blob: fd893db2b78336fb14796867c02ff27a66dae722 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Erf;
* Generates and adds Gaussian noise to a raw piece of numerical data such that the result is
* securely differentially private.
* <p>The Gaussian noise is generated according to the binomial sampling mechanism described <a
* href="">here</a>.
* This approach is robust against unintentional privacy leaks due to artifacts of floating point
* arithmetic.
public class GaussianNoise implements Noise {
* The square root of the maximum number n of Bernoulli trials from which a binomial sample is
* drawn. Larger values result in more fine grained noise, but increase the chance of sampling
* inaccuracies due to overflows. The probability of such an event will be roughly 2^-45 or less,
* if the square root is set to 2^57.
private static final double BINOMIAL_BOUND = (double) (1L << 57);
* The absolute bound of the two sided geometric samples k that are used for creating a binomial
* sample m + n / 2. For performance reasons, m is not composed of n Bernoulli trials. Instead m
* is obtained via a rejection sampling technique, which sets m = (k + l) * (sqrt(2 * n) + 1),
* where l is a uniform random sample between 0 and 1. Bounding k is therefore necessary to
* prevent m from overflowing.
* <p>The probability of a single sample k being bounded is 2^-45. The overall privacy loss
* resulting from this bound is minor and can safely be accounted for in the delta parameter.
private static final long GEOMETRIC_BOUND =
(Long.MAX_VALUE / Math.round(Math.sqrt(2) * BINOMIAL_BOUND + 1.0)) - 1;
* The standard normal distribution, of mean 0 and variance 1. Since we don't need to sample from
* this distribution but only use its cumulative distribution function, we initialize it with a
* null random generator as recommended by its documentation.
private static final NormalDistribution NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION = new NormalDistribution(null, 0, 1);
* The relative accuracy at which to stop the binary search to find the tightest sigma such that
* Gaussian noise satisfies (epsilon, delta)-differential privacy given the sensitivities.
private static final double GAUSSIAN_SIGMA_ACCURACY = 1e-3;
private final Random random;
/** Returns a Noise instance initialized with a secure randomness source. */
public GaussianNoise() {
this(new SecureRandom());
private GaussianNoise(Random random) {
this.random = random;
* Returns a Noise instance initialized with a specified randomness source. This should only be
* used for testing and may only be called via the static methods in {@link TestNoiseFactory}.
* <p>This method is package-private for use by the factory.
static GaussianNoise createForTesting(Random random) {
return new GaussianNoise(random);
* Adds Gaussian noise to {@code x} such that the output is {@code (epsilon,
* delta)}-differentially private, with respect to the specified L_0 and L_inf sensitivities.
public double addNoise(
double x, int l0Sensitivity, double lInfSensitivity, double epsilon, Double delta) {
checkParameters(l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity, epsilon, delta);
double l2Sensitivity = Noise.getL2Sensitivity(l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity);
double sigma = getSigma(l2Sensitivity, epsilon, delta);
double granularity = getGranularity(sigma);
// The square root of n is chosen in a way that places it in the interval between BINOMIAL_BOUND
// and BINOMIAL_BOUND / 2. This ensures that the respective binomial distribution consists of
// enough Bernoulli samples to closely approximate a Gaussian distribution.
double sqrtN = 2.0 * sigma / granularity;
long binomialSample = sampleSymmetricBinomial(sqrtN);
return SecureNoiseMath.roundToMultipleOfPowerOfTwo(x, granularity)
+ binomialSample * granularity;
* Adds Gaussian noise to the integer {@code x} such that the output is {@code (epsilon,
* delta)}-differentially private, with respect to the specified L_0 and L_inf sensitivities.
public long addNoise(
long x, int l0Sensitivity, long lInfSensitivity, double epsilon, @Nullable Double delta) {
checkParameters(l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity, epsilon, delta);
double l2Sensitivity = Noise.getL2Sensitivity(l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity);
double sigma = getSigma(l2Sensitivity, epsilon, delta);
double granularity = getGranularity(sigma);
// The square root of n is chosen in a way that places it in the interval between BINOMIAL_BOUND
// and BINOMIAL_BOUND / 2. This ensures that the respective binomial distribution consists of
// enough Bernoulli samples to closely approximate a Gaussian distribution.
double sqrtN = 2.0 * sigma / granularity;
long binomialSample = sampleSymmetricBinomial(sqrtN);
if (granularity <= 1.0) {
return x + Math.round(binomialSample * granularity);
} else {
return SecureNoiseMath.roundToMultiple(x, (long) granularity)
+ binomialSample * (long) granularity;
public MechanismType getMechanismType() {
return MechanismType.GAUSSIAN;
* Computes a confidence interval that contains the raw value {@code x} passed to {@link
* #addNoise(double, int, double, double, Double)} with a probability equal to {@code 1 - alpha}
* based on the specified {@code noisedX} and noise parameters.
* <p>Refer to <a
* href="">this</a> doc for
* more information.
public ConfidenceInterval computeConfidenceInterval(
double noisedX,
int l0Sensitivity,
double lInfSensitivity,
double epsilon,
Double delta,
double alpha) {
checkConfidenceIntervalParameters(l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity, epsilon, delta, alpha);
double z =
computeQuantile(alpha / 2.0, noisedX, l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity, epsilon, delta);
// Because of the symmetry of the Gaussian distribution, 2 * noisedX - z corresponds to the
// (1 - alpha/2)-quantile of the distribution, meaning that the interval [z, 2 * noisedX - z]
// contains 1-alpha of the probability mass. Deriving the (1 - alpha/2)-quantile from the
// (alpha/2)-quantile and not vice versa is a deliberate choice. The reason is that alpha tends
// to be very small. Consequently, alpha/2 is more accurately representable as a double than
// 1 - alpha/2, facilitating numerical computations.
return ConfidenceInterval.create(z, 2.0 * noisedX - z);
* Computes a confidence interval that contains the raw integer value {@code x} passed to {@link
* #addNoise(long, int, long, double, Double)} with a probability greater or equal to {@code 1 -
* alpha} based on the specified {@code noisedX} and noise parameters.
* <p>Refer to <a
* href="">this</a> doc for
* more information.
public ConfidenceInterval computeConfidenceInterval(
long noisedX,
int l0Sensitivity,
long lInfSensitivity,
double epsilon,
Double delta,
double alpha) {
// Computing the confidence interval around zero rather than nosiedX helps represent the
// interval bounds more accurately. The reason is that the resolution of double values is most
// fine grained around zero.
ConfidenceInterval confIntAroundZero =
computeConfidenceInterval(0.0, l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity, epsilon, delta, alpha);
// Adding noisedX after converting the interval bounds to long ensures that no precision is lost
// due to the coarse resolution of double values for large instances of noisedX.
return ConfidenceInterval.create(
SecureNoiseMath.nextSmallerDouble(Math.round(confIntAroundZero.lowerBound()) + noisedX),
SecureNoiseMath.nextLargerDouble(Math.round(confIntAroundZero.upperBound()) + noisedX));
* Computes the quantile z satisfying Pr[Y <= z] = {@code rank} for a Gaussian random variable Y
* whose distribution is given by applying the Gaussian mechanism to the raw value {@code x} using
* the specified privacy parameters {@code epsilon}, {@code delta}, {@code l0Sensitivity}, and
* {@code lInfSensitivity}.
public double computeQuantile(
double rank,
double x,
int l0Sensitivity,
double lInfSensitivity,
double epsilon,
@Nullable Double delta) {
this, rank, l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity, epsilon, delta);
double l2Sensitivity = Noise.getL2Sensitivity(l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity);
double sigma = getSigma(l2Sensitivity, epsilon, delta);
return x - sigma * Math.sqrt(2) * Erf.erfcInv(2 * rank);
private void checkParameters(
int l0Sensitivity, double lInfSensitivity, double epsilon, Double delta) {
DpPreconditions.checkSensitivities(l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity);
DpPreconditions.checkNoiseDelta(delta, this);
// The secure Gaussian noise implementation will fail if 2 * lInfSensitivity is infinite.
double twoLInf = 2.0 * lInfSensitivity;
Double.isFinite(twoLInf), "2 * lInfSensitivity must be finite but is %s", twoLInf);
private void checkConfidenceIntervalParameters(
int l0Sensitivity, double lInfSensitivity, double epsilon, Double delta, double alpha) {
checkParameters(l0Sensitivity, lInfSensitivity, epsilon, delta);
* Returns the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise necessary to obtain {@code (epsilon,
* delta)}-differential privacy for the given L_2 sensitivity. The result will deviate from the
* tightest possible value sigma_tight by at most GAUSSIAN_SIGMA_ACCURACY * sigma_tight.
* <p>This implementation uses a binary search. Its runtime is rougly log(GAUSSIAN_SIGMA_ACCURACY)
* + log(max{sigma_tight / l2sensitivity, l2sensitivity / sigma_tight}).
* <p>The calculation is based on <a href="">Balle and Wang's
* "Improving the Gaussian Mechanism for Differential Privacy: Analytical Calibration and Optimal
* Denoising"</a>. The paper states that the lower bound on sigma from the original analysis of
* the Gaussian mechanism (sigma ≥ sqrt(2 * l2_sensitivity^2 * log(1.25/𝛿) / 𝜖^2)) is far from
* tight and binary search can give us a better lower bound.
public static double getSigma(double l2Sensitivity, double epsilon, double delta) {
// We use l2sensitivity as a starting guess for the upper bound, since the required noise grows
// linearly with sensitivity.
double upperBound = l2Sensitivity;
double lowerBound = 0;
// Increase lowerBound and upperBound until upperBound is actually an upper bound of
// sigma_tight, using exponential search.
while (getDelta(upperBound, l2Sensitivity, epsilon) > delta) {
lowerBound = upperBound;
upperBound = upperBound * 2;
// Binary search [lowerBound, upperBound] to find a good enough approximation of sigma_tight.
while (upperBound - lowerBound > GAUSSIAN_SIGMA_ACCURACY * lowerBound) {
double middle = lowerBound * 0.5 + upperBound * 0.5;
if (getDelta(middle, l2Sensitivity, epsilon) > delta) {
lowerBound = middle;
} else {
upperBound = middle;
// Return the over-approximation to err on the safe side.
return upperBound;
* Returns the smallest delta such that the Gaussian mechanism with standard deviation {@code
* sigma} obtains {@code (epsilon, delta)}-differential privacy with respect to the provided L_2
* sensitivity. The calculation is based on Theorem 8 of Balle and Wang's "Improving the Gaussian
* Mechanism for Differential Privacy: Analytical Calibration and Optimal Denoising", available <a
* href="">here</a>.
private static double getDelta(double sigma, double l2Sensitivity, double epsilon) {
// Denoting by CDF the CDF function of the standard Gaussian distribution (mean 0, variance 1),
// and s the L2 sensitivity, the tight choice of delta is:
// CDF(s/(2*sigma) - epsilon*sigma/s) - exp(epsilon)*CDF(-s/(2*sigma) - epsilon*sigma/s)
// To simplify the reasoning floating-point underflow/overflows, we rewrite this formula into:
// CDF(a - b) - c * CDF(-a - b)
// where a = s / (2 * sigma), b = epsilon * sigma / s, and c = exp(epsilon).
double a = l2Sensitivity / (2 * sigma);
double b = epsilon * sigma / l2Sensitivity;
double c = Math.exp(epsilon);
if (b == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY || c == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
// If either l2Sensitivity goes to 0 or e^epsilon goes to infinity, delta goes to 0.
return 0;
return NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION.cumulativeProbability(a - b)
- c * NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION.cumulativeProbability(-a - b);
* Determines the granularity of the output of {@link addNoise} based on the sigma of the Gaussian
* noise.
private static double getGranularity(double sigma) {
return SecureNoiseMath.ceilPowerOfTwo(2.0 * sigma / BINOMIAL_BOUND);
* Returns a random sample m where {@code m + n / 2} is drawn from a binomial distribution of
* {@code n} Bernoulli trials that have a success probability of 1 / 2 each. The sampling
* technique is based on Bringmann et al.'s rejection sampling approach proposed in "Internal DLA:
* Efficient Simulation of a Physical Growth Model", available <a
* href="">here</a>.
* <p>The square root of {@code n} must be at least 10^6. This is to ensure an accurate
* approximation of a Gaussian distribution.
long sampleSymmetricBinomial(double sqrtN) {
checkArgument(sqrtN >= 1000000.0, "Input must be at least 10^6. Provided value: %s", sqrtN);
checkArgument(Double.isFinite(sqrtN), "Input must be finite. Provided value: %s", sqrtN);
long stepSize = Math.round(Math.sqrt(2) * sqrtN + 1.0);
while (true) {
long geometricSample = sampleBoundedGeometric();
long twoSidedGeometricSample = random.nextBoolean() ? geometricSample : -geometricSample - 1;
long result = stepSize * twoSidedGeometricSample + sampleUniform(stepSize);
double resultProbability = approximateBinomialProbability(sqrtN, result);
double rejectProbability = random.nextDouble();
if (resultProbability > 0.0
&& rejectProbability > 0.0
&& rejectProbability
< resultProbability * stepSize * Math.pow(2.0, geometricSample) / 4.0) {
return result;
* Returns a sample drawn from the geometric distribution with success probability 1 / 2, i.e.,
* the number of unsuccessful Bernoulli trials until the first success. The sample is capped
* should it exceed the geometric bound.
private long sampleBoundedGeometric() {
long result = 0;
while (random.nextBoolean() && result < GEOMETRIC_BOUND) {
return result;
* Draws an integer greater or equal to 0 and strictly less than {@code n} uniformly at random.
* This custom implementation is necessary because SecureRandom provides such functionality only
* for int but not for long.
private long sampleUniform(long n) {
long largestMultipleOfN = (Long.MAX_VALUE / n) * n;
while (true) {
long signMask = 0x7fffffffffffffffL;
long uniformNonNegativeLong = signMask & random.nextLong();
if (uniformNonNegativeLong < largestMultipleOfN) {
return uniformNonNegativeLong % n;
* Approximates the probability of a random sample {@code m + n / 2} drawn from a binomial
* distribution of n Bernoulli trials that have a success probability of 1 / 2 each. The
* approximation is taken from Lemma 7 of the noise generation documentation, available <a
* href="">here</a>.
* <p>Note that m might be very large and m * m might not be representable as long.
private static double approximateBinomialProbability(double sqrtN, long m) {
if (Math.abs(m) > sqrtN * Math.sqrt(Math.log(sqrtN) / 2)) {
return 0.0;
} else {
return (Math.sqrt(2.0 / Math.PI) / sqrtN)
* Math.exp(-2.0 * Math.pow(m / sqrtN, 2))
* (1 - (0.4 * Math.pow(2.0 * Math.log(sqrtN), 1.5) / sqrtN));