blob: a8e8a521d560222cf3e2deb253f31f4f6917f17f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "proto/util.h"
#include "animals_and_carrots.h"
#include "proto/confidence-interval.pb.h"
#include "proto/data.pb.h"
using absl::PrintF;
using differential_privacy::BoundingReport;
using differential_privacy::ConfidenceInterval;
using differential_privacy::GetValue;
using differential_privacy::Output;
using differential_privacy::example::CarrotReporter;
using ::absl::StatusOr;
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, CarrotsDataFile,
"Path to the datafile where the data is stored on the number of "
"carrots each animal has eaten.");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
"\nIt is a new day. Farmer Fred is ready to ask the animals about their "
"carrot consumption.\n");
// Load the carrot data into the CarrotReporter. We use a higher epsilon to
// obtain a higher accuracy since our dataset is very small.
const double epsilon = 4;
CarrotReporter reporter(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_CarrotsDataFile), epsilon);
// Query for the total number of carrots. Notice that we explicitly use 25% of
// our privacy budget.
"\nFarmer Fred asks the animals how many total carrots they have "
"eaten. The animals know the true sum but report the "
"differentially private sum to Farmer Fred. But first, they ensure "
"that Farmer Fred still has privacy budget left.\n");
PrintF("\nPrivacy budget remaining: %.2f\n", reporter.RemainingEpsilon());
PrintF("True sum: %d\n", reporter.Sum());
PrintF("DP sum: %d\n", GetValue<int>(reporter.PrivateSum(1).value()));
// Query for the mean with a bounding report.
"\nFarmer Fred catches on that the animals are giving him DP results. "
"He asks for the mean number of carrots eaten, but this time, he wants "
"some additional accuracy information to build his intuition.\n");
PrintF("\nPrivacy budget remaining: %.2f\n", reporter.RemainingEpsilon());
PrintF("True mean: %.2f\n", reporter.Mean());
StatusOr<Output> mean_status = reporter.PrivateMean(1);
if (!mean_status.ok()) {
PrintF("Error obtaining mean: %s\n", mean_status.status().message());
"The animals were not able to get the private mean with the current "
"privacy parameters. This is due to the small size of the dataset and "
"random chance. Please re-run report_the_carrots to try again.\n");
} else {
Output mean_output = mean_status.value();
BoundingReport report = mean_output.error_report().bounding_report();
double mean = GetValue<double>(mean_output);
int lower_bound = GetValue<int>(report.lower_bound());
int upper_bound = GetValue<int>(report.upper_bound());
double num_inputs = report.num_inputs();
double num_outside = report.num_outside();
PrintF("DP mean output:\n%s\n", mean_output.DebugString());
"The animals help Fred interpret the results. %.2f is the DP mean. "
"Since no bounds were set for the DP mean algorithm, bounds on the "
"input data were automatically determined. Most of the data fell "
"between [%d, %d]. Thus, these bounds were used to determine clamping "
"and global sensitivity. In addition, around %.0f input values fell "
"inside of these bounds, and around %.0f inputs fell outside of these "
"bounds. num_inputs and num_outside are themselves DP counts.\n",
mean, lower_bound, upper_bound, num_inputs, num_outside);
// Query for the count with a noise confidence interval.
"\nFred wonders how many gluttons are in his zoo. How many animals ate "
"over 90 carrots? And how accurate is the result?\n");
PrintF("\nPrivacy budget remaining: %.2f\n", reporter.RemainingEpsilon());
Output count_output = reporter.PrivateCountAbove(1, 90).value();
int count = GetValue<int>(count_output);
ConfidenceInterval ci = GetNoiseConfidenceInterval(count_output);
double confidence_level = ci.confidence_level();
double lower_bound = ci.lower_bound();
double upper_bound = ci.upper_bound();
PrintF("True count: %d\n", reporter.CountAbove(90));
PrintF("DP count output:\n%s\n", count_output.DebugString());
"The animals tell Fred that %d is the DP count. [%.2f, %.2f] is the "
"%.2f confidence interval of the noise added to the count.\n",
count, lower_bound, upper_bound, confidence_level);
// Query for the maximum.
"\n'And how gluttonous is the biggest glutton of them all?' Fred "
"exclaims. He asks for the maximum number of carrots any animal has "
PrintF("\nPrivacy budget remaining: %.2f\n", reporter.RemainingEpsilon());
PrintF("True max: %d\n", reporter.Max());
PrintF("DP max: %d\n", GetValue<int>(reporter.PrivateMax(1).value()));
// Refuse to query for the count of animals who didn't eat carrots.
"\nFred also wonders how many animals are not eating any carrots at "
PrintF("\nPrivacy budget remaining: %.2f\n", reporter.RemainingEpsilon());
PrintF("Error querying for count: %s\n",
reporter.PrivateCountAbove(1, 0).status().message());
"The animals notice that the privacy budget is depleted. They refuse "
"to answer any more of Fred's questions for risk of violating "