for (int i = 0; i < selector.size(); ++i) {
if (selector[i]) {
std::make_pair(SelectionVector(selector), succ_selector_size));
successors.back().first[i] = false;
// Done with successor generation if we don't need to branch to any other
// children.
if (disable_search_branching_) {
return successors;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace differential_privacy