blob: 5729c48668625bf180ab53daf9974906919cf664 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package dpagg
import (
// BoundedMean calculates a differentially private mean of a collection of
// float64 values.
// The mean is computed by dividing a noisy sum of the entries by a noisy count of
// the entries. To improve utility, all entries are normalized by setting them to
// the difference between their actual value and the middle of the input range
// before summation. The original mean is recovered by adding the midpoint in a
// post-processing step. This idea is taken from Algorithm 2.4 of "Differential
// Privacy: From Theory to Practice", by Ninghui Li, Min Lyu, Dong Su and Weining
// Yang (section 2.5.5, page 28). In contrast to Algorithm 2.4, we do not return
// the midpoint if the noisy count is less or equal to 1. Instead, we set the noisy
// count to 1. Since this is a mere post-processing step, the DP bounds are
// preserved. Moreover, for small numbers of entries, this approach will return
// results that are closer to the actual mean in expectation.
// BoundedMean supports privacy units that contribute to multiple partitions
// (via the MaxPartitionsContributed parameter) as well as contribute to the same
// partition multiple times (via the MaxContributionsPerPartition parameter), by
// scaling the added noise appropriately.
// For general details and key definitions, see
// Note: Do not use when your results may cause overflows for float64 values. This
// aggregation is not hardened for such applications yet.
// Not thread-safe.
type BoundedMean struct {
// Parameters
lower float64
upper float64
// State variables
NormalizedSum BoundedSumFloat64
Count Count
// The midpoint between lower and upper bounds. It cannot be set by the user;
// it will be calculated based on the lower and upper values.
midPoint float64
state aggregationState
func bmEquallyInitialized(bm1, bm2 *BoundedMean) bool {
return bm1.lower == bm2.lower &&
bm1.upper == bm2.upper &&
bm1.midPoint == bm2.midPoint &&
bm1.state == bm2.state &&
countEquallyInitialized(&bm1.Count, &bm2.Count) &&
bsEquallyInitializedFloat64(&bm1.NormalizedSum, &bm2.NormalizedSum)
// BoundedMeanOptions contains the options necessary to initialize a BoundedMean.
type BoundedMeanOptions struct {
Epsilon float64 // Privacy parameter ε. Required.
Delta float64 // Privacy parameter δ. Required with Gaussian noise, must be 0 with Laplace noise.
MaxPartitionsContributed int64 // How many distinct partitions may a single user contribute to? Defaults to 1.
MaxContributionsPerPartition int64 // How many times may a single user contribute to a single partition? Required.
// Lower and Upper bounds for clamping. Default to 0; must be such that Lower < Upper.
Lower, Upper float64
Noise noise.Noise // Type of noise used in BoundedMean. Defaults to Laplace noise.
// NewBoundedMean returns a new BoundedMean.
func NewBoundedMean(opt *BoundedMeanOptions) (*BoundedMean, error) {
if opt == nil {
opt = &BoundedMeanOptions{}
maxContributionsPerPartition := opt.MaxContributionsPerPartition
var err error
if err = checks.CheckMaxContributionsPerPartition(maxContributionsPerPartition); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewBoundedMean: %w", err)
// Set defaults.
maxPartitionsContributed := opt.MaxPartitionsContributed
if maxPartitionsContributed == 0 {
maxPartitionsContributed = 1
n := opt.Noise
if n == nil {
n = noise.Laplace()
// Check bounds & use them to compute L_∞ sensitivity.
lower, upper := opt.Lower, opt.Upper
if lower == 0 && upper == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewBoundedMean requires a non-default value for Lower and Upper (automatic bounds determination is not implemented yet). Lower and Upper cannot be both 0")
switch noise.ToKind(opt.Noise) {
case noise.Unrecognised:
err = checks.CheckBoundsFloat64IgnoreOverflows(lower, upper)
err = checks.CheckBoundsFloat64(lower, upper)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewBoundedMean: %w", err)
if err := checks.CheckBoundsNotEqual(lower, upper); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewBoundedMean: %w", err)
// In case lower or upper bound is infinity, midPoint is set to 0.0 to prevent getting
// a NaN midPoint or maxDistFromMidPoint.
midPoint := 0.0
if !math.IsInf(lower, 0) && !math.IsInf(upper, 0) {
// (lower + upper) / 2 may cause an overflow if lower and upper are large values.
midPoint = lower + (upper-lower)/2.0
maxDistFromMidpoint := upper - midPoint
eps, del := opt.Epsilon, opt.Delta
// We split the budget in half to calculate the count and the normalized sum
// TODO: this can be optimized for the Gaussian noise
halfEpsilon := eps / 2
halfDelta := del / 2
// Check that the parameters are compatible with the noise chosen by calling
// the noise on some placeholder value.
n.AddNoiseFloat64(0, 1, 1, halfEpsilon, halfDelta)
// count yields a differentially private count of the entries.
// normalizedSum yields a differentially private sum of the position of the entries e_i relative
// to the midpoint m = (lower + upper) / 2 of the range of the bounded mean, i.e., Σ_i (e_i - m).
// Given a normalized sum s and count c (both without noise), the true mean can be computed
// as: mean =
// s / c + m =
// (Σ_i (e_i - m)) / c + m =
// (Σ_i (e_i - m)) / c + (Σ_i m) / c =
// (Σ_i e_i) / c
// the rest follows from the code.
count, err := NewCount(&CountOptions{
Epsilon: halfEpsilon,
Delta: halfDelta,
MaxPartitionsContributed: maxPartitionsContributed,
Noise: n,
maxContributionsPerPartition: maxContributionsPerPartition,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't initialize count for NewBoundedMean: %w", err)
normalizedSum, err := NewBoundedSumFloat64(&BoundedSumFloat64Options{
Epsilon: halfEpsilon,
Delta: halfDelta,
MaxPartitionsContributed: maxPartitionsContributed,
Lower: -maxDistFromMidpoint,
Upper: maxDistFromMidpoint,
Noise: n,
maxContributionsPerPartition: maxContributionsPerPartition,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't initialize normalized sum for NewBoundedMean: %w", err)
return &BoundedMean{
lower: lower,
upper: upper,
midPoint: midPoint,
Count: *count,
NormalizedSum: *normalizedSum,
state: defaultState,
}, nil
// Add an entry to a BoundedMean. It skips NaN entries and doesn't count them in the final result
// because introducing even a single NaN entry will result in a NaN mean
// regardless of other entries, which would break the indistinguishability
// property required for differential privacy.
func (bm *BoundedMean) Add(e float64) error {
if bm.state != defaultState {
return fmt.Errorf("BoundedMean cannot be amended: %v", bm.state.errorMessage())
if !math.IsNaN(e) {
clamped, err := ClampFloat64(e, bm.lower, bm.upper)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't clamp input value %v: %w", e, err)
x := clamped - bm.midPoint
return nil
// Result returns a differentially private estimate of the average of bounded
// elements added so far. The method can be called only once.
// Note that the returned value is not an unbiased estimate of the raw bounded mean.
func (bm *BoundedMean) Result() (float64, error) {
if bm.state != defaultState {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("BoundedMean's noised result cannot be computed: " + bm.state.errorMessage())
bm.state = resultReturned
noisedCount, err := bm.Count.Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("couldn't compute dp count: %w", err)
noisedCountClamped := math.Max(1.0, float64(noisedCount))
noisedSum, err := bm.NormalizedSum.Result()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("couldn't compute dp sum: %w", err)
clamped, err := ClampFloat64(noisedSum/noisedCountClamped+bm.midPoint, bm.lower, bm.upper)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("couldn't clamp the result: %w", err)
return clamped, nil
// ComputeConfidenceInterval computes a confidence interval that contains the true mean with
// probability greater than or equal to 1 - alpha. The computation is based exclusively on
// noised data and the privacy parameters. Thus no privacy budget is consumed by this operation.
// Result() needs to be called before ComputeConfidenceInterval, otherwise this will return an error.
func (bm *BoundedMean) ComputeConfidenceInterval(alpha float64) (noise.ConfidenceInterval, error) {
if bm.state != resultReturned {
return noise.ConfidenceInterval{}, fmt.Errorf("Result() must be called before calling ComputeConfidenceInterval()")
// The confidence interval of bounded mean is derived from confidence intervals of the mean's numerator and denominator.
// The respective confidence levels 1 - alphaNum and 1 - alphaDen can be chosen arbitrarily as long as (1 - alphaNum) *
// (1 - alphaDen) = 1 - alpha. The following is a brute force search for alphaNum that minimizes the size of the
// confidence interval of bounded mean.
minSize := math.Inf(1)
var tightestConfInt noise.ConfidenceInterval
for i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {
alphaNum := (float64(i) / 1000.0) * alpha
confInt, err := bm.computeConfidenceIntervalForExplicitAlphaNum(alpha, alphaNum)
if err != nil {
return noise.ConfidenceInterval{}, err
size := confInt.UpperBound - confInt.LowerBound
if size < minSize {
minSize = size
tightestConfInt = confInt
return tightestConfInt, nil
// computeConfidenceIntervalForExplicitAlphaNum computes a confidence interval that contains the true mean with probability
// greater than or equal to 1 - alpha with the additional constraint that the confidence level of the mean's numerator is
// 1 - alphaNum. The computation is based exclusively on the noised numerator and denominator as well as the privacy parameters.
// Thus, no privacy budget is consumed by this operation.
// Result() needs to be called before ComputeConfidenceInterval, otherwise this will return an error.
func (bm *BoundedMean) computeConfidenceIntervalForExplicitAlphaNum(alpha, alphaNum float64) (noise.ConfidenceInterval, error) {
alphaDen := (alpha - alphaNum) / (1 - alphaNum) // setting alphaDen such that (1 - alpha) = (1 - alphaNum) * (1 - alphaDen)
confIntNum, err := bm.NormalizedSum.ComputeConfidenceInterval(alphaNum)
if err != nil {
return noise.ConfidenceInterval{}, err
confIntDen, err := bm.Count.ComputeConfidenceInterval(alphaDen)
if err != nil {
return noise.ConfidenceInterval{}, err
// Ensuring that the lower and upper bounds of the denominator are consistent
// with how Result() processes the denominator.
confIntDen.LowerBound = math.Max(confIntDen.LowerBound, 1)
confIntDen.UpperBound = math.Max(confIntDen.UpperBound, 1)
var meanLowerBound, meanUpperBound float64
if confIntNum.LowerBound >= 0 {
meanLowerBound = confIntNum.LowerBound / confIntDen.UpperBound
} else {
meanLowerBound = confIntNum.LowerBound / confIntDen.LowerBound
if confIntNum.UpperBound >= 0 {
meanUpperBound = confIntNum.UpperBound / confIntDen.LowerBound
} else {
meanUpperBound = confIntNum.UpperBound / confIntDen.UpperBound
// Ensuring that the lower and upper bounds of the mean are consistent with how Result() processes the mean.
meanLowerBound, meanUpperBound = meanLowerBound+bm.midPoint, meanUpperBound+bm.midPoint
meanLowerBound, err = ClampFloat64(meanLowerBound, bm.lower, bm.upper)
if err != nil {
return noise.ConfidenceInterval{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't clamp lower bound for mean: %w", err)
meanUpperBound, err = ClampFloat64(meanUpperBound, bm.lower, bm.upper)
if err != nil {
return noise.ConfidenceInterval{}, fmt.Errorf("couldn't clamp upper bound for mean: %w", err)
return noise.ConfidenceInterval{LowerBound: meanLowerBound, UpperBound: meanUpperBound}, nil
// Merge merges bm2 into bm (i.e., adds to bm all entries that were added to
// bm2). bm2 is consumed by this operation: bm2 may not be used after it is
// merged into bm.
func (bm *BoundedMean) Merge(bm2 *BoundedMean) error {
if err := checkMergeBoundedMean(bm, bm2); err != nil {
return err
bm2.state = merged
return nil
func checkMergeBoundedMean(bm1, bm2 *BoundedMean) error {
if bm1.state != defaultState {
return fmt.Errorf("checkMergeBoundedMean: bm1 cannot be merged with another BoundedMean instance: %v", bm1.state.errorMessage())
if bm2.state != defaultState {
return fmt.Errorf("checkMergeBoundedMean: bm2 cannot be merged with another BoundedMean instance: %v", bm2.state.errorMessage())
if !bmEquallyInitialized(bm1, bm2) {
return fmt.Errorf("checkMergeBoundedMean: bm1 and bm2 are not compatible")
return nil
// GobEncode encodes Count.
func (bm *BoundedMean) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
if bm.state != defaultState && bm.state != serialized {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("BoundedMean object cannot be serialized: " + bm.state.errorMessage())
enc := encodableBoundedMeanFloat64{
Lower: bm.lower,
Upper: bm.upper,
EncodableCount: &bm.Count,
EncodableNormalizedSum: &bm.NormalizedSum,
MidPoint: bm.midPoint,
bm.state = serialized
return encode(enc)
// GobDecode decodes Count.
func (bm *BoundedMean) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
var enc encodableBoundedMeanFloat64
err := decode(&enc, data)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("couldn't decode BoundedMean from bytes")
*bm = BoundedMean{
lower: enc.Lower,
upper: enc.Upper,
Count: *enc.EncodableCount,
NormalizedSum: *enc.EncodableNormalizedSum,
midPoint: enc.MidPoint,
state: defaultState,
return nil
// encodableBoundedMeanFloat64 can be encoded by the gob package.
type encodableBoundedMeanFloat64 struct {
Lower float64
Upper float64
EncodableCount *Count
EncodableNormalizedSum *BoundedSumFloat64
MidPoint float64