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// Copyright ©2019 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vptree
import (
// Comparable is the element interface for values stored in a vp-tree.
type Comparable interface {
// Distance returns the distance between the receiver and the
// parameter. The returned distance must satisfy the properties
// of distances in a metric space.
// - a.Distance(a) == 0
// - a.Distance(b) >= 0
// - a.Distance(b) == b.Distance(a)
// - a.Distance(b) <= a.Distance(c)+c.Distance(b)
Distance(Comparable) float64
// Point represents a point in a Euclidean k-d space that satisfies the Comparable
// interface.
type Point []float64
// Distance returns the Euclidean distance between c and the receiver. The concrete
// type of c must be Point.
func (p Point) Distance(c Comparable) float64 {
q := c.(Point)
var sum float64
for dim, c := range p {
d := c - q[dim]
sum += d * d
return math.Sqrt(sum)
// Node holds a single point value in a vantage point tree.
type Node struct {
Point Comparable
Radius float64
Closer *Node
Further *Node
// Tree implements a vantage point tree creation and nearest neighbor search.
type Tree struct {
Root *Node
Count int
// New returns a vantage point tree constructed from the values in p. The effort
// parameter specifies how much work should be put into optimizing the choice of
// vantage point. If effort is one or less, random vantage points are chosen.
// The order of elements in p will be altered after New returns. The src parameter
// provides the source of randomness for vantage point selection. If src is nil
// global rand package functions are used. Points in p must not be infinitely
// distant.
func New(p []Comparable, effort int, src rand.Source) (t *Tree, err error) {
var intn func(int) int
var shuf func(n int, swap func(i, j int))
if src == nil {
intn = rand.Intn
shuf = rand.Shuffle
} else {
rnd := rand.New(src)
intn = rnd.Intn
shuf = rnd.Shuffle
b := builder{work: make([]float64, len(p)), intn: intn, shuf: shuf}
defer func() {
switch r := recover(); r {
case nil:
case pointAtInfinity:
t = nil
err = pointAtInfinity
t = &Tree{
Root:, effort),
Count: len(p),
return t, nil
var pointAtInfinity = errors.New("vptree: point at infinity")
// builder performs vp-tree construction as described for the simple vp-tree
// algorithm in
type builder struct {
work []float64
intn func(n int) int
shuf func(n int, swap func(i, j int))
func (b *builder) build(s []Comparable, effort int) *Node {
if len(s) <= 1 {
if len(s) == 0 {
return nil
return &Node{Point: s[0]}
n := Node{Point: b.selectVantage(s, effort)}
radius, closer, further := b.partition(n.Point, s)
n.Radius = radius
n.Closer =, effort)
n.Further =, effort)
return &n
func (b *builder) selectVantage(s []Comparable, effort int) Comparable {
if effort <= 1 {
return s[b.intn(len(s))]
if effort > len(s) {
effort = len(s)
var best Comparable
bestVar := -1.0 =[:effort]
choices := b.random(effort, s)
for _, p := range choices {
for i, q := range choices {
d := p.Distance(q)
if math.IsInf(d, 0) {
}[i] = d
variance := stat.Variance(, nil)
if variance > bestVar {
best, bestVar = p, variance
if best == nil {
// This should never be reached.
panic("vptree: could not find vantage point")
return best
func (b *builder) random(n int, s []Comparable) []Comparable {
if n >= len(s) {
n = len(s)
b.shuf(len(s), func(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] })
return s[:n]
func (b *builder) partition(v Comparable, s []Comparable) (radius float64, closer, further []Comparable) { =[:len(s)]
for i, p := range s {
d := v.Distance(p)
if math.IsInf(d, 0) {
}[i] = d
sort.Sort(byDist{dists:, points: s})
// Note that this does not conform exactly to the description
// in the paper which specifies d(p, s) < mu for L; in cases
// where the median element has a lower indexed element with
// the same distance from the vantage point, L will include a
// d(p, s) == mu.
// The additional work required to satisfy the algorithm is
// not worth doing as it has no effect on the correctness or
// performance of the algorithm.
radius =[len(]
if len( > 1 {
// Remove vantage if it is present.
closer = s[1 : len(]
further = s[len(]
return radius, closer, further
type byDist struct {
dists []float64
points []Comparable
func (c byDist) Len() int { return len(c.dists) }
func (c byDist) Less(i, j int) bool { return c.dists[i] < c.dists[j] }
func (c byDist) Swap(i, j int) {
c.dists[i], c.dists[j] = c.dists[j], c.dists[i]
c.points[i], c.points[j] = c.points[j], c.points[i]
// Len returns the number of elements in the tree.
func (t *Tree) Len() int { return t.Count }
var inf = math.Inf(1)
// Nearest returns the nearest value to the query and the distance between them.
func (t *Tree) Nearest(q Comparable) (Comparable, float64) {
if t.Root == nil {
return nil, inf
n, dist :=, inf)
if n == nil {
return nil, inf
return n.Point, dist
func (n *Node) search(q Comparable, dist float64) (*Node, float64) {
if n == nil {
return nil, inf
d := q.Distance(n.Point)
dist = math.Min(dist, d)
bn := n
if d < n.Radius {
cn, cd :=, dist)
if cd < dist {
bn, dist = cn, cd
if d+dist >= n.Radius {
fn, fd :=, dist)
if fd < dist {
bn, dist = fn, fd
} else {
fn, fd :=, dist)
if fd < dist {
bn, dist = fn, fd
if d-dist <= n.Radius {
cn, cd :=, dist)
if cd < dist {
bn, dist = cn, cd
return bn, dist
// ComparableDist holds a Comparable and a distance to a specific query. A nil Comparable
// is used to mark the end of the heap, so clients should not store nil values except for
// this purpose.
type ComparableDist struct {
Comparable Comparable
Dist float64
// Heap is a max heap sorted on Dist.
type Heap []ComparableDist
func (h *Heap) Max() ComparableDist { return (*h)[0] }
func (h *Heap) Len() int { return len(*h) }
func (h *Heap) Less(i, j int) bool { return (*h)[i].Comparable == nil || (*h)[i].Dist > (*h)[j].Dist }
func (h *Heap) Swap(i, j int) { (*h)[i], (*h)[j] = (*h)[j], (*h)[i] }
func (h *Heap) Push(x interface{}) { (*h) = append(*h, x.(ComparableDist)) }
func (h *Heap) Pop() (i interface{}) { i, *h = (*h)[len(*h)-1], (*h)[:len(*h)-1]; return i }
// NKeeper is a Keeper that retains the n best ComparableDists that have been passed to Keep.
type NKeeper struct {
// NewNKeeper returns an NKeeper with the max value of the heap set to infinite distance. The
// returned NKeeper is able to retain at most n values.
func NewNKeeper(n int) *NKeeper {
k := NKeeper{make(Heap, 1, n)}
k.Heap[0].Dist = inf
return &k
// Keep adds c to the heap if its distance is less than the maximum value of the heap. If adding
// c would increase the size of the heap beyond the initial maximum length, the maximum value of
// the heap is dropped.
func (k *NKeeper) Keep(c ComparableDist) {
if c.Dist <= k.Heap[0].Dist { // Favour later finds to displace sentinel.
if len(k.Heap) == cap(k.Heap) {
heap.Push(k, c)
// DistKeeper is a Keeper that retains the ComparableDists within the specified distance of the
// query that it is called to Keep.
type DistKeeper struct {
// NewDistKeeper returns an DistKeeper with the maximum value of the heap set to d.
func NewDistKeeper(d float64) *DistKeeper { return &DistKeeper{Heap{{Dist: d}}} }
// Keep adds c to the heap if its distance is less than or equal to the max value of the heap.
func (k *DistKeeper) Keep(c ComparableDist) {
if c.Dist <= k.Heap[0].Dist {
heap.Push(k, c)
// Keeper implements a conditional max heap sorted on the Dist field of the ComparableDist type.
// vantage point search is guided by the distance stored in the max value of the heap.
type Keeper interface {
Keep(ComparableDist) // Keep conditionally pushes the provided ComparableDist onto the heap.
Max() ComparableDist // Max returns the maximum element of the Keeper.
// NearestSet finds the nearest values to the query accepted by the provided Keeper, k.
// k must be able to return a ComparableDist specifying the maximum acceptable distance
// when Max() is called, and retains the results of the search in min sorted order after
// the call to NearestSet returns.
// If a sentinel ComparableDist with a nil Comparable is used by the Keeper to mark the
// maximum distance, NearestSet will remove it before returning.
func (t *Tree) NearestSet(k Keeper, q Comparable) {
if t.Root == nil {
t.Root.searchSet(q, k)
// Check whether we have retained a sentinel
// and flag removal if we have.
removeSentinel := k.Len() != 0 && k.Max().Comparable == nil
// This abuses the interface to drop the max.
// It is reasonable to do this because we know
// that the maximum value will now be at element
// zero, which is removed by the Pop method.
if removeSentinel {
func (n *Node) searchSet(q Comparable, k Keeper) {
if n == nil {
k.Keep(ComparableDist{Comparable: n.Point, Dist: q.Distance(n.Point)})
d := q.Distance(n.Point)
if d < n.Radius {
n.Closer.searchSet(q, k)
if d+k.Max().Dist >= n.Radius {
n.Further.searchSet(q, k)
} else {
n.Further.searchSet(q, k)
if d-k.Max().Dist <= n.Radius {
n.Closer.searchSet(q, k)
// Operation is a function that operates on a Comparable. The bounding volume and tree depth
// of the point is also provided. If done is returned true, the Operation is indicating that no
// further work needs to be done and so the Do function should traverse no further.
type Operation func(Comparable, int) (done bool)
// Do performs fn on all values stored in the tree. A boolean is returned indicating whether the
// Do traversal was interrupted by an Operation returning true. If fn alters stored values' sort
// relationships, future tree operation behaviors are undefined.
func (t *Tree) Do(fn Operation) bool {
if t.Root == nil {
return false
return, 0)
func (n *Node) do(fn Operation, depth int) (done bool) {
if n.Closer != nil {
done =, depth+1)
if done {
done = fn(n.Point, depth)
if done {
if n.Further != nil {
done =, depth+1)