blob: 80a1bd4aa9a05664a76846ebb1a727384babf7fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2020 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mat
import (
var (
tridiagDense *Tridiag
_ Matrix = tridiagDense
_ allMatrix = tridiagDense
_ denseMatrix = tridiagDense
_ Banded = tridiagDense
_ MutableBanded = tridiagDense
_ RawTridiagonaler = tridiagDense
// A RawTridiagonaler can return a lapack64.Tridiagonal representation of the
// receiver. Changes to the elements of DL, D, DU in lapack64.Tridiagonal will
// be reflected in the original matrix, changes to the N field will not.
type RawTridiagonaler interface {
RawTridiagonal() lapack64.Tridiagonal
// Tridiag represents a tridiagonal matrix by its three diagonals.
type Tridiag struct {
mat lapack64.Tridiagonal
// NewTridiag creates a new n×n tridiagonal matrix with the first sub-diagonal
// in dl, the main diagonal in d and the first super-diagonal in du. If all of
// dl, d, and du are nil, new backing slices will be allocated for them. If dl
// and du have length n-1 and d has length n, they will be used as backing
// slices, and changes to the elements of the returned Tridiag will be reflected
// in dl, d, du. If neither of these is true, NewTridiag will panic.
func NewTridiag(n int, dl, d, du []float64) *Tridiag {
if n <= 0 {
if n == 0 {
if dl != nil || d != nil || du != nil {
if len(dl) != n-1 || len(d) != n || len(du) != n-1 {
} else {
d = make([]float64, n)
if n > 1 {
dl = make([]float64, n-1)
du = make([]float64, n-1)
return &Tridiag{
mat: lapack64.Tridiagonal{
N: n,
DL: dl,
D: d,
DU: du,
// Dims returns the number of rows and columns in the matrix.
func (a *Tridiag) Dims() (r, c int) {
return a.mat.N, a.mat.N
// Bandwidth returns 1, 1 - the upper and lower bandwidths of the matrix.
func (a *Tridiag) Bandwidth() (kl, ku int) {
return 1, 1
// T performs an implicit transpose by returning the receiver inside a Transpose.
func (a *Tridiag) T() Matrix {
// An alternative would be to return the receiver with DL,DU swapped; the
// untranspose function would then always return false. With Transpose the
// diagonal swapping will be done in tridiagonal routines in lapack like
// lapack64.Gtsv or gonum.Dlagtm based on the trans parameter.
return Transpose{a}
// TBand performs an implicit transpose by returning the receiver inside a
// TransposeBand.
func (a *Tridiag) TBand() Banded {
// An alternative would be to return the receiver with DL,DU swapped; see
// explanation in T above.
return TransposeBand{a}
// RawTridiagonal returns the underlying lapack64.Tridiagonal used by the
// receiver. Changes to elements in the receiver following the call will be
// reflected in the returned matrix.
func (a *Tridiag) RawTridiagonal() lapack64.Tridiagonal {
return a.mat
// SetRawTridiagonal sets the underlying lapack64.Tridiagonal used by the
// receiver. Changes to elements in the receiver following the call will be
// reflected in the input.
func (a *Tridiag) SetRawTridiagonal(mat lapack64.Tridiagonal) {
a.mat = mat
// IsEmpty returns whether the receiver is empty. Empty matrices can be the
// receiver for size-restricted operations. The receiver can be zeroed using
// Reset.
func (a *Tridiag) IsEmpty() bool {
return a.mat.N == 0
// Reset empties the matrix so that it can be reused as the receiver of a
// dimensionally restricted operation.
// Reset should not be used when the matrix shares backing data. See the Reseter
// interface for more information.
func (a *Tridiag) Reset() {
a.mat.N = 0
a.mat.DL = a.mat.DL[:0]
a.mat.D = a.mat.D[:0]
a.mat.DU = a.mat.DU[:0]
// CloneFromTridiag makes a copy of the input Tridiag into the receiver,
// overwriting the previous value of the receiver. CloneFromTridiag does not
// place any restrictions on receiver shape.
func (a *Tridiag) CloneFromTridiag(from *Tridiag) {
n := from.mat.N
switch n {
case 0:
case 1:
a.mat = lapack64.Tridiagonal{
N: 1,
DL: use(a.mat.DL, 0),
D: use(a.mat.D, 1),
DU: use(a.mat.DU, 0),
a.mat.D[0] = from.mat.D[0]
a.mat = lapack64.Tridiagonal{
N: n,
DL: use(a.mat.DL, n-1),
D: use(a.mat.D, n),
DU: use(a.mat.DU, n-1),
copy(a.mat.DL, from.mat.DL)
copy(a.mat.D, from.mat.D)
copy(a.mat.DU, from.mat.DU)
// DiagView returns the diagonal as a matrix backed by the original data.
func (a *Tridiag) DiagView() Diagonal {
return &DiagDense{
mat: blas64.Vector{
N: a.mat.N,
Data: a.mat.D[:a.mat.N],
Inc: 1,
// Zero sets all of the matrix elements to zero.
func (a *Tridiag) Zero() {
// Trace returns the trace of the matrix.
// Trace will panic with ErrZeroLength if the matrix has zero size.
func (a *Tridiag) Trace() float64 {
if a.IsEmpty() {
return f64.Sum(a.mat.D)
// Norm returns the specified norm of the receiver. Valid norms are:
// 1 - The maximum absolute column sum
// 2 - The Frobenius norm, the square root of the sum of the squares of the elements
// Inf - The maximum absolute row sum
// Norm will panic with ErrNormOrder if an illegal norm is specified and with
// ErrZeroLength if the matrix has zero size.
func (a *Tridiag) Norm(norm float64) float64 {
if a.IsEmpty() {
return lapack64.Langt(normLapack(norm, false), a.mat)
// MulVecTo computes A⋅x or Aᵀ⋅x storing the result into dst.
func (a *Tridiag) MulVecTo(dst *VecDense, trans bool, x Vector) {
n := a.mat.N
if x.Len() != n {
t := blas.NoTrans
if trans {
t = blas.Trans
xMat, _ := untransposeExtract(x)
if xVec, ok := xMat.(*VecDense); ok && dst != xVec {
lapack64.Lagtm(t, 1, a.mat, xVec.asGeneral(), 0, dst.asGeneral())
} else {
xCopy := getVecDenseWorkspace(n, false)
lapack64.Lagtm(t, 1, a.mat, xCopy.asGeneral(), 0, dst.asGeneral())
// SolveTo solves a tridiagonal system A⋅X = B or Aᵀ⋅X = B where A is an
// n×n tridiagonal matrix represented by the receiver and B is a given n×nrhs
// matrix. If A is non-singular, the result will be stored into dst and nil will
// be returned. If A is singular, the contents of dst will be undefined and a
// Condition error will be returned.
func (a *Tridiag) SolveTo(dst *Dense, trans bool, b Matrix) error {
n, nrhs := b.Dims()
if n != a.mat.N {
if b, ok := b.(RawMatrixer); ok && dst != b {
dst.reuseAsNonZeroed(n, nrhs)
if dst != b {
var aCopy Tridiag
var ok bool
if trans {
ok = lapack64.Gtsv(blas.Trans, aCopy.mat, dst.mat)
} else {
ok = lapack64.Gtsv(blas.NoTrans, aCopy.mat, dst.mat)
if !ok {
return Condition(math.Inf(1))
return nil
// SolveVecTo solves a tridiagonal system A⋅X = B or Aᵀ⋅X = B where A is an
// n×n tridiagonal matrix represented by the receiver and b is a given n-vector.
// If A is non-singular, the result will be stored into dst and nil will be
// returned. If A is singular, the contents of dst will be undefined and a
// Condition error will be returned.
func (a *Tridiag) SolveVecTo(dst *VecDense, trans bool, b Vector) error {
n, nrhs := b.Dims()
if n != a.mat.N || nrhs != 1 {
if b, ok := b.(RawVectorer); ok && dst != b {
if dst != b {
var aCopy Tridiag
var ok bool
if trans {
ok = lapack64.Gtsv(blas.Trans, aCopy.mat, dst.asGeneral())
} else {
ok = lapack64.Gtsv(blas.NoTrans, aCopy.mat, dst.asGeneral())
if !ok {
return Condition(math.Inf(1))
return nil
// DoNonZero calls the function fn for each of the non-zero elements of A. The
// function fn takes a row/column index and the element value of A at (i,j).
func (a *Tridiag) DoNonZero(fn func(i, j int, v float64)) {
for i, aij := range a.mat.DU {
if aij != 0 {
fn(i, i+1, aij)
for i, aii := range a.mat.D {
if aii != 0 {
fn(i, i, aii)
for i, aij := range a.mat.DL {
if aij != 0 {
fn(i+1, i, aij)
// DoRowNonZero calls the function fn for each of the non-zero elements of row i
// of A. The function fn takes a row/column index and the element value of A at
// (i,j).
func (a *Tridiag) DoRowNonZero(i int, fn func(i, j int, v float64)) {
n := a.mat.N
if uint(i) >= uint(n) {
if n == 1 {
v := a.mat.D[0]
if v != 0 {
fn(0, 0, v)
switch i {
case 0:
v := a.mat.D[0]
if v != 0 {
fn(i, 0, v)
v = a.mat.DU[0]
if v != 0 {
fn(i, 1, v)
case n - 1:
v := a.mat.DL[n-2]
if v != 0 {
fn(n-1, n-2, v)
v = a.mat.D[n-1]
if v != 0 {
fn(n-1, n-1, v)
v := a.mat.DL[i-1]
if v != 0 {
fn(i, i-1, v)
v = a.mat.D[i]
if v != 0 {
fn(i, i, v)
v = a.mat.DU[i]
if v != 0 {
fn(i, i+1, v)
// DoColNonZero calls the function fn for each of the non-zero elements of
// column j of A. The function fn takes a row/column index and the element value
// of A at (i, j).
func (a *Tridiag) DoColNonZero(j int, fn func(i, j int, v float64)) {
n := a.mat.N
if uint(j) >= uint(n) {
if n == 1 {
v := a.mat.D[0]
if v != 0 {
fn(0, 0, v)
switch j {
case 0:
v := a.mat.D[0]
if v != 0 {
fn(0, 0, v)
v = a.mat.DL[0]
if v != 0 {
fn(1, 0, v)
case n - 1:
v := a.mat.DU[n-2]
if v != 0 {
fn(n-2, n-1, v)
v = a.mat.D[n-1]
if v != 0 {
fn(n-1, n-1, v)
v := a.mat.DU[j-1]
if v != 0 {
fn(j-1, j, v)
v = a.mat.D[j]
if v != 0 {
fn(j, j, v)
v = a.mat.DL[j]
if v != 0 {
fn(j+1, j, v)