blob: afa6fb2b2d34b6e8806b81501023205a5460e6e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include "google/protobuf/any.pb.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "base/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "algorithms/algorithm.h"
#include "algorithms/numerical-mechanisms.h"
#include "algorithms/util.h"
#include "proto/util.h"
#include "base/canonical_errors.h"
#include "base/status_macros.h"
namespace differential_privacy {
// Find the approximate bounds of a set of numbers using logarithmic histogram
// bins. Like other algorithms, ApproxBounds assumes that it only gets one input
// per user.
// The algorithm takes as parameters num_bins, scale, and base to construct
// a logarithmic histogram with num_bins number of bins. Scale and base
// determine bin boundaries. Two histograms are created: one for positives and
// another for negatives.
// Without loss of generality, bin i contains the number of inputs whose most
// significant bit represents a number that lies in the range
// (scale * base^(i-1), scale * base^i]. There are two exceptions:
// - Positive bin 0 has boundaries [0, scale * base^0]. Negative bin 0 does
// not contain 0.
// - When the highest included positive number in the histogram is the max
// numeric limit for the data type, the lowest negative bin, instead of
// containing [-1 * max_numeric_limit, x), will contain
// [min_numeric_limit, x). This is because the min_numeric_limit is
// sometimes one greater in magnitude than the max_numeric_limit.
// To generate the output, first noise is added to each bin count. Then, the
// success_probability is used to determine a threshold count. The success
// probability is the probability that we select a bin that wasn't empty before
// noise addition. Therefore, increasing success_probability will increase the
// threshold. Alternatively, the threshold can be passed as a parameter
// directly.
// We chose the bin that succeeds the threshold count and return its greater
// boundary as the approx max. Similarly the leftmost bin that succeeds the
// threshold count is chosen and its smaller boundary is returned as the approx
// min. If the success_probability is too high it is possible that no bin is
// greater than the threshold. In this case we return an error status in the
// output.
// For example, if
// scale = 2, base = 1, num_bins = 4, inputs = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 7, 8, 8, 8}
// We have histogram bins and counts
// [0, 1]: 5
// (1, 2]: 0
// (2, 4]: 1
// (4, 8]: 4
// Then if success_probability=.9 and epsilon=1 we will obtain approximately
// threshold=3.5. Since the count of bin (4, 8] > threshold, we return an
// approx max of 2^3 = 8. Since the count of bin [0,1] > threshold, we return an
// approx min of 0.
template <typename T>
class ApproxBounds : public Algorithm<T> {
class Builder : public AlgorithmBuilder<T, ApproxBounds<T>, Builder> {
using AlgorithmBuilder =
differential_privacy::AlgorithmBuilder<T, ApproxBounds<T>, Builder>;
// Constructor sets default values depending on the input type. Bins are
// created to cover entire range of type T.
: AlgorithmBuilder(),
success_probability_(1 - std::pow(10, -9)) {
if (std::is_integral<T>::value) {
scale_ = 1.0;
} else {
scale_ = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
// Take the subtraction of two logarithms to prevent overflow.
num_bins_ = std::ceil((std::log(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) -
std::log(scale_)) /
std::log(base_)) +
Builder& SetNumBins(int64_t num_bins) {
num_bins_ = num_bins;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
Builder& SetScale(double scale) {
scale_ = scale;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
Builder& SetBase(double base) {
base_ = base;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
// Set exactly one of success_probability or k threshold.
Builder& SetSuccessProbability(double success_probability) {
success_probability_ = success_probability;
has_k_ = false;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
// Set exactly one of success_probability or k threshold.
Builder& SetThreshold(double k) {
k_ = k;
has_k_ = true;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
base::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<ApproxBounds<T>>> BuildAlgorithm() override {
std::unique_ptr<NumericalMechanism> mechanism;
ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(mechanism, AlgorithmBuilder::UpdateAndBuildMechanism());
// Check the validity of the histogram parameters. num_bin and
// success_probability restrictions prevent undefined threshold
// calculation.
if (num_bins_ < 1) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Must have one or more bins.");
if (scale_ <= 0) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Scale must be positive.");
if (base_ <= 1) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError("Base must be greater than 1.");
// TODO: Handle case where scale * base^num_bins >
// std::numeric_limits<T>::max, even though the ApproxBounds constructor
// addresses this
if (has_k_) {
if (k_ < 0) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError("k threshold must be nonnegative.");
} else {
if (success_probability_ <= 0 || success_probability_ >= 1) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"Success percentage must be between 0 and 1.");
if (!has_k_) {
// Calculate minimum bin count threshold given success probability.
// Given the success probability, find the threshold count needed for a
// given bin in order for it to be chosen. Note if probability is too
// high, the threshold will be too high for any bin to be chosen; then
// we return an error in the output. This is calculated assuming
// Laplacian noise is added.
k_ = -log(2 - 2 * std::pow(success_probability_,
1.0 / (2 * num_bins_ - 1))) /
// Create ApproxBounds.
return absl::WrapUnique(
new ApproxBounds(AlgorithmBuilder::GetEpsilon().value(), num_bins_,
scale_, base_, k_, has_k_, std::move(mechanism)));
// Stores whether threshold k is set.
bool has_k_ = false;
double k_;
double scale_;
double base_;
int64_t num_bins_;
double success_probability_;
void AddEntry(const T& input) override { AddMultipleEntries(input, 1); }
// Serialize the positive and negative bin counts.
Summary Serialize() override {
ApproxBoundsSummary am_summary;
*am_summary.mutable_pos_bin_count() = {pos_bins_.begin(), pos_bins_.end()};
*am_summary.mutable_neg_bin_count() = {neg_bins_.begin(), neg_bins_.end()};
Summary summary;
return summary;
// Retrieve positive and negative bin counts from summary and add them.
absl::Status Merge(const Summary& summary) override {
if (!summary.has_data()) {
return absl::InternalError(
"Cannot merge summary with no histogram data.");
ApproxBoundsSummary am_summary;
if (! {
return absl::InternalError(
"Approximate bounds summary unable to be unpacked.");
if (pos_bins_.size() != am_summary.pos_bin_count_size() ||
neg_bins_.size() != am_summary.neg_bin_count_size()) {
return absl::InternalError(
"Merged approximate max summary must have the same number of "
"bin counts as this histogram.");
// Add bin count from summary to each bin.
for (int i = 0; i < pos_bins_.size(); ++i) {
SafeAdd<int64_t>(pos_bins_[i], am_summary.pos_bin_count(i), &pos_bins_[i]);
SafeAdd<int64_t>(neg_bins_[i], am_summary.neg_bin_count(i), &neg_bins_[i]);
return absl::OkStatus();
int64_t MemoryUsed() override {
int64_t memory = sizeof(ApproxBounds<T>) +
sizeof(int64_t) * neg_bins_.capacity() +
sizeof(int64_t) * pos_bins_.capacity() +
sizeof(T) * noisy_neg_bins_.capacity() +
sizeof(T) * noisy_pos_bins_.capacity();
if (mechanism_) {
memory += mechanism_->MemoryUsed();
return memory;
// Return the number of positive bins. This function and the following
// functions are exposed for calling classes of ApproxBounds to store partial
// values corresponding to bins. Virtual for testing.
int64_t NumPositiveBins() { return pos_bins_.size(); }
// Find the most significant bit of the magnitude of the value. For the
// special case 0, return 0. This is used as the bin index.
int MostSignificantBit(T value) {
// Handle 0 value seperately since log(0) is undefined.
if (value == 0) {
return 0;
// Clamp infinities to highest and lowest value.
value = Clamp(std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest(),
std::numeric_limits<T>::max(), value);
// Sometimes the minimum numeric limit has greater magnitude than the
// maximum. In this case clamp its magnitude at the maximum numeric limit to
// find msb. In reality our negative bin will accommodate the value.
T abs;
if (value <= -1 * std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
abs = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
} else {
abs = std::abs(value);
// Calculate the most significant bit and clamp to a valid bin index.
int msb = std::ceil((std::log(abs) - std::log(scale_)) / std::log(base_));
int bin_index =
std::max(0, std::min(msb, static_cast<int>(pos_bins_.size() - 1)));
// Floating-point precision errors mean that for some bin boundaries, we'll
// end up calculating the larger-magnitude bin rather than the smaller.
if ((value > 0 && value <= PosLeftBinBoundary(bin_index)) ||
(value < 0 && value >= NegLeftBinBoundary(bin_index))) {
return std::max(0, bin_index - 1);
return bin_index;
// Splits the value into the elements of the partials vector, each of which
// corresponds to a bin in ApproxBounds. make_partial is a function that given
// two numbers, returns the partial value corresponding to if those numbers
// are the bounds. For example, if we were storing partial sums, make_partials
// would be the difference function.
// We split the value into partial sums which corresponds to each bucket of
// ApproxBounds. For example, consider value = 7 and the bins (0, 1], (1, 2],
// (2, 4], (4, 8], and the four corresponding negative bins. We would store
// partial sums:
// (0, 1]: 1
// (1, 2]: 1
// (2, 4]; 2
// (4, 8]: min(3, 4) = 3
// Then later, say our bounds are [0, 4]. We can then sum the partial values
// that lie in bins that are included in the bounds. In our case it is bins
// (0, 1], (1, 2], (2, 4]. So 1 + 1 + 2 = 4. This is the same result if our
// value 7 was initially clamped between [0, 4].
template <typename T2>
void AddToPartials(std::vector<T2>* partials, T value,
std::function<T2(T, T)> make_partial) {
AddMultipleEntriesToPartials<T2>(partials, value, 1, make_partial);
template <typename T2>
void AddToPartialSums(std::vector<T2>* sums, T value) {
AddMultipleEntriesToPartialSums<T2>(sums, value, 1);
// Given two vectors of partial values, add the partials in the bins between
// the boundaries corresponding to lower and upper to get the clamped value.
// The value_transform and count parameters are used to calculate the
// contribution of values clamped below lower or above upper, if applicable.
template <typename T2>
T2 ComputeFromPartials(const std::vector<T2>& pos_partials,
const std::vector<T2>& neg_partials,
std::function<T2(T)> value_transform, T lower, T upper,
uint64_t count) {
// Find value by adding the partial values corresponding to bins that are
// between the lower and upper bound. ApproxBounds will always return a
// bin boundary as lower and upper bounds.
int lower_msb = MostSignificantBit(lower);
int upper_msb = MostSignificantBit(upper);
// Find value from its per-bin partials.
T2 value = 0;
if (lower <= 0 && 0 <= upper) {
// If 0 is in [lower, upper], then we sum partial values corresponding
// to 0 to upper, and also from 0 to lower in the negative vectors.
if (lower < 0) {
for (int i = 0; i <= lower_msb; ++i) {
SafeAdd<T2>(value, neg_partials[i], &value);
if (upper > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i <= upper_msb; ++i) {
SafeAdd<T2>(value, pos_partials[i], &value);
} else if (upper < 0) {
// If lower and upper are negative, each value is clamped so that they
// contributed at most upper. Anything less they contributed is stored
// in partial values between lower and upper, which we add.
T2 bound_product;
SafeMultiply<T2>(value_transform(upper), count, &bound_product);
SafeAdd<T2>(value, bound_product, &value);
for (int i = upper_msb + 1; i <= lower_msb; ++i) {
SafeAdd<T2>(value, neg_partials[i], &value);
} else { // 0 < lower <= upper
// If lower and upper are both positive, each value is clamped to it
// contributed at least lower. Anything more contributed is stored
// between lower and upper in positive vectors, which we add.
T2 bound_product;
SafeMultiply<T2>(value_transform(lower), count, &bound_product);
SafeAdd<T2>(value, bound_product, &value);
for (int i = lower_msb + 1; i <= upper_msb; ++i) {
SafeAdd<T2>(value, pos_partials[i], &value);
return value;
// Get additional private information in the form of a BoundingReport. Will
// populate any fields possible and leave the rest blank.
BoundingReport GetBoundingReport(T lower, T upper) {
BoundingReport report;
SetValue<T>(report.mutable_lower_bound(), lower);
SetValue<T>(report.mutable_upper_bound(), upper);
base::StatusOr<double> count = NumInputs();
base::StatusOr<double> count_outside = NumInputsOutside(lower, upper);
if (count.ok()) {
if (count_outside.ok()) {
return report;
ApproxBounds(double epsilon, int64_t num_bins, double scale, double base,
double k, bool preset_k,
std::unique_ptr<NumericalMechanism> mechanism)
: Algorithm<T>(epsilon),
pos_bins_(num_bins, 0),
neg_bins_(num_bins, 0),
bin_boundaries_(num_bins, 0),
mechanism_(std::move(mechanism)) {
// Cache the bin boundary magnitudes for performance. Note that casting
// numeric limits lead to inconsistencies.
auto get_boundary = [boundary = scale_, base = base_]() mutable {
if (boundary >= std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / base) {
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
double this_boundary = boundary;
boundary *= base;
return static_cast<T>(this_boundary);
std::generate(bin_boundaries_.begin(), bin_boundaries_.end(), get_boundary);
// Returns an output containing approximate min as the first element and
// approximate max as the second element. If not enough inputs exist to pass
// the threshold, populate the output with an error status.
base::StatusOr<Output> GenerateResult(double privacy_budget,
double noise_interval_level) override {
DCHECK_GT(privacy_budget, 0.0)
<< "Privacy budget should be greater than zero.";
if (privacy_budget == 0.0) return Output();
// If k was not user set, scale it by the privacy_budget to ensure the
// correct probability of success.
double threshold = k_;
if (!preset_k_) {
threshold /= privacy_budget;
// Populate noisy versions of the histogram bins.
noisy_pos_bins_ = AddNoise(privacy_budget, pos_bins_);
noisy_neg_bins_ = AddNoise(privacy_budget, neg_bins_);
Output output;
// Find first bin above threshold for minimum.
for (int i = neg_bins_.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (noisy_neg_bins_[i] >= threshold) {
AddToOutput<T>(&output, NegRightBinBoundary(i));
if (output.elements_size() == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < pos_bins_.size(); ++i) {
if (noisy_pos_bins_[i] >= threshold) {
AddToOutput<T>(&output, PosLeftBinBoundary(i));
// Find first bin above threshold for maximum.
for (int i = pos_bins_.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (noisy_pos_bins_[i] >= threshold) {
AddToOutput<T>(&output, PosRightBinBoundary(i));
if (output.elements_size() < 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < neg_bins_.size(); ++i) {
if (noisy_neg_bins_[i] >= threshold) {
AddToOutput<T>(&output, NegLeftBinBoundary(i));
// Record error status if approx min or max was not found.
if (output.elements_size() < 2) {
return absl::FailedPreconditionError(
"Bin count threshold was too large to find approximate "
"bounds. Either run over a larger dataset or decrease "
"success_probability and try again.");
return output;
void ResetState() override {
std::fill(pos_bins_.begin(), pos_bins_.end(), 0);
std::fill(neg_bins_.begin(), neg_bins_.end(), 0);
// Given a bin index, finds the larger-magnitude boundary of the corresponding
// bin for negative bin.
T NegRightBinBoundary(int bin_index) {
T pos_rbb = PosRightBinBoundary(bin_index);
if (pos_rbb == std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
return std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
return -1 * pos_rbb;
// Given a bin index, finds the larger-magnitude boundary of the corresponding
// bin for positive bin.
T PosRightBinBoundary(int bin_index) { return bin_boundaries_[bin_index]; }
// Add input num_of_entries times to the bins.
void AddMultipleEntries(const T& input, uint64_t num_of_entries) {
// REF:
if (std::isnan(static_cast<double>(input))) {
// Place into correct bin according to most significant bit and sign. Note
// that MostSignificantBit returns 0 for 0.
int index = MostSignificantBit(input);
if (input >= 0) {
SafeAdd<int64_t>(pos_bins_[index], num_of_entries, &pos_bins_[index]);
} else { // value < 0
SafeAdd<int64_t>(neg_bins_[index], num_of_entries, &neg_bins_[index]);
// Adds value to partials (as described in comment for AddToPartials())
// num_of_entries times. This function more efficiently adds multiple entries
// at once, instead of using AddToPartials() in a for-loop.
template <typename T2>
void AddMultipleEntriesToPartials(std::vector<T2>* partials, T value,
uint64_t num_of_entries,
std::function<T2(T, T)> make_partial) {
int msb = MostSignificantBit(value);
// Each bin of the logarithmic histograms in ApproxBounds can be a candidate
// for auto-determined upper and lower bounds. Thus, we store a contribution
// of the value from the value for each bin.
for (int i = 0; i <= msb; ++i) {
// The maximum contribution to the bin is the partial between boundaries.
T2 partial = 0;
if (value >= 0) {
partial = make_partial(PosRightBinBoundary(i), PosLeftBinBoundary(i));
} else {
partial = make_partial(NegRightBinBoundary(i), NegLeftBinBoundary(i));
T2 multiplied_partial;
if (i < msb) {
// For indices below the msb, add the maximum contribution
// (num_of_entries times) to the partial.
SafeMultiply<T2>(partial, num_of_entries, &multiplied_partial);
SafeAdd<T2>((*partials)[i], multiplied_partial, &(*partials)[i]);
} else {
// For i = msb, add the remaining contribution (num_of_entries times),
// but not more than the maximum contribution to the partial for this
// bin. This may occur if the msb was clamped by the ApproxBounds not
// having enough bins.
T2 remainder;
if (value > 0) {
remainder = make_partial(value, PosLeftBinBoundary(i));
} else {
remainder = make_partial(value, NegLeftBinBoundary(i));
if (std::abs(partial) < std::abs(remainder)) {
SafeMultiply<T2>(partial, num_of_entries, &multiplied_partial);
SafeAdd<T2>((*partials)[msb], multiplied_partial, &(*partials)[msb]);
} else {
SafeMultiply<T2>(remainder, num_of_entries, &multiplied_partial);
SafeAdd<T2>((*partials)[msb], multiplied_partial, &(*partials)[msb]);
// Break value into its partial sums and store it into the sums vector. A
// specific use case of AddToPartials used in some algorithms.
template <typename T2>
void AddMultipleEntriesToPartialSums(std::vector<T2>* sums, T value,
uint64_t num_of_entries) {
sums, value, num_of_entries,
[](T val1, T val2) { return val1 - val2; });
// Add noise to each member of bins and return noisy vector.
const std::vector<T> AddNoise(double privacy_budget,
const std::vector<int64_t>& bins) {
std::vector<T> noisy_bins(bins.size());
for (int i = 0; i < bins.size(); ++i) {
double noised_dbl =
mechanism_->AddNoise(static_cast<double>(bins[i]), privacy_budget);
SafeCastFromDouble<T>(noised_dbl, noisy_bins[i]);
return noisy_bins;
// Given a bin index, finds the smaller-magnitude boundary of the
// corresponding bin for positive bin.
T PosLeftBinBoundary(int bin_index) {
if (bin_index == 0) {
return 0;
return PosRightBinBoundary(bin_index - 1);
// Given a bin index, finds the smaller-magnitude boundary of the
// corresponding bin for negative bin.
T NegLeftBinBoundary(int bin_index) {
return -1 * PosLeftBinBoundary(bin_index);
// Calculate the noisy number of inputs outside the two bounds from the
// most recent result generation. Inputs equal to either bound may or may not
// be part of the count. Input lower and upper are rounded to the nearest
// larger-magnitude bin boundary.
base::StatusOr<double> NumInputsOutside(T lower, T upper) {
// Check that noisy bins have been populated.
if (noisy_pos_bins_.empty()) {
return absl::InvalidArgumentError(
"Noisy histogram bins have not been created. Try generating "
"results first.");
int lower_msb = MostSignificantBit(lower);
int upper_msb = MostSignificantBit(upper);
double num_outside = 0;
// Add the count of inputs below lower.
int pos_i = 0;
int neg_i = noisy_neg_bins_.size();
if (lower == 0) {
neg_i = -1;
} else if (lower < 0) {
neg_i = lower_msb;
} else { // lower > 0
neg_i = -1;
pos_i = lower_msb + 1;
for (int i = noisy_neg_bins_.size() - 1; i > neg_i; --i) {
num_outside += noisy_neg_bins_[i];
for (int i = 0; i < pos_i; ++i) {
num_outside += noisy_pos_bins_[i];
// Add the count of inputs above upper.
pos_i = noisy_pos_bins_.size();
neg_i = -1;
if (upper == 0) {
pos_i = 0;
} else if (upper < 0) {
pos_i = 0;
neg_i = upper_msb;
} else { // upper > 0.
pos_i = upper_msb + 1;
for (int i = neg_i; i >= 0; --i) {
num_outside += noisy_neg_bins_[i];
for (int i = pos_i; i < noisy_pos_bins_.size(); ++i) {
num_outside += noisy_pos_bins_[i];
return num_outside;
// Get the noisy number of total inputs by summing all noisy histogram bins.
base::StatusOr<double> NumInputs() {
// Number of inputs outside of the empty set.
return NumInputsOutside(0, 0);
// Friend class for testing only.
friend class ApproxBoundsTestPeer;
// Needed for classes that rely on ApproxBounds::AddMultipleEntries()
template <typename T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>*>
friend class BoundedMean;
template <typename T2, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>*>
friend class BoundedVariance;
// Count the values in each logarithmic bin for positives and negatives.
std::vector<int64_t> pos_bins_;
std::vector<int64_t> neg_bins_;
// Noisy DP counts of the positive and negative bins. Populated upon
// generating the result.
std::vector<T> noisy_pos_bins_;
std::vector<T> noisy_neg_bins_;
// The bin boundary magnitudes, starting from lowest positive magnitude.
std::vector<T> bin_boundaries_;
// Multiplicative factor for inputs
double scale_;
// Base of the logarithm.
double base_;
// The bin count threshold for choosing a minimum / maximum.
double k_;
// Whether k was user-set. If true, then do not scale by privacy budget.
bool preset_k_;
// Mechanism for adding noise to buckets.
std::unique_ptr<NumericalMechanism> mechanism_;
} // namespace differential_privacy