blob: 8c1634e64ef963776fcc62effdd74da2c64c99b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package network
import (
// PageRank returns the PageRank weights for nodes of the directed graph g
// using the given damping factor and terminating when the 2-norm of the
// vector difference between iterations is below tol. The returned map is
// keyed on the graph node IDs.
// If g is a graph.WeightedDirected, an edge-weighted PageRank is calculated.
func PageRank(g graph.Directed, damp, tol float64) map[int64]float64 {
if g, ok := g.(graph.WeightedDirected); ok {
return edgeWeightedPageRank(g, damp, tol)
return pageRank(g, damp, tol)
// PageRankSparse returns the PageRank weights for nodes of the sparse directed
// graph g using the given damping factor and terminating when the 2-norm of the
// vector difference between iterations is below tol. The returned map is
// keyed on the graph node IDs.
// If g is a graph.WeightedDirected, an edge-weighted PageRank is calculated.
func PageRankSparse(g graph.Directed, damp, tol float64) map[int64]float64 {
if g, ok := g.(graph.WeightedDirected); ok {
return edgeWeightedPageRankSparse(g, damp, tol)
return pageRankSparse(g, damp, tol)
// edgeWeightedPageRank returns the PageRank weights for nodes of the weighted directed graph g
// using the given damping factor and terminating when the 2-norm of the
// vector difference between iterations is below tol. The returned map is
// keyed on the graph node IDs.
func edgeWeightedPageRank(g graph.WeightedDirected, damp, tol float64) map[int64]float64 {
// edgeWeightedPageRank is implemented according to "How Google Finds Your Needle
// in the Web's Haystack" with the modification that
// the columns of hyperlink matrix H are calculated with edge weights.
// G.I^k = alpha.H.I^k + alpha.A.I^k + (1-alpha).1/n.1.I^k
nodes := graph.NodesOf(g.Nodes())
indexOf := make(map[int64]int, len(nodes))
for i, n := range nodes {
indexOf[n.ID()] = i
m := mat.NewDense(len(nodes), len(nodes), nil)
dangling := damp / float64(len(nodes))
for j, u := range nodes {
to := graph.NodesOf(g.From(u.ID()))
var z float64
for _, v := range to {
if w, ok := g.Weight(u.ID(), v.ID()); ok {
z += w
if z != 0 {
for _, v := range to {
if w, ok := g.Weight(u.ID(), v.ID()); ok {
m.Set(indexOf[v.ID()], j, (w*damp)/z)
} else {
for i := range nodes {
m.Set(i, j, dangling)
matrix := m.RawMatrix().Data
dt := (1 - damp) / float64(len(nodes))
for i := range matrix {
matrix[i] += dt
last := make([]float64, len(nodes))
for i := range last {
last[i] = 1
lastV := mat.NewVecDense(len(nodes), last)
vec := make([]float64, len(nodes))
var sum float64
for i := range vec {
r := rand.NormFloat64()
sum += r
vec[i] = r
f := 1 / sum
for i := range vec {
vec[i] *= f
v := mat.NewVecDense(len(nodes), vec)
for {
lastV, v = v, lastV
v.MulVec(m, lastV)
if normDiff(vec, last) < tol {
ranks := make(map[int64]float64, len(nodes))
for i, r := range v.RawVector().Data {
ranks[nodes[i].ID()] = r
return ranks
// edgeWeightedPageRankSparse returns the PageRank weights for nodes of the sparse weighted directed
// graph g using the given damping factor and terminating when the 2-norm of the
// vector difference between iterations is below tol. The returned map is
// keyed on the graph node IDs.
func edgeWeightedPageRankSparse(g graph.WeightedDirected, damp, tol float64) map[int64]float64 {
// edgeWeightedPageRankSparse is implemented according to "How Google Finds Your Needle
// in the Web's Haystack" with the modification that
// the columns of hyperlink matrix H are calculated with edge weights.
// G.I^k = alpha.H.I^k + alpha.A.I^k + (1-alpha).1/n.1.I^k
nodes := graph.NodesOf(g.Nodes())
indexOf := make(map[int64]int, len(nodes))
for i, n := range nodes {
indexOf[n.ID()] = i
m := make(rowCompressedMatrix, len(nodes))
var dangling compressedRow
df := damp / float64(len(nodes))
for j, u := range nodes {
to := graph.NodesOf(g.From(u.ID()))
var z float64
for _, v := range to {
if w, ok := g.Weight(u.ID(), v.ID()); ok {
z += w
if z != 0 {
for _, v := range to {
if w, ok := g.Weight(u.ID(), v.ID()); ok {
m.addTo(indexOf[v.ID()], j, (w*damp)/z)
} else {
dangling.addTo(j, df)
last := make([]float64, len(nodes))
for i := range last {
last[i] = 1
lastV := mat.NewVecDense(len(nodes), last)
vec := make([]float64, len(nodes))
var sum float64
for i := range vec {
r := rand.NormFloat64()
sum += r
vec[i] = r
f := 1 / sum
for i := range vec {
vec[i] *= f
v := mat.NewVecDense(len(nodes), vec)
dt := (1 - damp) / float64(len(nodes))
for {
lastV, v = v, lastV
m.mulVecUnitary(v, lastV) // First term of the G matrix equation;
with := dangling.dotUnitary(lastV) // Second term;
away := onesDotUnitary(dt, lastV) // Last term.
floats.AddConst(with+away, v.RawVector().Data)
if normDiff(vec, last) < tol {
ranks := make(map[int64]float64, len(nodes))
for i, r := range v.RawVector().Data {
ranks[nodes[i].ID()] = r
return ranks
// pageRank returns the PageRank weights for nodes of the directed graph g
// using the given damping factor and terminating when the 2-norm of the
// vector difference between iterations is below tol. The returned map is
// keyed on the graph node IDs.
func pageRank(g graph.Directed, damp, tol float64) map[int64]float64 {
// pageRank is implemented according to "How Google Finds Your Needle
// in the Web's Haystack".
// G.I^k = alpha.S.I^k + (1-alpha).1/n.1.I^k
nodes := graph.NodesOf(g.Nodes())
indexOf := make(map[int64]int, len(nodes))
for i, n := range nodes {
indexOf[n.ID()] = i
m := mat.NewDense(len(nodes), len(nodes), nil)
dangling := damp / float64(len(nodes))
for j, u := range nodes {
to := graph.NodesOf(g.From(u.ID()))
f := damp / float64(len(to))
for _, v := range to {
m.Set(indexOf[v.ID()], j, f)
if len(to) == 0 {
for i := range nodes {
m.Set(i, j, dangling)
matrix := m.RawMatrix().Data
dt := (1 - damp) / float64(len(nodes))
for i := range matrix {
matrix[i] += dt
last := make([]float64, len(nodes))
for i := range last {
last[i] = 1
lastV := mat.NewVecDense(len(nodes), last)
vec := make([]float64, len(nodes))
var sum float64
for i := range vec {
r := rand.NormFloat64()
sum += r
vec[i] = r
f := 1 / sum
for i := range vec {
vec[i] *= f
v := mat.NewVecDense(len(nodes), vec)
for {
lastV, v = v, lastV
v.MulVec(m, lastV)
if normDiff(vec, last) < tol {
ranks := make(map[int64]float64, len(nodes))
for i, r := range v.RawVector().Data {
ranks[nodes[i].ID()] = r
return ranks
// pageRankSparse returns the PageRank weights for nodes of the sparse directed
// graph g using the given damping factor and terminating when the 2-norm of the
// vector difference between iterations is below tol. The returned map is
// keyed on the graph node IDs.
func pageRankSparse(g graph.Directed, damp, tol float64) map[int64]float64 {
// pageRankSparse is implemented according to "How Google Finds Your Needle
// in the Web's Haystack".
// G.I^k = alpha.H.I^k + alpha.A.I^k + (1-alpha).1/n.1.I^k
nodes := graph.NodesOf(g.Nodes())
indexOf := make(map[int64]int, len(nodes))
for i, n := range nodes {
indexOf[n.ID()] = i
m := make(rowCompressedMatrix, len(nodes))
var dangling compressedRow
df := damp / float64(len(nodes))
for j, u := range nodes {
to := graph.NodesOf(g.From(u.ID()))
f := damp / float64(len(to))
for _, v := range to {
m.addTo(indexOf[v.ID()], j, f)
if len(to) == 0 {
dangling.addTo(j, df)
last := make([]float64, len(nodes))
for i := range last {
last[i] = 1
lastV := mat.NewVecDense(len(nodes), last)
vec := make([]float64, len(nodes))
var sum float64
for i := range vec {
r := rand.NormFloat64()
sum += r
vec[i] = r
f := 1 / sum
for i := range vec {
vec[i] *= f
v := mat.NewVecDense(len(nodes), vec)
dt := (1 - damp) / float64(len(nodes))
for {
lastV, v = v, lastV
m.mulVecUnitary(v, lastV) // First term of the G matrix equation;
with := dangling.dotUnitary(lastV) // Second term;
away := onesDotUnitary(dt, lastV) // Last term.
floats.AddConst(with+away, v.RawVector().Data)
if normDiff(vec, last) < tol {
ranks := make(map[int64]float64, len(nodes))
for i, r := range v.RawVector().Data {
ranks[nodes[i].ID()] = r
return ranks
// rowCompressedMatrix implements row-compressed
// matrix/vector multiplication.
type rowCompressedMatrix []compressedRow
// addTo adds the value v to the matrix element at (i,j). Repeated
// calls to addTo with the same column index will result in
// non-unique element representation.
func (m rowCompressedMatrix) addTo(i, j int, v float64) { m[i].addTo(j, v) }
// mulVecUnitary multiplies the receiver by the src vector, storing
// the result in dst. It assumes src and dst are the same length as m
// and that both have unitary vector increments.
func (m rowCompressedMatrix) mulVecUnitary(dst, src *mat.VecDense) {
dMat := dst.RawVector().Data
for i, r := range m {
dMat[i] = r.dotUnitary(src)
// compressedRow implements a simplified scatter-based Ddot.
type compressedRow []sparseElement
// addTo adds the value v to the vector element at j. Repeated
// calls to addTo with the same vector index will result in
// non-unique element representation.
func (r *compressedRow) addTo(j int, v float64) {
*r = append(*r, sparseElement{index: j, value: v})
// dotUnitary performs a simplified scatter-based Ddot operations on
// v and the receiver. v must have a unitary vector increment.
func (r compressedRow) dotUnitary(v *mat.VecDense) float64 {
var sum float64
vec := v.RawVector().Data
for _, e := range r {
sum += vec[e.index] * e.value
return sum
// sparseElement is a sparse vector or matrix element.
type sparseElement struct {
index int
value float64
// onesDotUnitary performs the equivalent of a Ddot of v with
// a ones vector of equal length. v must have a unitary vector
// increment.
func onesDotUnitary(alpha float64, v *mat.VecDense) float64 {
var sum float64
for _, f := range v.RawVector().Data {
sum += alpha * f
return sum
// normDiff returns the 2-norm of the difference between x and y.
// This is a cut down version of gonum/floats.Distance.
func normDiff(x, y []float64) float64 {
var sum float64
for i, v := range x {
d := v - y[i]
sum += d * d
return math.Sqrt(sum)