blob: 08d52396dd18f58149d8192a9410a6a8de317c72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2019 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package barneshut
import (
// Particle2 is a particle in a plane.
type Particle2 interface {
Coord2() r2.Vec
Mass() float64
// Force2 is a force modeling function for interactions between p1 and p2,
// m1 is the mass of p1 and m2 of p2. The vector v is the vector from p1 to
// p2. The returned value is the force vector acting on p1.
// In models where the identity of particles must be known, p1 and p2 may be
// compared. Force2 may be passed nil for p2 when the Barnes-Hut approximation
// is being used. A nil p2 indicates that the second mass center is an
// aggregate.
type Force2 func(p1, p2 Particle2, m1, m2 float64, v r2.Vec) r2.Vec
// Gravity2 returns a vector force on m1 by m2, equal to (m1⋅m2)/‖v‖²
// in the directions of v. Gravity2 ignores the identity of the interacting
// particles and returns a zero vector when the two particles are
// coincident, but performs no other sanity checks.
func Gravity2(_, _ Particle2, m1, m2 float64, v r2.Vec) r2.Vec {
d2 := v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y
if d2 == 0 {
return r2.Vec{}
return v.Scale((m1 * m2) / (d2 * math.Sqrt(d2)))
// Plane implements Barnes-Hut force approximation calculations.
type Plane struct {
root tile
Particles []Particle2
// NewPlane returns a new Plane. If the plane is too large to allow
// particle coordinates to be distinguished due to floating point
// precision limits, NewPlane will return a non-nil error.
func NewPlane(p []Particle2) (*Plane, error) {
q := Plane{Particles: p}
err := q.Reset()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &q, nil
// Reset reconstructs the Barnes-Hut tree. Reset must be called if the
// Particles field or elements of Particles have been altered, unless
// ForceOn is called with theta=0 or no data structures have been
// previously built. If the plane is too large to allow particle
// coordinates to be distinguished due to floating point precision
// limits, Reset will return a non-nil error.
func (q *Plane) Reset() (err error) {
if len(q.Particles) == 0 {
q.root = tile{}
return nil
q.root = tile{
particle: q.Particles[0],
center: q.Particles[0].Coord2(),
mass: q.Particles[0].Mass(),
q.root.bounds.Min =
q.root.bounds.Max =
for _, e := range q.Particles[1:] {
c := e.Coord2()
if c.X < q.root.bounds.Min.X {
q.root.bounds.Min.X = c.X
if c.X > q.root.bounds.Max.X {
q.root.bounds.Max.X = c.X
if c.Y < q.root.bounds.Min.Y {
q.root.bounds.Min.Y = c.Y
if c.Y > q.root.bounds.Max.Y {
q.root.bounds.Max.Y = c.Y
defer func() {
switch r := recover(); r {
case nil:
case planeTooBig:
err = planeTooBig
// TODO(kortschak): Partially parallelise this by
// choosing the direction and using one of four
// goroutines to work on each root quadrant.
for _, e := range q.Particles[1:] {
return nil
var planeTooBig = errors.New("barneshut: plane too big")
// ForceOn returns a force vector on p given p's mass and the force function, f,
// using the Barnes-Hut theta approximation parameter.
// Calls to f will include p in the p1 position and a non-nil p2 if the force
// interaction is with a non-aggregate mass center, otherwise p2 will be nil.
// It is safe to call ForceOn concurrently.
func (q *Plane) ForceOn(p Particle2, theta float64, f Force2) (force r2.Vec) {
var empty tile
if theta > 0 && q.root != empty {
return q.root.forceOn(p, p.Coord2(), p.Mass(), theta, f)
// For the degenerate case, just iterate over the
// slice of particles rather than walking the tree.
var v r2.Vec
m := p.Mass()
pv := p.Coord2()
for _, e := range q.Particles {
v = v.Add(f(p, e, m, e.Mass(), e.Coord2().Sub(pv)))
return v
// tile is a quad tree quadrant with Barnes-Hut extensions.
type tile struct {
particle Particle2
bounds r2.Box
nodes [4]*tile
center r2.Vec
mass float64
// insert inserts p into the subtree rooted at t.
func (t *tile) insert(p Particle2) {
if t.particle == nil {
for _, q := range t.nodes {
if q != nil {
t.particle = p = p.Coord2()
t.mass = p.Mass()
t.particle = nil = r2.Vec{}
t.mass = 0
func (t *tile) passDown(p Particle2) {
dir := quadrantOf(t.bounds, p)
if t.nodes[dir] == nil {
t.nodes[dir] = &tile{bounds: splitPlane(t.bounds, dir)}
const (
ne = iota
// quadrantOf returns which quadrant of b that p should be placed in.
func quadrantOf(b r2.Box, p Particle2) int {
center := r2.Vec{
X: (b.Min.X + b.Max.X) / 2,
Y: (b.Min.Y + b.Max.Y) / 2,
c := p.Coord2()
if checkBounds && (c.X < b.Min.X || b.Max.X < c.X || c.Y < b.Min.Y || b.Max.Y < c.Y) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("p out of range %+v: %#v", b, p))
if c.X < center.X {
if c.Y < center.Y {
return nw
} else {
return sw
} else {
if c.Y < center.Y {
return ne
} else {
return se
// splitPlane returns a quadrant subdivision of b in the given direction.
func splitPlane(b r2.Box, dir int) r2.Box {
old := b
halfX := (b.Max.X - b.Min.X) / 2
halfY := (b.Max.Y - b.Min.Y) / 2
switch dir {
case ne:
b.Min.X += halfX
b.Max.Y -= halfY
case se:
b.Min.X += halfX
b.Min.Y += halfY
case sw:
b.Max.X -= halfX
b.Min.Y += halfY
case nw:
b.Max.X -= halfX
b.Max.Y -= halfY
if b == old {
return b
// summarize updates node masses and centers of mass.
func (t *tile) summarize() (center r2.Vec, mass float64) {
for _, d := range &t.nodes {
if d == nil {
c, m := d.summarize() += c.X * m += c.Y * m
t.mass += m
} /= t.mass /= t.mass
return, t.mass
// forceOn returns a force vector on p given p's mass m and the force
// calculation function, using the Barnes-Hut theta approximation parameter.
func (t *tile) forceOn(p Particle2, pt r2.Vec, m, theta float64, f Force2) (vector r2.Vec) {
s := ((t.bounds.Max.X - t.bounds.Min.X) + (t.bounds.Max.Y - t.bounds.Min.Y)) / 2
d := math.Hypot(,
if s/d < theta || t.particle != nil {
return f(p, t.particle, m, t.mass,
var v r2.Vec
for _, d := range &t.nodes {
if d == nil {
v = v.Add(d.forceOn(p, pt, m, theta, f))
return v