blob: eab5129feaa958b09f5e990c7d84974c0a996c06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "base/statusor.h"
#include "algorithms/numerical-mechanisms.h"
#include "algorithms/util.h"
#include "proto/util.h"
#include "proto/confidence-interval.pb.h"
#include "proto/data.pb.h"
#include "proto/summary.pb.h"
#include "base/canonical_errors.h"
namespace differential_privacy {
constexpr double kDefaultDelta = 0.0;
constexpr double kDefaultConfidenceLevel = .95;
// Abstract superclass for differentially private algorithms.
// Includes a notion of privacy budget in addition to epsilon to allow for
// intermediate calls that still respect the total privacy budget.
// e.g. a->AddEntry(1.0); a->AddEntry(2.0); if(a->PartialResult(0.1) > 0.0) ...
// would allow an intermediate inspection using 10% of the privacy budget and
// allow 90% to be used at some later point.
// Generic call to Result consumes 100% of the privacy budget by default.
template <typename T>
class Algorithm {
// Epsilon is a standard parameter of differentially private
// algorithms. See "The Algorithmic Foundations of Differential Privacy" p17.
explicit Algorithm(double epsilon)
: epsilon_(epsilon), privacy_budget_(kFullPrivacyBudget) {}
virtual ~Algorithm() = default;
Algorithm(const Algorithm&) = delete;
Algorithm& operator=(const Algorithm&) = delete;
// Adds one input to the algorithm.
virtual void AddEntry(const T& t) = 0;
// Adds multiple inputs to the algorithm.
template <typename Iterator>
void AddEntries(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
// Runs the algorithm on the input using the epsilon parameter
// provided in the constructor and returns output.
template <typename Iterator>
base::StatusOr<Output> Result(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
AddEntries(begin, end);
return PartialResult();
// Gets the algorithm result, consuming the remaining privacy budget.
base::StatusOr<Output> PartialResult() {
return PartialResult(RemainingPrivacyBudget());
// Same as above, but consumes only the `privacy_budget` amount of budget.
// Privacy budget, defined on [0,1], represents the fraction of the total
// budget to consume.
base::StatusOr<Output> PartialResult(double privacy_budget) {
return GenerateResult(ConsumePrivacyBudget(privacy_budget),
// Same as above, but provides the confidence level of the noise confidence
// interval, which may be included in the algorithm output.
base::StatusOr<Output> PartialResult(double privacy_budget,
double noise_interval_level) {
return GenerateResult(ConsumePrivacyBudget(privacy_budget),
double RemainingPrivacyBudget() { return privacy_budget_; }
// Strictly reduces privacy budget, so is safe to make public.
double ConsumePrivacyBudget(double privacy_budget_fraction) {
DCHECK_GE(privacy_budget_fraction, 0.0)
<< "Requested budget " << privacy_budget_fraction
<< " should be positive.";
DCHECK_LE(privacy_budget_fraction, privacy_budget_)
<< "Requested budget " << privacy_budget_fraction
<< " exceeds remaining budget of " << privacy_budget_;
privacy_budget_fraction = Clamp(0.0, 1.0, privacy_budget_fraction);
double budget = privacy_budget_;
privacy_budget_ = std::max(0.0, privacy_budget_ - privacy_budget_fraction);
return budget - privacy_budget_;
// Resets the algorithm to a state in which it has received no input. After
// Reset is called, the algorithm should only consider input added after the
// last Reset call when providing output.
void Reset() {
privacy_budget_ = kFullPrivacyBudget;
// Serializes summary data of current entries into Summary proto. This allows
// results from distributed aggregation to be recorded and later merged.
// Returns empty summary for algorithms for which serialize is unimplemented.
virtual Summary Serialize() = 0;
// Merges serialized summary data into this algorithm. The summary proto must
// represent data from the same algorithm type with identical parameters. The
// data field must contain the algorithm summary type of the corresponding
// algorithm used. The summary proto cannot be empty.
virtual absl::Status Merge(const Summary& summary) = 0;
// Returns the memory currently used by the algorithm in bytes.
virtual int64_t MemoryUsed() = 0;
// Returns the confidence_level confidence interval of noise added within the
// algorithm with specified privacy budget, using epsilon and other relevant,
// algorithm-specific parameters (e.g. bounds) provided by the constructor.
// This metric may be used to gauge the error rate introduced by the noise.
// If the returned value is <x,y>, then the noise added has a confidence_level
// chance of being in the domain [x,y].
// By default, NoiseConfidenceInterval() returns an error. Algorithms for
// which a confidence interval can feasibly be calculated override this and
// output the relevant value.
// Conservatively, we do not release the error rate for algorithms whose
// confidence intervals rely on input size.
virtual base::StatusOr<ConfidenceInterval> NoiseConfidenceInterval(
double confidence_level, double privacy_budget) {
return absl::UnimplementedError(
"NoiseConfidenceInterval() unsupported for this algorithm");
virtual double GetEpsilon() const { return epsilon_; }
// Returns the result of the algorithm when run on all the input that has been
// provided via AddEntr[y|ies] since the last call to Reset.
// Apportioning of privacy budget is handled by calls from PartialResult
// above.
virtual base::StatusOr<Output> GenerateResult(
double privacy_budget, double noise_interval_level) = 0;
// Allows child classes to reset their state as part of a global reset.
virtual void ResetState() = 0;
static constexpr double kFullPrivacyBudget = 1.0;
const double epsilon_;
double privacy_budget_;
template <typename T, class Algorithm, class Builder>
class AlgorithmBuilder {
virtual ~AlgorithmBuilder() = default;
base::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Algorithm>> Build() {
// Default epsilon is used whenever epsilon is not set. This value should
// only be used for testing convenience. For any production use case, please
// set your own epsilon based on privacy considerations.
if (!epsilon_.has_value()) {
epsilon_ = DefaultEpsilon();
LOG(WARNING) << "Default epsilon of " << epsilon_.value()
<< " is being used. Consider setting your own epsilon based "
"on privacy considerations.";
return BuildAlgorithm();
Builder& SetEpsilon(double epsilon) {
epsilon_ = epsilon;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
Builder& SetDelta(double delta) {
delta_ = delta;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
Builder& SetMaxPartitionsContributed(int max_partitions) {
l0_sensitivity_ = max_partitions;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
// Note for BoundedAlgorithm, this does not specify the contribution that will
// be clamped, but the number of contributions to any partition.
Builder& SetMaxContributionsPerPartition(int max_contributions) {
max_contributions_per_partition_ = max_contributions;
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
Builder& SetLaplaceMechanism(
std::unique_ptr<NumericalMechanismBuilder> mechanism_builder) {
mechanism_builder_ = std::move(mechanism_builder);
return *static_cast<Builder*>(this);
absl::optional<double> epsilon_;
absl::optional<double> delta_;
absl::optional<int> l0_sensitivity_;
absl::optional<int> max_contributions_per_partition_;
// The mechanism builder is used to interject custom mechanisms for testing.
std::unique_ptr<NumericalMechanismBuilder> mechanism_builder_ =
absl::optional<double> GetEpsilon() const { return epsilon_; }
absl::optional<double> GetDelta() const { return delta_; }
absl::optional<int> GetMaxPartitionsContributed() const {
return l0_sensitivity_;
absl::optional<int> GetMaxContributionsPerPartition() const {
return max_contributions_per_partition_;
std::unique_ptr<NumericalMechanismBuilder> GetMechanismBuilderClone() const {
return mechanism_builder_->Clone();
virtual base::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Algorithm>> BuildAlgorithm() = 0;
UpdateAndBuildMechanism() {
auto clone = mechanism_builder_->Clone();
if (epsilon_.has_value()) {
if (delta_.has_value()) {
// If not set, we are using 1 as default value for both, L0 and Linf, as
// fallback for existing clients.
return clone->SetL0Sensitivity(l0_sensitivity_.value_or(1))
} // namespace differential_privacy