blob: ccc4d12ed0cc9f196b5c819320d06fe4496851e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "proto/data.pb.h"
namespace differential_privacy {
namespace example {
// The CarrotReporter class helps the animals report differentially private (DP)
// aggregate statistics about the number of carrots they have eaten to Farmer
// Fred.
class CarrotReporter {
// Loads all the animals and carrots data from the file specified by
// data_filename into the map carrots_per_animal_. Epsilon is the differential
// privacy parameter. Epsilon is shared between all private function calls.
// The fraction of epsilon remaining is tracked by remaining_epsilon_.
CarrotReporter(std::string data_filename, double total_epsilon);
// True sum of all the carrots eaten.
int Sum();
// True mean of carrots eaten.
double Mean();
// True count of the number of animals who ate more than "limit" carrots.
int CountAbove(int limit);
// True maximum of the number of carrots eaten by any one animal.
int Max();
// Returns the remaining epsilon. Animals should check this to see if
// they should answer any more of Farmer Fred's questions.
double RemainingEpsilon();
// DP sum of all the carrots eaten. Consumes `epsilon` amount of budget.
// Returns an error is `epsilon` is more than the total remaining epsilon
// assigned to the CarrotReporter.
absl::StatusOr<Output> PrivateSum(double epsilon);
// DP mean of all carrots eaten. Consumes `epsilon` amount of budget. Returns
// an error is `epsilon` is more than the total remaining epsilon assigned to
// the CarrotReporter.
absl::StatusOr<Output> PrivateMean(double epsilon);
// DP count of the number of animals who ate more than "limit" carrots.
// Consumes `epsilon` amount of budget. Returns an error is `epsilon` is more
// than the total remaining epsilon assigned to the CarrotReporter.
absl::StatusOr<Output> PrivateCountAbove(double epsilon, int limit);
// DP maximum of the number of carrots eaten by any one animal. Consumes
// `epsilon` amount of budget. Returns an error is `epsilon` is more than the
// total remaining epsilon assigned to the CarrotReporter.
absl::StatusOr<Output> PrivateMax(double epsilon);
// Map from the animal name to the number of carrots eaten by that animal.
std::map<std::string, int> carrots_per_animal_;
// Differential privacy parameter epsilon. A larger epsilon corresponds to
// less privacy and more accuracy.
double total_epsilon_;
// The privacy budget given to Farmer Fred at the beginning of the day. If
// this budget depletes, Farmer Fred cannot ask anymore questions about the
// carrot data. Privacy budget is represented as a fraction on [0, 1].
double remaining_epsilon_;
} // namespace example
} // namespace differential_privacy