blob: 7300b306e96e62601fc385f668e22965e1ab9f8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package testlapack
import (
type Dgelqfer interface {
Dgelqf(m, n int, a []float64, lda int, tau, work []float64, lwork int)
func DgelqfTest(t *testing.T, impl Dgelqfer) {
const tol = 1e-12
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
for c, test := range []struct {
m, n, lda int
{10, 5, 0},
{5, 10, 0},
{10, 10, 0},
{300, 5, 0},
{3, 500, 0},
{200, 200, 0},
{300, 200, 0},
{204, 300, 0},
{1, 3000, 0},
{3000, 1, 0},
{10, 5, 30},
{5, 10, 30},
{10, 10, 30},
{300, 5, 500},
{3, 500, 600},
{200, 200, 300},
{300, 200, 300},
{204, 300, 400},
{1, 3000, 4000},
{3000, 1, 4000},
} {
m := test.m
n := test.n
lda := test.lda
if lda == 0 {
lda = n
// Allocate m×n matrix A and fill it with random numbers.
a := make([]float64, m*lda)
for i := range a {
a[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
// Store a copy of A for later comparison.
aCopy := make([]float64, len(a))
copy(aCopy, a)
// Allocate a slice for scalar factors of elementary reflectors
// and fill it with random numbers.
tau := make([]float64, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
tau[i] = rnd.NormFloat64()
// Compute the expected result using unblocked LQ algorithm and
// store it want.
want := make([]float64, len(a))
copy(want, a)
impl.Dgelq2(m, n, want, lda, tau, make([]float64, m))
for _, wl := range []worklen{minimumWork, mediumWork, optimumWork} {
copy(a, aCopy)
var lwork int
switch wl {
case minimumWork:
lwork = m
case mediumWork:
work := make([]float64, 1)
impl.Dgelqf(m, n, a, lda, tau, work, -1)
lwork = int(work[0]) - 2*m
case optimumWork:
work := make([]float64, 1)
impl.Dgelqf(m, n, a, lda, tau, work, -1)
lwork = int(work[0])
work := make([]float64, lwork)
// Compute the LQ factorization of A.
impl.Dgelqf(m, n, a, lda, tau, work, len(work))
// Compare the result with Dgelq2.
if !floats.EqualApprox(want, a, tol) {
t.Errorf("Case %v, workspace type %v, unexpected result", c, wl)