blob: bf0c2bf111c59f1b15d15c9c59f1cfb2e24cbc17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/random/distributions.h"
namespace differential_privacy {
namespace testing {
// Abstract class to represent an object that generates coordinates to be used
// as datasets.
template <typename T>
class Sequence {
virtual std::vector<T> GetSample() = 0;
// Returns the dimensions of the next `n` samples.
virtual std::vector<int64_t> NextNDimensions(int n) = 0;
virtual ~Sequence() = default;
// Returns samples from a pre-defined list passed in by the user on
// construction. The samples repeat when the end of the provided vector is
// reached.
// Note that the pre-defined list is copied into this class on instantiation
// and samples are also returned as copies. Although this is a potential
// performance bottleneck, we generally expect small enough input lists (the
// product of the vector dimensions is on the order of the 100s) for performance
// issues to be negligible.
template <typename T>
class StoredSequence : public Sequence<T> {
explicit StoredSequence(const std::vector<std::vector<T>>& stored_sequence)
: stored_sequence_(stored_sequence), current_index_(0) {
// In addition to returning an element, this advances the current_index,
// resetting to 0 if we reach the end of stored_sequence.
std::vector<T> GetSample() override {
return stored_sequence_[current_index_++ % stored_sequence_.size()];
std::vector<int64_t> NextNDimensions(int n) override {
std::vector<int64_t> dimensions;
int temp_index = current_index_;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
stored_sequence_[temp_index++ % stored_sequence_.size()].size());
return dimensions;
StoredSequence() = delete;
~StoredSequence() override = default;
// The pre-defined list passed in by the user.
std::vector<std::vector<T>> stored_sequence_;
// The index of the element of stored_sequence that the next call of
// GetSample() returns.
int current_index_;
// A HypercubeSequence generates a sequence of coordinates on a unit
// hypercube with a mininum coordinate of 0^d by default.
// The domain can be modified by scaling and shifting (in that order).
template <typename T>
class HypercubeSequence : public Sequence<T> {
explicit HypercubeSequence(int64_t dimension, double scale = 1.0,
double shift = 0.0)
: dimension_(dimension), scale_(scale), shift_(shift) {}
std::vector<T> GetSample() override = 0;
std::vector<int64_t> NextNDimensions(int n) override {
return std::vector<int64_t>(n, dimension_);
// In general, the range of the dataset elements is [offset, scale + offset]
// since Sequence ranges are transformed by scaling first then applying the
// offset.
// The following are convenience functions for consistent initialization of
// the ranges on Bounded* algorithms.
double RangeMin() { return shift_; }
double RangeMax() { return scale_ + shift_; }
HypercubeSequence() = delete;
~HypercubeSequence() override = default;
const int64_t dimension_;
const double scale_;
const double shift_;
// We store the first 12 primes for creating halton sequences.
static const std::vector<int>& GetFirstPrimes() {
static const std::vector<int>* const first_primes =
new std::vector<int>({2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37});
return *first_primes;
// Halton sequence generator using only one of the first 12 primes.
class Halton {
explicit Halton(const int base) : base_(base) {
CHECK(std::count(GetFirstPrimes().begin(), GetFirstPrimes().end(), base));
// Returns the i'th value in the Halton sequence. Time complexity is
// O(log(i)). We satisfy 0 < Get(i) < 1 for all i > 0.
double Get(int i) const {
CHECK_GT(i, 0);
const double ib = 1.0 / base_; // ib = inverted base
double cdb = ib; // cdb = current digit base = ib ^ position
double h = 0;
// Iterate through the base 'base_' digits of 'i'.
for (; i > 0; i /= base_) {
h += (i % base_) * cdb;
cdb *= ib;
return h;
int base_;
// Low-discrepancy sequence: generates a determinisitic sequence of uniform
// random points that are spread out evenly.
// In order for the points across the dimensions to have near zero correlation,
// the bases used to initialize this object should all be different primes.
// The primality of the bases used is enforced by the Halton generators.
// This basic version of the Halton sequence does not perform well past 14
// dimensions (i.e. the points exhibit structure).
// In this implementation, we also provide a flag to reject generated samples
// that are not sorted along the dimension, which is relevant for more diverse
// dataset generation.
template <typename T>
class HaltonSequence : public HypercubeSequence<T> {
// Bases must be prime as needed by base::math::Halton. They should also be
// different.
// The Halton index starts at 1 for the first non-origin point.
explicit HaltonSequence(const std::vector<int>& bases,
bool sorted_only = false, double scale = 1.0,
double shift = 0.0)
: HypercubeSequence<T>(bases.size(), scale, shift),
sorted_only_(sorted_only) {
// CHECK fails if dimension > first_primes_.size()
explicit HaltonSequence(int64_t dimension, bool sorted_only = false,
double scale = 1.0, double shift = 0.0)
: HypercubeSequence<T>(dimension, scale, shift),
sorted_only_(sorted_only) {
CHECK(dimension <= GetFirstPrimes().size());
std::vector<int> bases(GetFirstPrimes().begin(),
GetFirstPrimes().begin() + dimension);
std::vector<T> GetSample() override {
std::vector<T> result(HypercubeSequence<T>::dimension_);
do {
for (int i = 0; i < HypercubeSequence<T>::dimension_; ++i) {
result[i] = HypercubeSequence<T>::scale_ *
halton_generators_[i]->Get(current_index_) +
} while (sorted_only_ && !std::is_sorted(result.begin(), result.end()));
return result;
HaltonSequence() = delete;
~HaltonSequence() override = default;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Halton>> halton_generators_;
int64_t current_index_;
bool sorted_only_;
void InitializeHaltonGenerators(const std::vector<int>& bases) {
CHECK(HypercubeSequence<T>::dimension_ == bases.size());
std::transform(bases.begin(), bases.end(), halton_generators_.begin(),
[](int b) { return absl::make_unique<Halton>(b); });
} // namespace testing
} // namespace differential_privacy