blob: 86089c4ee1c09902141c12b88ae7db0942911db2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2017 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package topo
import (
// Builder is a pure topological graph construction type.
type Builder interface {
// CliqueGraph builds the clique graph of g in dst using Clique and CliqueGraphEdge
// nodes and edges. The nodes returned by calls to Nodes on the nodes and edges of
// the constructed graph are the cliques and the common nodes between cliques
// respectively. The dst graph is not cleared.
func CliqueGraph(dst Builder, g graph.Undirected) {
cliques := BronKerbosch(g)
// Construct a consistent view of cliques in g. Sorting costs
// us a little, but not as much as the cliques themselves.
for _, c := range cliques {
cliqueNodes := make(cliqueNodeSets, len(cliques))
for id, c := range cliques {
s := set.NewNodesSize(len(c))
for _, n := range c {
ns := &nodeSet{Clique: Clique{id: int64(id), nodes: c}, nodes: s}
for _, n := range c {
nid := n.ID()
cliqueNodes[nid] = append(cliqueNodes[nid], ns)
for _, cliques := range cliqueNodes {
for i, uc := range cliques {
for _, vc := range cliques[i+1:] {
// Retain the nodes that contribute to the
// edge between the cliques.
var edgeNodes []graph.Node
switch 1 {
case len(uc.Clique.nodes):
edgeNodes = []graph.Node{uc.Clique.nodes[0]}
case len(vc.Clique.nodes):
edgeNodes = []graph.Node{vc.Clique.nodes[0]}
for _, n := range *set.NewNodes().Intersect(uc.nodes, vc.nodes) {
edgeNodes = append(edgeNodes, n)
dst.SetEdge(CliqueGraphEdge{from: uc.Clique, to: vc.Clique, nodes: edgeNodes})
type cliqueNodeSets map[int64][]*nodeSet
type nodeSet struct {
nodes *set.Nodes
// Clique is a node in a clique graph.
type Clique struct {
id int64
nodes []graph.Node
// ID returns the node ID.
func (n Clique) ID() int64 { return }
// Nodes returns the nodes in the clique.
func (n Clique) Nodes() []graph.Node { return n.nodes }
// CliqueGraphEdge is an edge in a clique graph.
type CliqueGraphEdge struct {
from, to Clique
nodes []graph.Node
// From returns the from node of the edge.
func (e CliqueGraphEdge) From() graph.Node { return e.from }
// To returns the to node of the edge.
func (e CliqueGraphEdge) To() graph.Node { return }
// ReversedEdge returns a new CliqueGraphEdge with
// the edge end points swapped. The nodes of the
// new edge are shared with the receiver.
func (e CliqueGraphEdge) ReversedEdge() graph.Edge { e.from, =, e.from; return e }
// Nodes returns the common nodes in the cliques of the underlying graph
// corresponding to the from and to nodes in the clique graph.
func (e CliqueGraphEdge) Nodes() []graph.Node { return e.nodes }