| sudo: false |
| |
| language: go |
| |
| # Do not move these lines; they are referred to by README.md. |
| # Versions of go that are explicitly supported by Gonum, plus Go tip. |
| go: |
| - 1.14.x |
| - 1.13.x |
| - master |
| |
| os: |
| - linux |
| - osx |
| - windows |
| |
| arch: |
| - amd64 |
| - arm64 |
| |
| env: |
| global: |
| - GO111MODULE=on |
| - GOFLAGS="-mod=readonly" |
| matrix: |
| - TAGS="" |
| - TAGS="-tags bounds" |
| - TAGS="-tags noasm" |
| - TAGS="-tags appengine" |
| |
| cache: |
| directories: |
| - $HOME/.cache/go-build |
| - $HOME/gopath/pkg/mod |
| |
| git: |
| depth: 1 |
| autocrlf: input |
| |
| matrix: |
| fast_finish: true |
| exclude: |
| - os: linux |
| arch: arm64 |
| env: TAGS="-tags bounds" |
| - os: linux |
| arch: arm64 |
| env: TAGS="-tags noasm" |
| - os: linux |
| arch: arm64 |
| env: TAGS="-tags appengine" |
| |
| - os: osx |
| env: TAGS="-tags bounds" |
| - os: osx |
| env: TAGS="-tags noasm" |
| - os: osx |
| env: TAGS="-tags appengine" |
| |
| - os: osx |
| arch: arm64 |
| |
| - os: osx |
| go: master |
| |
| - os: windows |
| env: TAGS="-tags bounds" |
| - os: windows |
| env: TAGS="-tags noasm" |
| - os: windows |
| env: TAGS="-tags appengine" |
| |
| - os: windows |
| arch: arm64 |
| |
| - os: windows |
| go: master |
| allow_failures: |
| - go: master |
| |
| before_install: |
| - ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/run-parts ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/deps.d/${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} |
| |
| addons: |
| apt: |
| packages: |
| - graphviz |
| |
| go_import_path: gonum.org/v1/gonum |
| |
| # Get deps, build, test, and ensure the code is gofmt'ed. |
| # If we are building as gonum, then we have access to the coveralls api key, so we can run coverage as well. |
| script: |
| - ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/run-parts ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/run.d/${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} |