blob: 7c9d40a62e02e29572c46676473c7b284ed7b7ef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package pandora.l2cap;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "pandora/host.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "L2CAPProto";
// L2CAP (Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol) services for managing channels
// and data communication over ACL connections. This protocol is essential for
// creating multiplexed data channels over the underlying ACL connections in Bluetooth.
service L2CAP {
// Establish an L2CAP channel on an ACL connection.
rpc Connect(ConnectRequest) returns (ConnectResponse);
// Await and accept an incoming L2CAP channel on an existing ACL connection.
// Every incoming L2CAP channel connection request not handled by this
// method should be rejected.
rpc WaitConnection(WaitConnectionRequest) returns (WaitConnectionResponse);
// Disconnect an established L2CAP channel.
rpc Disconnect(DisconnectRequest) returns (DisconnectResponse);
// Await an established L2CAP channel's termination.
rpc WaitDisconnection(WaitDisconnectionRequest) returns (WaitDisconnectionResponse);
// Fetch data received from an active L2CAP channel.
// Packets are yielded until the stream is closed, packets are dropped otherwise.
rpc Receive(ReceiveRequest) returns (stream ReceiveResponse);
// Send data over an L2CAP channel to a connected device.
rpc Send(SendRequest) returns (SendResponse);
// Potential reasons for command rejections in the L2CAP protocol.
enum CommandRejectReason {
// The command wasn't understood by the receiver.
// The received signal exceeds the allowed MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit).
// The received command includes an invalid Channel Identifier (CID).
// A Token representing a unique L2CAP channel for data communication.
message Channel {
// Opaque value filled by the gRPC server, must not be modified nor crafted.
google.protobuf.Any cookie = 1;
// Fixed channel, represented by a `Connection` and a Fixed Channel Identifier (CID).
message FixedChannel {
// Specifies the underlying ACL connection, either BR/EDR (Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate) or BLE.
Connection connection = 1;
// Fixed Channel Identifier (CID). Represents the unique identifier for the fixed channel.
// Available CIDs are:
// - 0x0001: L2CAP Signaling Channel
// - 0x0002: Connectionless Channel
// - 0x0003: AMP Manager Protocol
// - 0x0004: Attribute Protocol (ATT) for BLE
// - 0x0005: L2CAP Signaling Channel for BLE
// - 0x0006: Security Manager Protocol for BLE
// - 0x0007: Security Manager Protocol for BR/EDR
// - CIDs in the range of 0x0007 to 0x003F are reserved for standardization purposes.
uint32 cid = 2;
// Request for establishing an L2CAP connection-oriented channel,
// where data is transmitted with acknowledgment.
message ConnectionOrientedChannelRequest {
// Protocol/Service Multiplexer (PSM) for identifying the upper-layer protocol.
uint32 psm = 1;
// Defines the maximum size of data payload (in bytes) that can be sent in a single packet.
uint32 mtu = 2;
// Request for establishing a credit-based L2CAP channel,
// typically used in BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) when precise flow control is required.
message CreditBasedChannelRequest {
// Simplified Protocol/Service Multiplexer (sPSM) for identifying the upper-layer protocol in BLE.
uint32 spsm = 1;
// Defines the maximum size of data payload (in bytes) that can be sent in a single packet.
uint32 mtu = 2;
// Maximum size of the PDU (Protocol Data Unit) payload.
uint32 mps = 3;
// Initial credits given for flow control, defining the number of PDUs the sender can transmit.
uint32 initial_credit = 4;
// Request of the `Connect` method.
message ConnectRequest {
// Specifies the underlying ACL connection, either BR/EDR (Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate) or BLE.
Connection connection = 1;
// Defines the type and specifics of the channel to establish.
oneof type {
// Request a connection-oriented channel.
ConnectionOrientedChannelRequest basic = 2;
// Request a BLE credit-based channel.
CreditBasedChannelRequest le_credit_based = 3;
// Request an enhanced credit-based channel.
CreditBasedChannelRequest enhanced_credit_based = 4;
// Response of the `Connect` method.
message ConnectResponse {
oneof result {
// Error details if the connection failed.
CommandRejectReason error = 1;
// Details of the established channel on success.
Channel channel = 2;
// Request of the `WaitConnection` method.
message WaitConnectionRequest {
// Specifies the underlying ACL connection, either BR/EDR or BLE.
Connection connection = 1;
// Defines the type and specifics of the channel to wait and accept.
oneof type {
// Accept connection-oriented channels.
ConnectionOrientedChannelRequest basic = 2;
// Accept BLE credit-based channels.
CreditBasedChannelRequest le_credit_based = 3;
// Accept enhanced credit-based channels.
CreditBasedChannelRequest enhanced_credit_based = 4;
// Response of the `WaitConnection` method.
message WaitConnectionResponse {
oneof result {
CommandRejectReason error = 1;
Channel channel = 2;
// Request of the `Disconnect` method.
message DisconnectRequest {
// Specifies the channel to disconnect.
Channel channel = 1;
// Response of the `Disconnect` method.
message DisconnectResponse {
oneof result {
CommandRejectReason error = 1;
google.protobuf.Empty success = 2;
// Request of the `WaitDisconnection` method.
message WaitDisconnectionRequest {
// Specifies the channel to await disconnection.
Channel channel = 1;
// Response of the `WaitDisconnection` method.
message WaitDisconnectionResponse {
oneof result {
CommandRejectReason error = 1;
google.protobuf.Empty success = 2;
// Request of the `Receive` method.
message ReceiveRequest {
// Specifies the channel to fetch data from.
oneof source {
// Fetch data from a dynamic channel.
Channel channel = 1;
// Fetch data from a fixed channel.
FixedChannel fixed_channel = 2;
// Response of the `Receive` method.
message ReceiveResponse {
// Contains the data received from the channel.
bytes data = 1;
// Request of the `Send` method.
message SendRequest {
// Specifies the channel to send data over.
oneof sink {
// Send data over a dynamic channel.
Channel channel = 1;
// Send data over a fixed channel.
FixedChannel fixed_channel = 2;
// Data to be sent over the specified channel.
bytes data = 3;
// Response of the `Send` method.
message SendResponse {
oneof result {
CommandRejectReason error = 1;
google.protobuf.Empty success = 2;