blob: 5f1a27b02a7811a005e6e2b6dd01b6ce5df84c3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fd
import "sync"
// Laplacian computes the Laplacian of the multivariate function f at the location
// x. That is, Laplacian returns
// ∆ f(x) = ∇ · ∇ f(x) = \sum_i ∂^2 f(x)/∂x_i^2
// The finite difference formula and other options are specified by settings.
// The order of the difference formula must be 2 or Laplacian will panic.
func Laplacian(f func(x []float64) float64, x []float64, settings *Settings) float64 {
n := len(x)
if n == 0 {
panic("laplacian: x has zero length")
// Default settings.
formula := Central2nd
step := formula.Step
var originValue float64
var originKnown, concurrent bool
// Use user settings if provided.
if settings != nil {
if !settings.Formula.isZero() {
formula = settings.Formula
step = formula.Step
if formula.Derivative != 2 {
if settings.Step != 0 {
if settings.Step < 0 {
step = settings.Step
originKnown = settings.OriginKnown
originValue = settings.OriginValue
concurrent = settings.Concurrent
evals := n * len(formula.Stencil)
if usesOrigin(formula.Stencil) {
evals -= n
nWorkers := computeWorkers(concurrent, evals)
if nWorkers == 1 {
return laplacianSerial(f, x, formula.Stencil, step, originKnown, originValue)
return laplacianConcurrent(nWorkers, evals, f, x, formula.Stencil, step, originKnown, originValue)
func laplacianSerial(f func(x []float64) float64, x []float64, stencil []Point, step float64, originKnown bool, originValue float64) float64 {
n := len(x)
xCopy := make([]float64, n)
fo := func() float64 {
// Copy x in case it is modified during the call.
copy(xCopy, x)
return f(x)
is2 := 1 / (step * step)
origin := getOrigin(originKnown, originValue, fo, stencil)
var laplacian float64
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
for _, pt := range stencil {
var v float64
if pt.Loc == 0 {
v = origin
} else {
// Copying the data anew has two benefits. First, it
// avoids floating point issues where adding and then
// subtracting the step don't return to the exact same
// location. Secondly, it protects against the function
// modifying the input data.
copy(xCopy, x)
xCopy[i] += pt.Loc * step
v = f(xCopy)
laplacian += v * pt.Coeff * is2
return laplacian
func laplacianConcurrent(nWorkers, evals int, f func(x []float64) float64, x []float64, stencil []Point, step float64, originKnown bool, originValue float64) float64 {
type run struct {
i int
idx int
result float64
n := len(x)
send := make(chan run, evals)
ans := make(chan run, evals)
var originWG sync.WaitGroup
hasOrigin := usesOrigin(stencil)
if hasOrigin {
// Launch worker to compute the origin.
go func() {
defer originWG.Done()
xCopy := make([]float64, len(x))
copy(xCopy, x)
originValue = f(xCopy)
var workerWG sync.WaitGroup
// Launch workers.
for i := 0; i < nWorkers; i++ {
go func(send <-chan run, ans chan<- run) {
defer workerWG.Done()
xCopy := make([]float64, len(x))
for r := range send {
if stencil[r.idx].Loc == 0 {
r.result = originValue
} else {
// See laplacianSerial for comment on the copy.
copy(xCopy, x)
xCopy[r.i] += stencil[r.idx].Loc * step
r.result = f(xCopy)
ans <- r
}(send, ans)
// Launch the distributor, which sends all of runs.
go func(send chan<- run) {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
for idx := range stencil {
send <- run{
i: i, idx: idx,
// Wait for all the workers to quit, then close the ans channel.
// Read in the results.
is2 := 1 / (step * step)
var laplacian float64
for r := range ans {
laplacian += r.result * stencil[r.idx].Coeff * is2
return laplacian