blob: 1334f6b94adb90119bed998943381274cf4208a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mathext
import (
// EllipticRF computes the symmetric elliptic integral R_F(x,y,z):
// R_F(x,y,z) = (1/2)\int_{0}^{\infty}{1/s(t)} dt,
// s(t) = \sqrt{(t+x)(t+y)(t+z)}.
// The arguments x, y, z must satisfy the following conditions, otherwise the function returns math.NaN():
// 0 ≤ x,y,z ≤ upper,
// lower ≤ x+y,y+z,z+x,
// where:
// lower = 5/(2^1022) = 1.112536929253601e-307,
// upper = (2^1022)/5 = 8.988465674311580e+306.
// The definition of the symmetric elliptic integral R_F can be found in NIST
// Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (
func EllipticRF(x, y, z float64) float64 {
// The original Fortran code was published as Algorithm 577 in ACM TOMS (
// This code is also available as a part of SLATEC Common Mathematical Library ( Later, Carlson described
// an improved version in (also available at
const (
lower = 5.0 / (1 << 256) / (1 << 256) / (1 << 256) / (1 << 254) // 5*2^-1022
upper = 1 / lower
tol = 1.2674918778210762260320167734407048051023273568443e-02 // (3ε)^(1/8)
if x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0 || math.IsNaN(x) || math.IsNaN(y) || math.IsNaN(z) {
return math.NaN()
if upper < x || upper < y || upper < z {
return math.NaN()
if x+y < lower || y+z < lower || z+x < lower {
return math.NaN()
A0 := (x + y + z) / 3
An := A0
Q := math.Max(math.Max(math.Abs(A0-x), math.Abs(A0-y)), math.Abs(A0-z)) / tol
xn, yn, zn := x, y, z
mul := 1.0
for Q >= mul*math.Abs(An) {
xnsqrt, ynsqrt, znsqrt := math.Sqrt(xn), math.Sqrt(yn), math.Sqrt(zn)
lambda := xnsqrt*ynsqrt + ynsqrt*znsqrt + znsqrt*xnsqrt
An = (An + lambda) * 0.25
xn = (xn + lambda) * 0.25
yn = (yn + lambda) * 0.25
zn = (zn + lambda) * 0.25
mul *= 4
X := (A0 - x) / (mul * An)
Y := (A0 - y) / (mul * An)
Z := -(X + Y)
E2 := X*Y - Z*Z
E3 := X * Y * Z
return (1 - 1/10.0*E2 + 1/14.0*E3 + 1/24.0*E2*E2 - 3/44.0*E2*E3 - 5/208.0*E2*E2*E2 + 3/104.0*E3*E3 + 1/16.0*E2*E2*E3) / math.Sqrt(An)
// EllipticRD computes the symmetric elliptic integral R_D(x,y,z):
// R_D(x,y,z) = (1/2)\int_{0}^{\infty}{1/(s(t)(t+z))} dt,
// s(t) = \sqrt{(t+x)(t+y)(t+z)}.
// The arguments x, y, z must satisfy the following conditions, otherwise the function returns math.NaN():
// 0 ≤ x,y ≤ upper,
// lower ≤ z ≤ upper,
// lower ≤ x+y,
// where:
// lower = (5/(2^1022))^(1/3) = 4.809554074311679e-103,
// upper = ((2^1022)/5)^(1/3) = 2.079194837087086e+102.
// The definition of the symmetric elliptic integral R_D can be found in NIST
// Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (
func EllipticRD(x, y, z float64) float64 {
// The original Fortran code was published as Algorithm 577 in ACM TOMS (
// This code is also available as a part of SLATEC Common Mathematical Library ( Later, Carlson described
// an improved version in (also available at
const (
lower = 4.8095540743116787026618007863123676393525016818363e-103 // (5*2^-1022)^(1/3)
upper = 1 / lower
tol = 9.0351169339315770474760122547068324993857488849382e-03 // (ε/5)^(1/8)
if x < 0 || y < 0 || math.IsNaN(x) || math.IsNaN(y) || math.IsNaN(z) {
return math.NaN()
if upper < x || upper < y || upper < z {
return math.NaN()
if x+y < lower || z < lower {
return math.NaN()
A0 := (x + y + 3*z) / 5
An := A0
Q := math.Max(math.Max(math.Abs(A0-x), math.Abs(A0-y)), math.Abs(A0-z)) / tol
xn, yn, zn := x, y, z
mul, s := 1.0, 0.0
for Q >= mul*math.Abs(An) {
xnsqrt, ynsqrt, znsqrt := math.Sqrt(xn), math.Sqrt(yn), math.Sqrt(zn)
lambda := xnsqrt*ynsqrt + ynsqrt*znsqrt + znsqrt*xnsqrt
s += 1 / (mul * znsqrt * (zn + lambda))
An = (An + lambda) * 0.25
xn = (xn + lambda) * 0.25
yn = (yn + lambda) * 0.25
zn = (zn + lambda) * 0.25
mul *= 4
X := (A0 - x) / (mul * An)
Y := (A0 - y) / (mul * An)
Z := -(X + Y) / 3
E2 := X*Y - 6*Z*Z
E3 := (3*X*Y - 8*Z*Z) * Z
E4 := 3 * (X*Y - Z*Z) * Z * Z
E5 := X * Y * Z * Z * Z
return (1-3/14.0*E2+1/6.0*E3+9/88.0*E2*E2-3/22.0*E4-9/52.0*E2*E3+3/26.0*E5-1/16.0*E2*E2*E2+3/40.0*E3*E3+3/20.0*E2*E4+45/272.0*E2*E2*E3-9/68.0*(E3*E4+E2*E5))/(mul*An*math.Sqrt(An)) + 3*s
// EllipticF computes the Legendre's elliptic integral of the 1st kind F(phi,m), 0≤m<1:
// F(\phi,m) = \int_{0}^{\phi} 1 / \sqrt{1-m\sin^2(\theta)} d\theta
// Legendre's elliptic integrals can be expressed as symmetric elliptic integrals, in this case:
// F(\phi,m) = \sin\phi R_F(\cos^2\phi,1-m\sin^2\phi,1)
// The definition of F(phi,k) where k=sqrt(m) can be found in NIST Digital Library of Mathematical
// Functions (
func EllipticF(phi, m float64) float64 {
s, c := math.Sincos(phi)
return s * EllipticRF(c*c, 1-m*s*s, 1)
// EllipticE computes the Legendre's elliptic integral of the 2nd kind E(phi,m), 0≤m<1:
// E(\phi,m) = \int_{0}^{\phi} \sqrt{1-m\sin^2(\theta)} d\theta
// Legendre's elliptic integrals can be expressed as symmetric elliptic integrals, in this case:
// E(\phi,m) = \sin\phi R_F(\cos^2\phi,1-m\sin^2\phi,1)-(m/3)\sin^3\phi R_D(\cos^2\phi,1-m\sin^2\phi,1)
// The definition of E(phi,k) where k=sqrt(m) can be found in NIST Digital Library of Mathematical
// Functions (
func EllipticE(phi, m float64) float64 {
s, c := math.Sincos(phi)
x, y := c*c, 1-m*s*s
return s * (EllipticRF(x, y, 1) - (m/3)*s*s*EllipticRD(x, y, 1))