blob: 6a02488de27a2e2089f2aaa8e2f0ad10ca870d24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
option java_outer_classname = "SecurityProto";
package pandora;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "pandora/host.proto";
// Service to trigger Bluetooth Host security pairing procedures.
service Security {
// Listen to pairing events.
// This is handled independently from connections for several reasons:
// - Pairing can be triggered at any time and multiple times during the
// lifetime of a connection (this also explains why this is a stream).
// - In BR/EDR, the specification allows for a device to authenticate before
// connecting when in security mode 3 (link level enforced security).
rpc OnPairing(stream PairingEventAnswer) returns (stream PairingEvent);
// Secure (i.e. authenticate and/or encrypt) a connection with a specific
// security level to reach. Pairing events shall be handled through `OnPairing`
// if a corresponding stream has been opened prior to this call, otherwise, they
// shall be automatically confirmed by the host.
// If authentication and/or encryption procedures necessary to reach the
// desired security level have already been triggered before (typically as
// part of the connection establishment), this shall not trigger them again
// and only wait for the desired security level to be reached. If the desired
// security level has already been reached, this shall return immediately.
// Note: During the entire life of a connection, the security level can only
// be upgraded, see `SecurityLevel` and `LESecurityLevel` enumerable for
// details about each security level.
rpc Secure(SecureRequest) returns (SecureResponse);
// Wait for a specific connection security level to be reached. Events may
// be streamed through `OnPairing` if running, otherwise the host shall
// automatically confirm.
rpc WaitSecurity(WaitSecurityRequest) returns (WaitSecurityResponse);
// Service to trigger Bluetooth Host security persistent storage procedures.
service SecurityStorage {
// Return whether or not a bond exists for a connection in the host
// persistent storage.
rpc IsBonded(IsBondedRequest) returns (google.protobuf.BoolValue);
// Remove a bond for a connection, if exists, from the host
// persistent storage.
rpc DeleteBond(DeleteBondRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// BR/EDR pairing security levels.
enum SecurityLevel {
// Level 0, for services with the following attributes:
// - Authentication of the remote device not required.
// - MITM protection not required.
// - No encryption required.
// - No user interaction required.
// No security.
// Permitted only for SDP and service data sent via either L2CAP fixed
// signaling channels or the L2CAP connection-less channel to PSMs that
// correspond to service class UUIDs which are allowed to utilize Level 0.
LEVEL0 = 0;
// Level 1, for services with the following attributes:
// - Authentication of the remote device required when encryption is enabled.
// - MITM protection not required.
// - Encryption not necessary.
// - At least 56-bit equivalent strength for encryption key when encryption is
// enabled should be used.
// - Minimal user interaction desired.
// Low security level.
LEVEL1 = 1;
// Level 2, for services with the following attributes:
// - Authentication of the remote device required.
// - MITM protection not required.
// - Encryption required.
// - At least 56-bit equivalent strength for encryption key should be used.
// Medium security level.
LEVEL2 = 2;
// Level 3, for services with the following attributes:
// - Authentication of the remote device required.
// - MITM protection required.
// - Encryption required.
// - At least 56-bit equivalent strength for encryption key should be used.
// - User interaction acceptable.
// High security.
LEVEL3 = 3;
// Level 4, for services with the following attributes:
// - Authentication of the remote device required.
// - MITM protection required.
// - Encryption required.
// - 128-bit equivalent strength for link and encryption keys required using FIPS
// approved algorithms (E0 not allowed, SAFER+ not allowed, and P-192 not
// allowed; encryption key not shortened).
// - User interaction acceptable.
// Highest security level.
// Only possible when both devices support Secure Connections.
LEVEL4 = 4;
// Low Energy pairing security levels.
enum LESecurityLevel {
// No security (No authentication and no encryption).
LE_LEVEL1 = 0;
// Unauthenticated pairing with encryption.
LE_LEVEL2 = 1;
// Authenticated pairing with encryption.
LE_LEVEL3 = 2;
// Authenticated LE Secure Connections pairing with encryption using a 128-
// bit strength encryption key.
LE_LEVEL4 = 3;
message PairingEvent {
// Pairing event remote device.
oneof remote {
// BR/EDR only. Used when a pairing event is received before the connection
// being complete: when the remote controller is set in security mode 3,
// it shall automatically pair with the remote device before notifying
// the host for a connection complete.
bytes address = 1;
// BR/EDR or Low Energy connection.
Connection connection = 2;
// Pairing method used for this pairing event.
oneof method {
// "Just Works" SSP / LE pairing association
// model. Confirmation is automatic.
google.protobuf.Empty just_works = 3;
// Numeric Comparison SSP / LE pairing association
// model. Confirmation is required.
uint32 numeric_comparison = 4;
// Passkey Entry SSP / LE pairing association model.
// Passkey is typed by the user.
// Only for LE legacy pairing or on devices without a display.
google.protobuf.Empty passkey_entry_request = 5;
// Passkey Entry SSP / LE pairing association model.
// Passkey is shown to the user.
// The peer device receives a Passkey Entry request.
uint32 passkey_entry_notification = 6;
// Legacy PIN Pairing.
// A PIN Code is typed by the user on IUT.
google.protobuf.Empty pin_code_request = 7;
// Legacy PIN Pairing.
// We generate a PIN code, and the user enters it in the peer
// device. While this is not part of the specification, some display
// devices automatically generate their PIN Code, instead of asking the
// user to type it.
bytes pin_code_notification = 8;
message PairingEventAnswer {
// Received pairing event.
PairingEvent event = 1;
// Answer when needed to the pairing event method.
oneof answer {
// Numeric Comparison confirmation.
// Used when pairing event method is `numeric_comparison` or `just_works`.
bool confirm = 2;
// Passkey typed by the user.
// Used when pairing event method is `passkey_entry_request`.
uint32 passkey = 3;
// Pin typed by the user.
// Used when pairing event method is `pin_code_request`.
bytes pin = 4;
// Request of the `Secure` method.
message SecureRequest {
// Peer connection to secure.
Connection connection = 1;
// Security level to wait for.
oneof level {
// BR/EDR (classic) level.
SecurityLevel classic = 2;
// Low Energy level.
LESecurityLevel le = 3;
// Response of the `Secure` method.
message SecureResponse {
// Response result.
oneof result {
// `Secure` completed successfully.
google.protobuf.Empty success = 1;
// `Secure` was unable to reach the desired security level.
google.protobuf.Empty not_reached = 2;
// Connection died before completion.
google.protobuf.Empty connection_died = 3;
// Pairing failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty pairing_failure = 4;
// Authentication failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty authentication_failure = 5;
// Encryption failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty encryption_failure = 6;
// Request of the `WaitSecurity` method.
message WaitSecurityRequest {
// Peer connection to wait security level to be reached.
Connection connection = 1;
// Security level to wait for.
oneof level {
// BR/EDR (classic) level.
SecurityLevel classic = 2;
// Low Energy level.
LESecurityLevel le = 3;
// Response of the `WaitSecurity` method.
message WaitSecurityResponse {
// Response result.
oneof result {
// `WaitSecurity` completed successfully.
google.protobuf.Empty success = 1;
// Connection died before completion.
google.protobuf.Empty connection_died = 2;
// Pairing failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty pairing_failure = 3;
// Authentication failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty authentication_failure = 4;
// Encryption failure error.
google.protobuf.Empty encryption_failure = 5;
// Request of the `IsBonded` method.
message IsBondedRequest {
oneof address {
// Public device address.
bytes public = 1;
// Random device address.
bytes random = 2;
// Request of the `DeleteBond` method.
message DeleteBondRequest {
oneof address {
// Public device address.
bytes public = 1;
// Random device address.
bytes random = 2;