blob: 4378aec63db4dfab5e63542cdf669a9a04c21a08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package spatial
import (
// TODO(kortschak): Implement weighted routines.
// GetisOrdGStar returns the Local Getis-Ord G*i statistic for element of of the
// weighted data using the provided locality matrix. The returned value is a z-score.
// G^*_i = num_i / den_i
// num_i = \sum_j (w_{ij} x_j) - \bar X \sum_j w_{ij}
// den_i = S \sqrt(((n \sum_j w_{ij}^2 - (\sum_j w_{ij})^2))/(n - 1))
// \bar X = (\sum_j x_j) / n
// S = \sqrt((\sum_j x_j^2)/n - (\bar X)^2)
// GetisOrdGStar will panic if locality is not a square matrix with dimensions the
// same as the length of data or if i is not a valid index into data.
// See
// Weighted Getis-Ord G*i is not currently implemented and GetisOrdGStar will
// panic if weights is not nil.
func GetisOrdGStar(i int, data, weights []float64, locality mat.Matrix) float64 {
if weights != nil {
panic("spatial: weighted data not yet implemented")
r, c := locality.Dims()
if r != len(data) || c != len(data) {
panic("spatial: data length mismatch")
n := float64(len(data))
mean, std := stat.MeanStdDev(data, weights)
var dwd, dww, sw float64
if doer, ok := locality.(mat.RowNonZeroDoer); ok {
doer.DoRowNonZero(i, func(_, j int, w float64) {
sw += w
dwd += w * data[j]
dww += w * w
} else {
for j, v := range data {
w := locality.At(i, j)
sw += w
dwd += w * v
dww += w * w
s := std * math.Sqrt((n-1)/n)
return (dwd - mean*sw) / (s * math.Sqrt((n*dww-sw*sw)/(n-1)))
// GlobalMoransI performs Global Moran's I calculation of spatial autocorrelation
// for the given data using the provided locality matrix. GlobalMoransI returns
// Moran's I, Var(I) and the z-score associated with those values.
// GlobalMoransI will panic if locality is not a square matrix with dimensions the
// same as the length of data.
// See
// Weighted Global Moran's I is not currently implemented and GlobalMoransI will
// panic if weights is not nil.
func GlobalMoransI(data, weights []float64, locality mat.Matrix) (i, v, z float64) {
if weights != nil {
panic("spatial: weighted data not yet implemented")
if r, c := locality.Dims(); r != len(data) || c != len(data) {
panic("spatial: data length mismatch")
mean := stat.Mean(data, nil)
doer, isDoer := locality.(mat.RowNonZeroDoer)
// Calculate Moran's I for the data.
var num, den, sum float64
for i, xi := range data {
zi := xi - mean
den += zi * zi
if isDoer {
doer.DoRowNonZero(i, func(_, j int, w float64) {
sum += w
zj := data[j] - mean
num += w * zi * zj
} else {
for j, xj := range data {
w := locality.At(i, j)
sum += w
zj := xj - mean
num += w * zi * zj
i = (float64(len(data)) / sum) * (num / den)
// Calculate Moran's E(I) for the data.
e := -1 / float64(len(data)-1)
// Calculate Moran's Var(I) for the data.
var s0, s1, s2 float64
var var2, var4 float64
for i, v := range data {
v -= mean
v *= v
var2 += v
var4 += v * v
var p2 float64
if isDoer {
doer.DoRowNonZero(i, func(i, j int, wij float64) {
wji := locality.At(j, i)
s0 += wij
v := wij + wji
s1 += v * v
p2 += v
} else {
for j := range data {
wij := locality.At(i, j)
wji := locality.At(j, i)
s0 += wij
v := wij + wji
s1 += v * v
p2 += v
s2 += p2 * p2
s1 *= 0.5
n := float64(len(data))
a := n * ((n*n-3*n+3)*s1 - n*s2 + 3*s0*s0)
c := (n - 1) * (n - 2) * (n - 3) * s0 * s0
d := var4 / (var2 * var2)
b := d * ((n*n-n)*s1 - 2*n*s2 + 6*s0*s0)
v = (a-b)/c - e*e
// Calculate z-score associated with Moran's I for the data.
z = (i - e) / math.Sqrt(v)
return i, v, z