blob: d92db09ebe147d9e9fb576f962144926aa43e503 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2015 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package optimize
import (
// nmIterType is a Nelder-Mead evaluation kind
type nmIterType int
const (
nmReflected = iota
type nmVertexSorter struct {
vertices [][]float64
values []float64
func (n nmVertexSorter) Len() int {
return len(n.values)
func (n nmVertexSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return n.values[i] < n.values[j]
func (n nmVertexSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
n.values[i], n.values[j] = n.values[j], n.values[i]
n.vertices[i], n.vertices[j] = n.vertices[j], n.vertices[i]
var _ Method = (*NelderMead)(nil)
// NelderMead is an implementation of the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm for
// gradient-free nonlinear optimization (not to be confused with Danzig's
// simplex algorithm for linear programming). The implementation follows the
// algorithm described in
// If an initial simplex is provided, it is used and initLoc is ignored. If
// InitialVertices and InitialValues are both nil, an initial simplex will be
// generated automatically using the initial location as one vertex, and each
// additional vertex as SimplexSize away in one dimension.
// If the simplex update parameters (Reflection, etc.)
// are zero, they will be set automatically based on the dimension according to
// the recommendations in
type NelderMead struct {
InitialVertices [][]float64
InitialValues []float64
Reflection float64 // Reflection parameter (>0)
Expansion float64 // Expansion parameter (>1)
Contraction float64 // Contraction parameter (>0, <1)
Shrink float64 // Shrink parameter (>0, <1)
SimplexSize float64 // size of auto-constructed initial simplex
status Status
err error
reflection float64
expansion float64
contraction float64
shrink float64
vertices [][]float64 // location of the vertices sorted in ascending f
values []float64 // function values at the vertices sorted in ascending f
centroid []float64 // centroid of all but the worst vertex
fillIdx int // index for filling the simplex during initialization and shrinking
lastIter nmIterType // Last iteration
reflectedPoint []float64 // Storage of the reflected point location
reflectedValue float64 // Value at the last reflection point
func (n *NelderMead) Status() (Status, error) {
return n.status, n.err
func (*NelderMead) Uses(has Available) (uses Available, err error) {
return has.function()
func (n *NelderMead) Init(dim, tasks int) int {
n.status = NotTerminated
n.err = nil
return 1
func (n *NelderMead) Run(operation chan<- Task, result <-chan Task, tasks []Task) {
n.status, n.err = localOptimizer{}.run(n, math.NaN(), operation, result, tasks)
func (n *NelderMead) initLocal(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
dim := len(loc.X)
if cap(n.vertices) < dim+1 {
n.vertices = make([][]float64, dim+1)
n.vertices = n.vertices[:dim+1]
for i := range n.vertices {
n.vertices[i] = resize(n.vertices[i], dim)
n.values = resize(n.values, dim+1)
n.centroid = resize(n.centroid, dim)
n.reflectedPoint = resize(n.reflectedPoint, dim)
if n.SimplexSize == 0 {
n.SimplexSize = 0.05
// Default parameter choices are chosen in a dimension-dependent way
// from
n.reflection = n.Reflection
if n.reflection == 0 {
n.reflection = 1
n.expansion = n.Expansion
if n.expansion == 0 {
n.expansion = 1 + 2/float64(dim)
if dim == 1 {
n.expansion = 2
n.contraction = n.Contraction
if n.contraction == 0 {
n.contraction = 0.75 - 1/(2*float64(dim))
if dim == 1 {
n.contraction = 0.5
n.shrink = n.Shrink
if n.shrink == 0 {
n.shrink = 1 - 1/float64(dim)
if dim == 1 {
n.shrink = 0.5
if n.InitialVertices != nil {
// Initial simplex provided. Copy the locations and values, and sort them.
if len(n.InitialVertices) != dim+1 {
panic("neldermead: incorrect number of vertices in initial simplex")
if len(n.InitialValues) != dim+1 {
panic("neldermead: incorrect number of values in initial simplex")
for i := range n.InitialVertices {
if len(n.InitialVertices[i]) != dim {
panic("neldermead: vertex size mismatch")
copy(n.vertices[i], n.InitialVertices[i])
copy(n.values, n.InitialValues)
sort.Sort(nmVertexSorter{n.vertices, n.values})
computeCentroid(n.vertices, n.centroid)
return n.returnNext(nmMajor, loc)
// No simplex provided. Begin initializing initial simplex. First simplex
// entry is the initial location, then step 1 in every direction.
copy(n.vertices[dim], loc.X)
n.values[dim] = loc.F
n.fillIdx = 0
loc.X[n.fillIdx] += n.SimplexSize
n.lastIter = nmInitialize
return FuncEvaluation, nil
// computeCentroid computes the centroid of all the simplex vertices except the
// final one
func computeCentroid(vertices [][]float64, centroid []float64) {
dim := len(centroid)
for i := range centroid {
centroid[i] = 0
for i := 0; i < dim; i++ {
vertex := vertices[i]
for j, v := range vertex {
centroid[j] += v
for i := range centroid {
centroid[i] /= float64(dim)
func (n *NelderMead) iterateLocal(loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
dim := len(loc.X)
switch n.lastIter {
case nmInitialize:
n.values[n.fillIdx] = loc.F
copy(n.vertices[n.fillIdx], loc.X)
if n.fillIdx == dim {
// Successfully finished building initial simplex.
sort.Sort(nmVertexSorter{n.vertices, n.values})
computeCentroid(n.vertices, n.centroid)
return n.returnNext(nmMajor, loc)
copy(loc.X, n.vertices[dim])
loc.X[n.fillIdx] += n.SimplexSize
return FuncEvaluation, nil
case nmMajor:
// Nelder Mead iterations start with Reflection step
return n.returnNext(nmReflected, loc)
case nmReflected:
n.reflectedValue = loc.F
switch {
case loc.F >= n.values[0] && loc.F < n.values[dim-1]:
n.replaceWorst(loc.X, loc.F)
return n.returnNext(nmMajor, loc)
case loc.F < n.values[0]:
return n.returnNext(nmExpanded, loc)
if loc.F < n.values[dim] {
return n.returnNext(nmContractedOutside, loc)
return n.returnNext(nmContractedInside, loc)
case nmExpanded:
if loc.F < n.reflectedValue {
n.replaceWorst(loc.X, loc.F)
} else {
n.replaceWorst(n.reflectedPoint, n.reflectedValue)
return n.returnNext(nmMajor, loc)
case nmContractedOutside:
if loc.F <= n.reflectedValue {
n.replaceWorst(loc.X, loc.F)
return n.returnNext(nmMajor, loc)
n.fillIdx = 1
return n.returnNext(nmShrink, loc)
case nmContractedInside:
if loc.F < n.values[dim] {
n.replaceWorst(loc.X, loc.F)
return n.returnNext(nmMajor, loc)
n.fillIdx = 1
return n.returnNext(nmShrink, loc)
case nmShrink:
copy(n.vertices[n.fillIdx], loc.X)
n.values[n.fillIdx] = loc.F
if n.fillIdx != dim+1 {
return n.returnNext(nmShrink, loc)
sort.Sort(nmVertexSorter{n.vertices, n.values})
computeCentroid(n.vertices, n.centroid)
return n.returnNext(nmMajor, loc)
// returnNext updates the location based on the iteration type and the current
// simplex, and returns the next operation.
func (n *NelderMead) returnNext(iter nmIterType, loc *Location) (Operation, error) {
n.lastIter = iter
switch iter {
case nmMajor:
// Fill loc with the current best point and value,
// and command a convergence check.
copy(loc.X, n.vertices[0])
loc.F = n.values[0]
return MajorIteration, nil
case nmReflected, nmExpanded, nmContractedOutside, nmContractedInside:
// x_new = x_centroid + scale * (x_centroid - x_worst)
var scale float64
switch iter {
case nmReflected:
scale = n.reflection
case nmExpanded:
scale = n.reflection * n.expansion
case nmContractedOutside:
scale = n.reflection * n.contraction
case nmContractedInside:
scale = -n.contraction
dim := len(loc.X)
floats.SubTo(loc.X, n.centroid, n.vertices[dim])
floats.Scale(scale, loc.X)
floats.Add(loc.X, n.centroid)
if iter == nmReflected {
copy(n.reflectedPoint, loc.X)
return FuncEvaluation, nil
case nmShrink:
// x_shrink = x_best + delta * (x_i + x_best)
floats.SubTo(loc.X, n.vertices[n.fillIdx], n.vertices[0])
floats.Scale(n.shrink, loc.X)
floats.Add(loc.X, n.vertices[0])
return FuncEvaluation, nil
// replaceWorst removes the worst location in the simplex and adds the new
// {x, f} pair maintaining sorting.
func (n *NelderMead) replaceWorst(x []float64, f float64) {
dim := len(x)
if f >= n.values[dim] {
panic("increase in simplex value")
copy(n.vertices[dim], x)
n.values[dim] = f
// Sort the newly-added value.
for i := dim - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if n.values[i] < f {
n.vertices[i], n.vertices[i+1] = n.vertices[i+1], n.vertices[i]
n.values[i], n.values[i+1] = n.values[i+1], n.values[i]
// Update the location of the centroid. Only one point has been replaced, so
// subtract the worst point and add the new one.
floats.AddScaled(n.centroid, -1/float64(dim), n.vertices[dim])
floats.AddScaled(n.centroid, 1/float64(dim), x)
func (*NelderMead) needs() struct {
Gradient bool
Hessian bool
} {
return struct {
Gradient bool
Hessian bool
}{false, false}